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Secular Frontier

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Latest Blog Entries

  1. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #13 (Other Writers)
  2. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #12 (Paul’s Conversion)
  3. Lamb of the Free (conclusion)
  4. Lamb of the Free (10)
  5. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #11 (Deceptive Jesus)
  6. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #10 (Jewish Thought)
  7. RIP Daniel Dennett
  8. Lamb of the Free (9)
  9. The Apocalypse is Imminent, as usual
  10. Lamb of the Free (8)
  11. Lamb of the Free (7)
  12. The Joy of Philosophy (Postscript and Poetry)
  13. The Joy of Philosophy (4/4)
  14. Lamb of the Free (6)
  15. Lamb of the Free (5)
  16. Lamb of the Free (4)
  17. (3) Lamb of the Free
  18. (2) Lamb of the Free
  19. Lamb of the Free: Recovering the Varied Sacrificial Understandings of Jesus’s Death By Andrew Remington Rillera · 2024 (Intro)
  20. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: INDEX
  21. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #8 (Where Did Jesus Go?)
  22. The Sins of Highly Effective People
  23. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #1 (Deadliness of Roman Crucifixion)
  24. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #9 (Swoon Theory Implies False Theories)
  25. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #7 (Who Moved the Stone?)
  26. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #6 (Who Overpowered the Guards?)
  27. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #5 (The Sickly Jesus Objection)
  28. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #4 (Winding Sheets and Entombment)
  29. Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #3 (Blood and Water)
  30. Careful Analysis of Objections Against the Swoon Theory: Objection #2 (Break Their Legs)
  31. Is Trump the Chosen One of God? Trump Thinks So!
  32. Prof. Philip Goff’s New Atheist Spirituality
  33. “A Coordinated Effort to Destroy God” (Fox News)
  34. Dr. Carlo Alvaro and Dr. Richard Carrier Debate the Kalam Cosmological Argument
  35. Did Biden Hijack Easter With Wokeness?
  36. Happy Easter
  37. The Great Commandment
  38. Jesus Pleading Our Case to God in Heaven?
  39. Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 2/2)
  40. Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 1/2)
  41. Trump is Selling Bibles
  42. How to Keep Kids Brainwashed
  43. Jeff Lowder
  44. Once Upon A Time In Iran
  45. Megachurch pastor warns Christian wives not to withhold sex from husbands as it’s unbiblical
  46. Penal Substitution Debate
  47. Deviancy and the Church
  48. Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 43: McDowell’s Argument for Premise (B)
  49. Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 42: Premise (B) of Objection #8
  50. Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 41: Repairing a Key Premise of Objection #8