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The Modern Library contains material written during or after 1970, which tends to be more scholarly than Kiosk material.
Niclas Berggren Theodicy
Does the Free-Will Defense Constitute a Sound Theodicy? Niclas Berggren 1. Proem A strong argument against the existence of the Christian god (henceforth referred to as God) is contained in the theodicy problem, which can be stated in the following manner: If God exists, he is all-knowing, all-powerful, and perfectly good.[1] The existence of suffering […]
Nontheism Atheism Evolution
Argument from Evolution Many conservative Christians and lay atheists alike claim that if biological evolution is true, then God does not exist. Ironically, while many conservative Christians have attacked evolution because it supposedly entails atheism, no contemporary atheist philosopher has used evolution as evidence for atheism. Indeed, the only philosopher who has formulated an argument […]
Nontheism Atheism Reviews
Book Reviews Lively Answers to Theists: Review of Robin Le Poidevin’s Arguing for Atheism (1998) by Keith Parsons The Many Forms of Atheism (Off Site) by Massimo Pigliucci Review of Antony Flew’s God, Freedom, and Immortality (1985) by Michael Martin Review of George H. Smith’s Atheism: The Case Against God (1982) Michael Martin Review of Gordon Stein’s […]
Paul Obrien Gentle Atheism11
Now I will address a very sensitive point in this book, but one I feel very heartfelt about. I am going to make a bold, arguably arrogant assertion: Atheism better reflects the world we live in than theism. Now let me explain. Let me illustrate what I mean through the use of a potent example. […]
Peter Kirby Naturalistic Inquiry
Naturalistic Inquiry This essay is written in response to those who have questioned me about ‘naturalism’, what it means to me, and why I am a naturalist. It is the product of several informal exchanges. First off, I would note that ‘naturalist’ is a title that I adopt with some hesitancy. It is amazing how […]
Philip Kuchar Anb
God, Atheism and Incompatibility: The Argument from Nonbelief (2001) Philip Kuchar The Argument from Nonbelief against God’s existence (ANB) has been used by a number of writers, such as Theodore Drange [1] and J. L. Schellenberg [2], to show that the mere existence of nonbelievers or the presence of sufficient evidence for nonbelief in […]
Quentin Smith Swinburne
Swinburne’s Explanation of the Universe (1998) Quentin Smith The following review of Richard Swinburne, Is There a God? (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. vi + 144) was originally published in Religious Studies 34 (1998): 91-102. I Swinburne’s Is There A God? presents a brief, updated version of his book, The Existence of God, in […]
Faith and Reason Agnosticism Freethought Logic FAQ Do Religious Life and Critical Thought Need Each Other? by Richard Carrier Text of a paper published in the Fall (1996) issue of Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, addressing why and how religious experience is to be approached critically, using Buddhist meditation as the central example. “Happy […]
Richard Carrier Bible
Two Examples of Faulty Bible Scholarship (1999) Richard Carrier In response to remarks by Douglas Wilson in a debate with Ted Drange (see Wilson’s first rebuttal), I have written on two examples of how some Christians don’t understand the importance of scholarship in truly understanding the New Testament, centering around 1 Timothy. The first […]
Richard Carrier Carrier Wanchick
Naturalism vs. Theism: The Carrier-Wanchick Debate (2006) Does God exist? Or is nature all there is? Richard Carrier and Tom Wanchick debate this question below. Who We Are What We Are Debating The Rules We Followed Wanchick’s Opening Statement Carrier’s Opening Statement Carrier’s First Rebuttal Wanchick’s First Rebuttal Wanchick’s Second Rebuttal Carrier’s Second Rebuttal […]
Richard Carrier Finetuning
Response to James Hannam’s ‘In Defense of the Fine Tuning Design Argument’ (2001) Richard Carrier In his essay “In Defense of the Fine Tuning Design Argument” (2001) published here on the Secular Web, I do not believe Hannam has addressed the full range of issues and problems with the Fine Tuning Argument as discussed […]
Richard Carrier Heaven
The End of Pascal’s Wager: Only Nontheists Go to Heaven (2002) Richard Carrier The End of Pascal’s Wager: Only Nontheists Go to Heaven The following argument could be taken as tongue-in-cheek, if it didn’t seem so evidently true. At any rate, to escape the logic of it requires theists to commit to abandoning several […]
Richard Carrier Improbable Incarnate
Was Christianity Too Improbable to be False? (2006) [See Introduction] Richard Carrier 9. Was the Idea of an Incarnate God Really Repugnant? James Holding cites Earl Doherty for the argument that Jews would never believe “that a human man was the Son of God,” much less deserved “all the titles of divinity and […]
Richard Carrier Indef 3d
Beck’s Argument for God (1999, 2005) Richard Carrier [Part 3D of a larger Review of In Defense of Miracles.] Here I will point out the errors in Becks’ argument for God. Because they are typical of those used by Christians everywhere, sophisticated or not, I think this survey will be of use on […]
Richard Carrier Mission
Defining Our Mission Richard C. Carrier From our inception in 1995 the mission of the Internet Infidels has always been to defend and promote Metaphysical Naturalism, a term coined by philosophers for any worldview that holds that nature is all there is. Philosophers call this a “closed” system because nothing more is needed to explain […]
Richard Carrier Resurrection 1b
This file has been relocated: it is now Section II of General Case for Insufficiency .
Richard Carrier Resurrection 3b
This file has been relocated: it is now Section II of General Case for Spiritual Resurrection: Evidence Against Resurrection of the Flesh.
Richard Carrier Resurrection I
This file has been relocated: it is now the first half of the new Introduction.
Richard Carrier Whynotchristian
Why I Am Not a Christian (2006) Richard Carrier Introduction The Top Four Reasons I Am Not a Christian Are… 1. God is Silent 2. God is Inert 3. The Evidence is Inadequate A Digression on Method Hero Savior of Vietnam 4. Christianity Predicts a Different Universe Origin and Evolution of Life The Human […]
Robert Price Beyond Born Again Chap3
________________________________________ 48 Beyond Born Again Section I– The Born Again Experience: A Brave New World? Chapter 3: Devil’s Advocates In Chapter 1, I had occasion to mention the common Evangelical belief in the reality of Satan and his demons. I showed how this belief fit into the set of “combat” coping mechanisms that are part […]
Robert Price Preposterous
The Great Preposterous (1997) Robert M. Price Ant-Man | Prophetic Ventriloquism | Immaculate Misconception | Pregnant Silence | Strike the Harp and Join the Chorus | Christianity Bastardized | Was Jesus sinless? | Paranormal Phenomena | Uniqueness of Jesus’ Teachings | Conclusion | Notes | Related Resources If oxen and horses or lions had […]
Robin Collins Design
The Case for Cosmic Design (2008) Robin Collins The Evidence Fine-Tuning of Laws for Life Fine-Tuning of Constants Other Types of Fine-Tuning for Life Summary of Fine-Tuning for Life Argument Beauty and Elegance of Laws Intelligibility and Discoverability Summary of Argument: Method of Inference Elaboration of Likelihood Principle Objections to the Fine-Tuning for Life […]
Sally Morem Clergy
Clergy in the Classroom: The Religion of Secular Humanism By David A. Noebel, J.F. Baldwin, and Kevin Bywater Manitou Springs, Colorado: Summit Press, 1995 135 pages, (no price listed on the book) Reviewed by Sally Morem Clergy in the Classroom is the latest attempt by Christian fundamentalists to claim victim status under the Establishment Clause […]
Stewart Goetz Against Melnyk
Reply to Melnyk’s Objections (2007) Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro We thank Andrew Melnyk (hereafter, M) for his thoughtful response to our essay and begin with his suggestion near the end of his response that in principle theists can provide a good explanation of the emergence of consciousness. Our position is that theists can […]
Testimonials Nahigian
How I Walked Away Kenneth Nahigian I confess it now, my sin, my crime, the cancer on my soul. I am a backslider. If you didn’t wince, you aren’t in the club. A backslider is an ex-Christian, one who accepted his savior and then fell from grace. One who stood on the threshold of his […]
Theism Christian Science
Christian Science A Skeptic Looks at Christian Science (1999) (Off Site) by Jeffrey Shallit An old joke has it that Christian Science is like grape nuts–it is neither “Christian” nor “science.” The author critically analyzes Christian Science health claims from a scientific and philosophical frame of reference, offering along the way some fascinating information on […]
Theism Christianity Seminar
Jesus Seminar Jesus Seminar Forum (Off Site) [ Index ] The Westar Institute (Off Site) (Off Site) by Robert J. Miller Robert J. Miller assesses this 1995 criticism of the Jesus Seminar & the author’s claims that Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher & embodiment of divine wisdom [Journal of Higher Criticism 4.1 (Spring 97) 120-137]. […]
Theism Islam Related
Related Sites The Holy Koran (Off Site) A searchable English translation of the Koran provided by the University of Virginia. Apostates of Islam (Off Site) “We are ex-Muslims. We committed the ultimate sin of thinking and questioned the belief that was imposed on us and we came to realize that far from being a religion of truth, […]
Theism Reason
Argument from Reason The Argument from Cognitive Biases (2018) by Aron Lucas A family of theistic arguments contends that the human ability to reason is to be expected under theism, but is surprising under metaphysical naturalism, and thus provides evidence favoring theism over naturalism. One common line of argument is that unguided evolution favors traits […]
Tyler Wunder Davis 1
Introduction: Disagreement and the Resurrection of Jesus In his 1984 article “Is it Possible to Know that Jesus Rose From the Dead?” Professor Stephen T. Davis referred to a paradox facing any philosopher writing about the possibility of knowing the resurrection occurred: On the one hand, some believers in the resurrection hold that […]