
Human What?

Pope John Paul II, who had just died, was being touted as a champion of human rights. Countless eulogies elevated him to near sainthood, with only an occasional mention of his "controversial" stands on issues related to "sexual morality." This, it seems, is the category under which the news reporters at least classified humanity's all-too-obvious need to control the destructive global population rate explosions, and the basic rights of people who happened to need love from others of the same gender.

Metaphysical Naturalism?

Naturalism is an alternative to supernaturalism, which includes theism. Paul Draper, an agnostic philosopher at Florida International University, explains the difference between naturalism and theism well: “Naturalism and theism are powerful and popular worldviews. They suggest very different conceptions of the nature of human beings, our relationship to the world, and our future. Though I […]

Is American Law Based on the Ten Commandments?

Not only is God not mentioned in the Constitution, there is no mention of the Bible, Moses or the Ten Commandments. If the Ten Commandments are the basis for American law, it is peculiar that they bear no mention in the most important founding legal document of our nation.

From Fine-Tuning to Theism: How Gaping Is the Chasm?

Advocates of intelligent cosmological design often rely heavily on the embattled fine-tuning argument to prop up their theistic beliefs. But, even if the argument were to come up trumps, there would still be a gaping chasm between so-called fine-tuning and a Christian God.

Astrology and the Hindu Psyche

Although belief in astrology seems to prevail universally, a major difference between the astrological practices of other religions and Hinduism is that astrology gained religious sanctification in Hinduism. Nowhere has reliance on astrology gone so deep as in Hindu society.

Secularists Should Support Civil Marriage Equality for Gays

The failure to distinguish between marriage as a civil institution, and marriage as a religious institution continues to cloud the issue of civil marriage equality for gays. Lawmakers who fail to recognize this distinction appeal to the "sanctity" of marriage in their efforts to ban same-sex marriage. Secularists should call attention to this important distinction between the civil and the religious in order to promote civil liberties and equality.

Beckwith on Historiography

(1999, 2005) [Part 4A of a larger Review of In Defense of Miracles.] The Project Beckwith’s chapter has one objective: to answer the question “can history be inspected for the occurrence of miracles?” (87) Of course, this question must follow the prior question of whether any miracle can ever be recognized at all (see The […]

Review of Reason for the Hope Within

(2005) Graham Oppy Review: Michael J. Murray, ed. 1999. Reason for the Hope Within. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. xvi+429 pp. Foreword: Alvin Plantinga Introduction: Michael J. Murray Chapter 1: “Reason for Hope (in the Post-modern World)” by Michael J. Murray Chapter 2: “Theistic Arguments” by William C. Davis Chapter 3: “A Scientific Argument for the […]

“Happy is the Man that Feareth Always”: Psychology vs. Religion

“Happy is the Man that Feareth Always”: Psychology vs. Religion (2005) Daniela Kramer and Michael Moore Abstract Fundamental contradictions between psychological and religious ideation are illustrated by excerpts from Jewish, Christian and Islamic prayers and hymns. Four substantive areas are discussed: locus of control, self-esteem, social values and the status of the family. In each […]

Tsunami Prompts Lawsuit Against God

Galvanized by a tsunami that wrought incalculable devastation to villages, homes, and resorts, and claimed more than 160,000 lives when it swamped the coastlands of southern Asia, a multinational consortium of renegade theists has filed a class-action lawsuit against God.

Alien Theists and Demonization

"As an atheist I sometimes feel like an astronaut on an alien planet, surrounded by creatures with strange customs and beliefs. There the theist is--perfectly human in a biological sense--but psychologically alien. Given that atheists are in a tiny minority, given that theism is normal on this planet, it is atheists who should see themselves as the aliens. Instead of demonizing the theist, the atheist needs to think like a character in a realistic science-fiction novel: the atheist needs to stretch her mind to appreciate the theist's alien thought-patterns."

Suffer The Little Children

"Here, a few thoughts about children who have helped me to see more clearly that the concept of God is what it has always been to me: a myth!"

Gay Activists Should Turn the Gun on the Enemy

"Homosexuals, God bless 'em, keep shooting themselves in the foot politically. They seem bound and determined to wipe out any chance of getting what they want out of 'marriage' because they are hung up on the word 'marriage,' with all its attached religious and legal implications."

Secular Considerations

I don't understand. I want to understand. Why do human beings require gods and prophets as explanations for their existence?

Newman on Prophecy as Miracle

(1999, 2005) [Part 4D of a larger Review of In Defense of Miracles.] When is Prophecy Miraculous? Robert Newman contributes a chapter on Old Testament prophecy, with the general idea that certain predictions found there are so uncanny that they are in themselves miracles. He begins by outlining the usual criticisms of this idea and […]

Review of: The Science of Good and Evil

In this review of Michael Shermer's most recent attempt to ground secular ethics in evolutionary biology, Kenneth Krause outlines some of the highlights of The Science of Good and Evil before turning to a discussion of some of its deficiencies. Among the former is the emphasis that moral problems "must be subjected to rational scrutiny," that moral sentiments and behaviors arose from evolution rather than God (and exist outside of us in this limited sense), and that while religion may have had limited success in "identifying universal moral and immoral thoughts and behaviors" and canonizing them, religion did not generate them. Krause then turns to a survey of empirical evidence for the thesis that "monotheism has proved an ineffectual prescription for morality," finally noting statistics showing that widespread American belief in God hasn't improved social problems like crime rates. This paves the way for Shermer's secular alternative. Many of Shermer's points were not original, but still valuable since they clearly "cannot be repeated enough," and his core standards are fairly intuitive and thus hardly revolutionary.

Review of: The End of Faith

In this review of Sam Harris' The End of Faith, Kenneth Krause notes Harris' most important points about the destructive nature of faith. After pointing out that hundreds of millions of Americans hold beliefs clearly inconsistent with well-established scientific and historical facts, Harris turns to a discussion of how faith adversely affects our daily lives, directly motivates religious violence, and even threatens the future of civilization. The problem is not so much specific religious doctrines as it is the principle of faith itself--a principle which eschews reason and ends all meaningful conversation. Harris also blames religious moderates as much as fundamentalists for the ongoing religious conflicts of our times. Though Krause greatly appreciates all of these points, he ends by noting at least two deficiences of this book.

Argument from Insufficient Knowledge of the Bible for the Nonexistence of the God of Christianity

AIK is a new probabilistic argument against the existence of the Christian God. According to one version of the argument, if the Christian God existed he would ensure that (nearly) all human beings have an excellent knowledge of the Bible before they die. But, as a matter of historical fact, most human beings do not even get close to having an excellent knowledge of the Bible before they die (if they even know it at all). Therefore, the Christian God probably doesn't exist.

Review of On the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

(2005) Review of On the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: A Debate Between Richard Carrier and Michael Licona. University of California, Los Angeles. April 19, 2004. The Carrier-Licona debate was a debate between an atheist historian and a Christian fundamentalist historian. Though I wish Richard Carrier had invoked his general arguments against the supernatural more pointedly […]

Atheism Non-Fiction Books 2004

(2004) Jeffery Jay Lowder Many of the books listed below are available from BarnesAndNoble.com. If you follow the links provided to buy books from Barnes and Noble, you’ll be helping to pay for The Internet Infidels’ Secular Web. The following are selected works for further study. While space constraints prevent listing every possible book under […]

Jefferson Bashes Bush

His wraith having appeared at a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., Thomas Jefferson descants on George W. Bush's enunciated religious beliefs and occupation of Iraq.