Finally there is a device that anyone who isn't a believer can use to detect believers--and steer clear of them.
A short story about a new boyfriend and girlfriend happy in their relationship--until the atheism of one causes problems.
"Here is a little tongue-in-cheek something that makes about as much sense as does most religious teaching about the Apocalypse--but it's a lot funnier." - Daniel G. Jennings
Scientific theories need not be judged by evidence alone. In this piece, I defend Natural Selection and criticise Intelligent Design and Strict Creationism as scientific theories using an alternative to purely evidential claims.
A recent column by Eugene Kane depicts how "church people think," and
suggests that atheists suffer by comparison.
If creationism, which often masquerades as "Intelligent Design" (ID), becomes standard classroom fare, both science and Christianity have much to lose.
Intelligent Design is essentially a Trojan Horse for creationists. By claiming that organisms were simply too complex to have evolved, they can try to make their case for creation "science". Intelligent Design, although it sounds valid, is in fact flawed. This article explains why.
Fiction gets into the hands of people who would otherwise be unreceptive to rational critiques of God and faith. And it gets into more than their hands. In many ways fiction is the more effective route into the human mind because it speaks not just in syllogisms but in the language of experience.
Separation of church and state is under attack world-wide. It's a
revolutionary tradition for which we should cherish and fight.
The pledge of allegiance has socialist origins. Shouldn't that disturb the Christian Coalition?
Seger describes how he handled the Pledge of Allegiance as a nonbelieving student at his school.
The public debate about Newdow v. U.S. Congress is of very low quality. Politicians, the media, columnists, and the public all seem to either have severe misunderstandings of the issues involved, or worse, appear to deliberately twist the facts. Until the public debate becomes more rational, we cannot hope to have anything good come out of it.
A brief response to Mr. Derbyshire's recent article in National Review,
"March of the Godless" (the article can be found at
A response to Michael Novak's recent opinion piece in the National Review.
A thoughtful and fascinating look at the recent Pledge decision from the point of view of a Canadian who hopes that the people and the courts of the United States will do what they know is right: uphold their own laws on this matter.
Now I sit me down in school where organized prayer's against the rule...
Is freedom of religion assured to those in the public schools that have no religion?
Blowhards frequently repeat the biblical quotation that only a fool denies the existence of God. But is the quote really talking about atheists?
Every theory and belief should stand up to the light of logic and reason.
Jeffery Jay Lowder weighs in on the court ruling that the Pledge of Allegiance violates the Establishment Clause for including "under God" in it.
A short taste of the long-standing argument between religionists and evolutionists, where it has been, and where it is going. As Edis puts it, "Today, more than a century after Darwin convinced biologists that life had evolved, we still see a raging controversy over creation and evolution. Together with this, we have a large range of ideas about what evolution means for religion."
Cal Thomas's April Fool's Day rant on Atheism is laughably bad, and quite possibly contains more logical fallacies per square inch than any paper in the history of published literature.
Edward Tabash, a constitutional and civil rights attorney, critically analyzes
Faith on Trial by attorney Pamela Binnings Ewen. Whereas Ewen attempts to show that a trial conducted under the Federal Rules of Evidence would uphold the claim that Jesus was supernaturally resurrected following his execution, Tabash argues that the so-called evidence of Jesus' supernatural resurrection would not even be admitted into evidence, thus the jury would not even get to hear it--let alone decide if it were true.
The United States Supreme Court upholds a non-key provision of the Children's On-Line Protection Act (COPA), but sends it back to lower courts for consideration of other challenges. Meanwhile, the latest censorship attempt by Congress, the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), was struck down by a special 3-judge trial court. Next stop: the Supreme Court. Still, free speech advocates must worry at this continuous stream of censorship laws, all merely awaiting a change in the current majority favoring continued free speech on the Internet.
Has the Old Testament God of fiery hail and miracles been reduced to a modern God of coincidences?
Peshawar, Pakistan, there’s no place like it anywhere else, that’s for damned sure. (Short story)
Do demographic shifts and emerging views in the popular media signal better times ahead for nonbelievers? The author says they do.
Tired of worshipping a distant God? Try creating God instead.
An open letter to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) leadership concerning their recent official ban of gays and nonbelievers.
The recent expos ay of Priestly pedophiles debunks yet another of religion's myths. That myth being that religion discourages bad people from doing evil things.