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Search Results for: strobel

Theism Christianity Christian Worldview

Christian Worldview Beyond Born Again: Toward Evangelical Maturity (1993) [ Index ] by Robert M. Price Critical Review of Is God a Moral Monster? (2017) by Craig Vander Hart In Is God a Moral Monster? Making Sense of the Old Testament God, Paul Copan attempts a bold apologetic of the Judeo-Christian God’s moral status. The so-called new […]

Theism Christianity Craig

William Lane Craig Articles The Anthropic Coincidences, Evil and the Disconfirmation of Theism (1992) by Quentin Smith The anthropic principle or the associated anthropic coincidences have been used by philosophers such as John Leslie (1989), William Lane Craig (1988) and Richard Swinburne (1990) to support the thesis that God exists. In this paper I shall examine […]

Theism Christianity Resurrection

Resurrection The Argument from the Bible (1996) by Theodore Drange “Almost all evangelical Christians believe that the writing of the Bible was divinely inspired and represents God’s main revelation to humanity. They also believe that the Bible contains special features which constitute evidence of its divine inspiration. This would be a use of the Bible […]

Richard Carrier Carrier Wanchick Carrier4

Carrier’s Closing Statement (2006)   Wanchick Failed to Make His Case Naturalism Is True The best methods known for ascertaining the facts have only discovered results corresponding to naturalism. Wanchick hasn’t shown otherwise. The results of inferior methods cannot supercede the results of superior methods, because, by definition, the probability of an inferior result being […]

Theism Christianity Seminar

Jesus Seminar Jesus Seminar Forum (Off Site) [ Index ] The Westar Institute (Off Site) (Off Site) by Robert J. Miller Robert J. Miller assesses this 1995 criticism of the Jesus Seminar & the author’s claims that Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher & embodiment of divine wisdom [Journal of Higher Criticism 4.1 (Spring 97) 120-137]. […]

Theism Christianity Swinburne

Richard Swinburne An Analysis of Richard Swinburne’s The Existence of God (2010) by Gabe Czobel On first appearance, Richard Swinburne’s The Existence of God offers a highly structured, coherent, and rigorous argument for God’s existence grounded in Bayes’ theorem, inductive reasoning, confirmation theory, the intrinsic probability of simple hypotheses, substance dualism, and moral realism. But […]

Features 2000 Still1

A Fond Farewell to Jeffery Jay Lowder By James Still On January 15, after five years of building the Secular Web from the ground up, Internet Infidels President Jeffery Jay Lowder will retire. Jeff has decided it is time to move on and is interested in going back to school to study philosophy. He also […]

Richard Carrier Carrier Wanchick Wanchick3

Wanchick’s Second Rebuttal (2006)   Leibnizian Cosmological Argument Carrier says the “only evidence” I offer that the universe is non-necessary is scientific. Not at all; I first noted that “the universe appears obviously contingent”: we can easily conceive of its nonexistence. Carrier never challenges this. Alas, he concedes it, stating that possibly nothing or a […]

Theism Cosmological

Cosmological Arguments Incorporating Aristotle’s notion of a “prime mover” into Summa Theologica and elsewhere, Thomas Aquinas famously formulated his version of the cosmological or “first cause” argument. According to this argument, the things which we see around us now are the products of a series of previous causes. But that series cannot go back in […]

Theism Design

Argument to Design According to the argument from design, or teleological argument, the design or order found in the universe provides evidence for the existence of an intelligent designer (or orderer) usually identified as God. A classic version of this argument appears in William Paley’s 1802 Natural Theology, where Paley compares the complexity of living […]

Theism Miracles

Argument from Miracles The occurrence of miracles is frequently purported to be evidence of the supernatural, and therefore of the existence of a God.  In addition to the articles below, see also related Debates, Reviews, and Links. To purchase related reading, go to the Secular Web Book Store.   Resurrection [ Index ] Selected articles on the […]

Theism Reviews

Theistic Arguments: Reviews/Critiques Formal debates between theists and nontheists on topics relating to the theistic arguments: Scripture Miracles Design Cosmological Moral Experience Other To purchase related reading, go to the Secular Web Book Store.   Argument from Holy Scripture: Book Review: The Jesus Puzzle (2000) by James Still Still reviews the work by Earl Doherty, […]