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Search Results for: strobel

Antony Flew Considers God…Sort Of

Antony Flew is one of the most renowned atheists of the 20th century. He is now considering the possibility that there might be a God--sort of. What's going on? Carrier has had direct contact with Flew and tells us what's going on; it's certainly not, at least not yet, what some theists would like to think.

The Rest of the Story

Updated: June 4, 2002 The following book review is a revised version of the original review published in Philo 2 (1999), pp. 89-102. Review of Lee Strobel The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998. Lee Strobel, an ex-investigative reporter for the Chicago Tribune who […]

Free Advertising Isn’t the Point

Related documents:  “The Rest of the Story” (2002) by Jeffery Jay Lowder Lowder’s review of Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christ. On July 13, 2000, I happened to be flipping through radio stations when I stumbled upon a talk radio show with a voice familiar to me. As luck would have it, it was Lee […]

Objections Sustained!

A thorough and detailed critique of Lee Strobel's The Case For Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity. This review actually ranges across almost all the issues between Christians and atheists, and Gerkin directs readers to all the relevant sections of the Secular Web, making this an excellent introduction to our website and arguments for unbelief.
Still Failing the Bar Exam (2002) by J. P. Holding (Off Site)

J. P. Holding responds to Gerkin's critique of Lee Strobel's The Case for Faith.

Holding Overruled (2002) by Kyle J. Gerkin

Gerkin responds to Holding's critique, "Still Failing the Bar Exam."

Objection Dismissed on Appeal (2006) by James Hannam

Though Kyle J. Gerkin's critique of Lee Strobel's The Case for Faith has a great deal to recommend it, and probably even represents the conventional wisdom in skeptical circles, his reply to objection #7 contains a number of factual errors. While earlier historians would have agreed with many of Gerkin's points, current research in the history of science and religion that has yet to percolate into the public consciousness casts doubt upon much of what he says. In this essay Hannam outlines Gerkin's various errors of fact, distinguishing his own views from the relatively uncontroversial conclusions of historians.

Kyle Gerkin Objections Sustained Obj4

Objection #4: God Isn’t Worthy Of Worship If He Kills Innocent Children (2001) (Interview w/ Norman L. Geisler, Ph.D.) Kyle J. Gerkin I would broaden this to include not only children, but any innocent person. I also do not think the extreme case of “killing” is necessary to void God’s worshipful status. The simple cause […]

Secular Web Feature Articles: 2000

Atheism in the Third Millennium by Kim Walker A second generation atheist, Kim Walker explores the distinguishing characteristics of two common perspectives within the atheist community: that resulting from being born and bred with religion and later suffering a crisis of faith and the perspective of those who are raised as freethinkers from the onset. […]

An Emotional Tirade Against Atheism

Jeffery Jay Lowder Updated: May 21, 2000 Related documents: “That Colossal Wreck” by Doug Kruege “Ravi Zacharias’s A Shattered Visage: The Real Face of Atheism is an unsuccessful attempt to refute or discredit atheism. He concentrates on some of the more prounounced problems with atheism, as he perceives them, and in the course of this […]


Best of the Modern Library OLD PAGE: New page here: Best of the Modern Library Church-State Separation The Christian Nation Myth (1999) by Farrell Till Our founding fathers established a religiously neutral nation, and a tragedy of our time is that so many people are striving to undo all that was accomplished by the wisdom […]

The Rest of the Story

(1999) Eyewitness Evidence | Documentary Evidence | Corroborating Evidence | Scientific Evidence | Rebuttal Evidence | Identity Evidence | Psychological Evidence | Profile Evidence | Fingerprint Evidence | Medical Evidence | Evidence of the Missing Body | Evidence of the Appearances | Circumstantial Evidence | Concluding Thoughts | Addendum | Related Resources This review was […]

Nontheism Atheism Evil Logical

Logical Arguments from Evil According to logical arguments from evil, some known fact about evil is logically incompatible with God’s existence. (In contrast, evidential arguments from evil merely claim that some known fact about evil is evidence for God’s nonexistence.) Ever since Alvin Plantinga rebutted J. L. Mackie’s logical argument from evil, the majority of […]

Robert Oerter Rising Gods

Review of The Riddle of Resurrection (2009) Robert Oerter   Review: Tryggve N. D. Mettinger. 2001. The Riddle of Resurrection: “Dying and Rising Gods” in the Ancient Near East. Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist and Wiksell International. 275 pp. The idea that Jesus’ death and resurrection connects to a wider pattern of “dying and rising gods” originated […]

Richard Carrier Whynotchristian

Why I Am Not a Christian (2006) Richard Carrier   Introduction The Top Four Reasons I Am Not a Christian Are… 1. God is Silent 2. God is Inert 3. The Evidence is Inadequate      A Digression on Method      Hero Savior of Vietnam 4. Christianity Predicts a Different Universe      Origin and Evolution of Life      The Human […]

Thomas Sheehan Firstcoming Bibliography

The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity (1986-electronic edition 2000) Thomas Sheehan   Selected Bibliography Alexander, Paul J. The Byzantine Apocalyptic Tradition. Edited by Dorothy deF. Abrahamse. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. Alsup, John E. The Post-Resurrection Appearance Stories of the Gospel Tradition: A History-of Tradition Analysis, With Text-Synopsis. Stuttgart: Calwer, […]

Kyle Gerkin Failing

Holding Overruled! (2002) Kyle J. Gerkin   This is a response to a review by James Patrick Holding of a piece I wrote entitled “Objections Sustained,” a critique of Lee Strobel’s book, The Case For Faith. For the purposes of this document: Holding’s review is in plain text. Excerpts from my original essay are in […]

Kyle Gerkin Objections Sustained Conclusion

Conclusion (2001) Kyle J. Gerkin   A Suspect Approach The Case For Faith suffers from dishonesty in its approach. The book fancies itself as "a journalistic investigation into the toughest objections to Christianity." But the aim of the author, Lee Strobel, is not an objective, journalistic investigation, but rather an apologetic refutation. Strobel is an […]

Kyle Gerkin Objections Sustained Intro

Introduction (2001) Kyle J. Gerkin   At a recent family gathering the issue of my atheism was raised, though not for the first time, and I professed that I was as staunch an unbeliever as ever. Afterwards, an aunt of mine (who has recently become an evangelical Christian) pulled me aside and handed me a […]

Kyle Gerkin Objections Sustained Obj1

Objection #1: Since Evil & Suffering Exist, A Loving God Cannot (2001) (Interview w/ Peter John Kreeft, PH.D.) Kyle J. Gerkin   A Bear, A Trap, A Hunter, And God The idea here is that God must allow some short term suffering in order to achieve a greater good. The analogy employed by professor Kreeft […]

Kyle Gerkin Objections Sustained Obj2

Objection #2: Since Miracles Contradict Science, They Cannot Be True (2001) (Interview w/ William Lane Craig, Ph.D.) Kyle J. Gerkin   Craig is quite notorious on the Secular Web. If you are interested in the transcript of a debate between Craig and (atheist) Dr. Douglas M. Jesseph on the existence of God, it may be […]

Kyle Gerkin Objections Sustained Obj3

Objection #3: Evolution Explains Life, So God Isn’t Needed (2001) (Interview w/ Walter L. Bradley, Ph.D.) Kyle J. Gerkin   This objection is extremely poorly phrased. From a reading of the chapter, it is clear that Strobel’s phrasing, "Evolution Explains Life" means more specifically, evolution explains the origin of life or how evolution was able […]

Objection #5: It’s Offensive To Claim Jesus Is The Only Way To God

Objection #5: It’s Offensive To Claim Jesus Is The Only Way To God (2001) (Interview w/ Ravi Zacharias, D.D., LL.D.) Kyle J. Gerkin For someone who is of a non-Christian religion, I suppose the claim of Jesus as a sole source of salvation is offensive. But maybe not. If your goal is not to become […]


Science and Religion Creationism Physics Another Case Not Made: A Critique of Lee Strobel’s The Case for a Creator (2005) by Paul Doland In this chapter-by-chapter critique of Lee Strobel’s The Case for a Creator, Paul Doland comments on the general direction of the book before analyzing Strobel’s interviews with his various experts on specific […]

Kyle Gerkin Objections Sustained Obj6

Objection #6: A Loving God Would Never Torture People In Hell (2001) (Interview w/ J.P. Moreland, PH.D.) Kyle J. Gerkin   Tackling Templeton’s Challenge Moreland insists hell is not a torture chamber. He says hell is really a separation from God. He stresses that God is loving, but also just (172-4). Problems: Right away, Moreland […]

Science Creationism

Creationism – Evolution Book Reviews Debates Behe, Michael Dembski, William Gish, Duane Johnson, Phillip Is Acceptance of Evolution Evil? (2016) by Michael D. Reynolds An often overlooked religious criticism of biological evolution focuses on the alleged ethical consequences of accepting it, particularly increased immorality and harmfulness. In this essay Michael D. Reynolds describes and critiques one such […]

Kyle Gerkin Objections Sustained Obj7

Objection #7: Church History Is Littered with Oppression and Violence (2001) (Interview w/ John D. Woodbridge, Ph.D.) Kyle J. Gerkin   This objection is a statement of fact, which cannot be avoided. Woodbridge acknowledges this, and instead tries to provide context to soften some of the tyranny. We will get to that in a moment, […]

Science Creationism Reviews

Creationism Book Reviews Another Case Not Made: A Critique of Lee Strobel’s The Case for a Creator (2005) by Paul Doland In this chapter-by-chapter critique of Lee Strobel’s The Case for a Creator, Paul Doland comments on the general direction of the book before analyzing Strobel’s interviews with his various experts on specific topics. Topics […]

Lifeafterdeath Immortality

Immortality The question of survival of bodily death concerns whether some aspect of an individual (usually one’s personality or consciousness) continues to exist after the death of one’s normal physical body. Immortality concerns whether that surviving aspect continues to exist forever. While evidence for survival is not necessarily evidence for immortality, evidence against survival is […]


Faith and Reason Agnosticism Freethought Logic FAQ Do Religious Life and Critical Thought Need Each Other? by Richard Carrier Text of a paper published in the Fall (1996) issue of Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, addressing why and how religious experience is to be approached critically, using Buddhist meditation as the central example. “Happy […]

Testimonials Daniels

  From Missionary Bible Translator to Agnostic (2003) Ken Daniels   Contents 1. Purpose of this testimonial 2. Life as an Evangelical Christian 2.1 2.1 Early years: Unquestioned faith 2.2 Crisis #1 2.3 Crisis #2 2.4 Marriage and missions 2.5 Crisis #3 2.6 Crisis #4: Return from the mission field 2.7 A brief recovery of […]

Theism Christianity

Christianity Biblical Criticism Biblical Errancy Bible Codes Character of Jesus Christian Worldview Christian Apologetics & Apologists’ Web Sites Criticisms of Christian Apologetics & Apologists Ex-Christians Historicity of Jesus Jesus Seminar Prophecy Resurrection Shroud of Turin Why I Am Not a Christian General Argument from Insufficient Knowledge of the Bible for the Nonexistence of the God […]

Theism Christianity Apologetics

Christian Apologetics and Apologists, Criticisms of Apologetics in General Lynn Anderson Greg Bahnsen W. David Beck Francis Beckwith Michael Behe E. Calvin Beisner Walter L. Bradley David Clark Paul Copan Winfried Corduan William Lane Craig Stephen T. Davis William Dembski Phil Fernandes Norman L. Geisler R. Douglas Geivett Duane Gish Gary Habermas Hank Hanegraaff J. […]