A consideration of free-will and moral knowledge in the kingdom
of heaven--sure to confound your neighborhood theist.
The real question may not be if we should attack Iraq and invade the Middle East, but when we should do it.
There was no deconversion for me because I was never converted.
The strength and pervasiveness of the conviction among the general public in the United States and elsewhere that atheists are incompetent or too untrustworthy to hold positions of trust is all too pervasive. In fact, there is even government support for some forms of anti-atheist discrimination. Atheists should never acquiesce.
The nonbeliever seems to think differently than most people. That capability can allow the nonbeliever to excel in many ways and many endeavors, yet thinking differently than the majority can also be dangerous in a world controlled by believers.
Christian theology as expressed by Paul maintains that it is essentially impossible to love a sexual partner and God at the same time. How, then, did celibate nuns and priests come to permit the celebration of a holiday which was dedicated to sexual love?
This short essay explores the concepts of marriage in terms of biblical principles.
In one of the most conservative towns in Virginia, a female skeptic is launching a "live-in/live-out think tank" for secularists of all stripes, but only those with a good sense of humor need apply.
Downey, a Certified Humanist Celebrant, brings Ingersoll along to comfort a friend as he lays dying, and then celebrates his life in the way that he wanted her to as she officiates at his memorial service.
A short, one-act play which uses the so-called Intelligent Design movement to emphasize the absurdity of
mingling the supernatural with science.
Why is it that believers can be skeptical of every religion but their own? Could formulating this aversion help them see the error of their ways?
Is Creationism an absurd but harmless set of beliefs which may be ridiculed but should be tolerated, or is it a pernicious "mind virus" which must be opposed? Why do Creationists go to such extraordinary lengths to justify and promote their beliefs? How do creationism and evolution fare in British schools?
The 9th Circuit Court ruling on the 26th of June, 2002, was condemned by many Americans. They are wrong.
As the centennial of his birth draws to a close, John Steinbeck's
writing still offers wisdom and inspiration--especially for
Practically every Christian denomination has a different, even contradictory description of God. Christians seem nevertheless unfazed by the implications. Somehow Christians are so engaged in affirming the correctness of what they believe that it never occurs to them that their own multiple descriptions of God preclude belief in a singular God who is the one and only God.
An obvious solution to the Iraqi problem needs to be implemented. The solution is safe, tested, viable, and cost-effective. No reasonable person can object to it.
Atheists, agnostics and humanists have longed for their own "Stonewall," the rebellion in New York in 1969 which is said to have begun the gay-rights movement. The Godless Americans March on Washington of November 2, 2002 might prove to be that kind of historical event.
The way that our politically-correct media has treated the Beltway Sniper affair is disturbing because it shows that our journalists have become completely timid and afraid to ask important questions or cover important stories for fear that they might offend some people.
Internet Infidels Board Member Clark Adams recounts the Freedom From Religion Foundation's memorable 2002 convention in San Diego.
An examination of occult activity in Europe during the time of the
Scientific Revolution.
A recent find, an ossuary (or bonebox) may be evidence that Jesus existed. Carrier compares the facts and arguments, pro and con, and offers his expert opinion.
On the walls and signposts of Israeli cities one can see pictures of a great teacher who is heralded as the Messiah, and under those pictures, written in Hebrew, "Long live our Master, Teacher and Rabbi, the King, the Messiah, for ever and evermore." But this teacher, this "Messiah," is not Jesus, of course . . .
The Christian apologist J.P. Holding (a.k.a. Robert Turkel) complains about common misunderstandings of faith in his Internet piece, "
Fallacious Faith: Correcting an All-too-Common Misconception." Trouble is, the "true" Biblical definition of faith he espouses is just as irrational as those he derides.
This short story retells the author's humorous experiences at a Bible college--and his reasons for leaving.
A baker's half-dozen of limericks for nontheists and freethinkers.
Seven year-old Larry gets himself into a heap of trouble with his
irredeemable behavior and impertinent questions.
Those Americans who want to establish an official religion should take a hard look at the history of Communism. Far from being an example of a godless society, Communism is a perfect example of the dangers which religion poses to human freedom and humanity's future.
I have always wanted to believe in a God. I have embraced the spiritual advice given to me by priests and friends. I have tried prayer and meditation, and I have studied prophetic teachings--including those from Jesus Christ. Instead of finding answers, I only found more questions.
We are told that, as adults, we are free agents. We have the right to make our own decisions. Yet when it comes to "end of life" decisions we have no right to decide our fate. Why?
Once upon a time there was this guy named Bob who was omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He was the ultimate authority figure, and the most powerful being in the universe. In fact he created it. . . .