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The Modern Library contains material written during or after 1970, which tends to be more scholarly than Kiosk material.
Ilhan Arsel Din Adamlari Bolum19
Iktidar ve Varlik Bakimindan Güçlü Olan’in Destekçisi Ve Koruyucusu Olarak Din Adami I) Din adami, seriat dini’nin “hükümdarlar” sayesinde ayakta durabilecegine inanmis olarak “Zalim ve fasik olsalar da hükümdarlara itaat gerekir” formülüne bagli kalmis ve toplumu da bu duygularla yetistirmistir: II) Ve günümüzdeki durum! Geçmis dönemler boyunca din adami, toplumu ezen ve sömüren kim varsa […]
James Still Descartes
Library: Modern Documents: James Still: Descartes’ Meditations Ontological Argument Descartes’ Meditations Ontological Argument James Still Descartes’s fifth Meditation argument for God’s existence relies on an untenable notion that existence is a perfection and that it can be predicated of God. I shall first explain what Descartes’s argument for God’s existence is, and then present his […]
James Still Trilemma
Lord, Liar or Lunatic? An Analysis of the Trilemma James Still Christian apologist C. S. Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity that Jesus was either Lord, a lunatic, or "the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse." Josh […]
Jeff Lowder Empty Defense
Empty Defense of an Empty Tomb: A Reply to Anne A. Kim’s Misunderstandings (2012) Jeffery Jay Lowder 1. Kim’s Misunderstanding of My Thesis 1.1 The Application of Bayes’ Theorem to Empirical Hypotheses 1.2 The Relocation Hypothesis 2. Kim’s Defense of Craig’s Empty Tomb Evidence 2.1 The Burial Account 2.1.1 First Stage: Is the Burial Story Historically […]
Jeff Lowder Jury Chap11
Page Moved This page has moved. Please update your links. This page has been moved to: https://infidels.org/library/modern/steven_carr/non-messianic.html
Jeff Lowder Newetdav
‘Evidence’ That Demands a Refund (2001) Jeffery Jay Lowder The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1999, ISBN 0785242198), pp. xvi+760. According to the cover of New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, volumes I and II of Evidence That Demands a Verdict have been “fully updated in one […]
The Fabulous Prophecies of the Messiah
Jim Lippard The Significance of Messianic Prophecy Birth Prophecies Ministry Prophecies Betrayal Prophecies Crucifixion Prophecies Conclusions Notes Acknowledgements References Postscript “The Old Testament … contains several hundred references to the Messiah. All of these were fulfilled in Christ and they establish a solid confirmation of his credentials as the Messiah.” — Josh McDowell (1972), p. […]
Ken Saladin Saladin Gish2 Saladin1
Opening Statement for the Affirmative (Saladin, 45 minutes) [Section and subsection titles are for clarification to the reader and to correspond to the outline of this transcript. They were not spoken in the debate itself.] I. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS [SLIDE 1: Title slide, "Evolution vs. Creationism"] In 1982, Science magazine published an article by Ron Numbers […]
Life After Death Immortality
Mark Vuletic Jehovahs Witness
Giving the Jehovah’s Witnesses a Broadside (1994) by Mark I. Vuletic [Note: The following document was written in 1994, at which time its criticisms of Jehovah’s Witnesses doctrine was valid. However, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have since abandoned the end-times prophecy dealt with in this article. On the plus side, this means they have abandoned […]
Massimo Pigliucci Column Rationallyspeaking August2000
Rationally Speaking A monthly e-column by Massimo Pigliucci Department of Botany, University of Tennessee N. 1, August 2000 – “The Rationalistic Fallacy” This column can be posted for free on any appropriate web site. If you are interested in receiving the html code, please send an email Further reading: Howthe Mind Works by Steven Pinker […]
Mathew Sn Huxley
More on Huxley and the Definition of Agnosticism mathew [ Traducción al Español / Spanish translation ] Huxley describes how he came to originate the term “agnostic” as follows: When I reached intellectual maturity, and began to ask myself whether I was an atheist, a theist, or a pantheist; a materialist or an idealist; […]
Michael Hurben Univ
On Universes and Firing Squads or “How I Learned To Stop Worrying About the Origin of the Cosmos” Michael J. Hurben “Men think epilepsy divine, merely because they do not understand it. But if they called everything divine which they do not understand, why, there would be no end of divine things.” – Hippocrates […]
Michael Martin Fernandes Martin Martin4
As Dr. Fernandes and I conclude our debate I would like to thank him again for his stimulating challenge to my position. Criticisms of Atheism As I have shown again and again Dr. Fernandes’ objections to atheism are based on either misunderstandings or question begging assumptions. Even though I have pointed out his misunderstandings and […]
Michael Martin Martin Frame Tang
The Transcendental Argument for the Nonexistence of God Michael Martin [This article originally appeared in the Autumn 1996 issue of The New Zealand Rationalist & Humanist.] Some Christian philosophers have made the incredible argument that logic, science and morality presuppose the truth of the Christian world view because logic, science and morality depend on […]
Michael Martin Review Smith
[Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Teaching Philosophy 5:2 (April 1982): 152-55. The page numbers below show the position of the text within that pagination scheme.] ________________________________________ 152 Atheism: The Case Against God, George H. Smith. Prometheus Books, 1979, 355 pages. $6.95 pbk. Michael Martin Boston University This book is a hard hitting […]
Michael Moore Miracle Workers
On Miracles and Miracle Workers (2019) Michael Moore Washerwoman to French queen: “Is Milady making the pilgrimage to Chartres?” “Yes”, says the queen, “God has cursed me with barrenness, and I am going there hoping to be cured.” “Useless!” replies the washerwoman; “the big, strapping monk that used to do the miracles is dead” —Gershon […]
Niclas Berggren Funda
The Errancy of Fundamentalism Disproves the God of the Bible (1996) Niclas Berggren 1. Introduction This essay will investigate the often-made claim from Christians, that the Bible is the inspired word of god, a corollary of which is that it is perfectly without error. This view is exemplified by the following statement of Jimmy Swaggart, […]
Nontheism Atheism Evil Logical
Logical Arguments from Evil According to logical arguments from evil, some known fact about evil is logically incompatible with God’s existence. (In contrast, evidential arguments from evil merely claim that some known fact about evil is evidence for God’s nonexistence.) Ever since Alvin Plantinga rebutted J. L. Mackie’s logical argument from evil, the majority of […]
Paul Obrien Gentle Atheism1
Introduction Living without a god isn’t easy. But living in general, with or without a god, is an undertaking that challenges and frustrates the best of us. As humans, we are special in that we lead our lives and treat our lives in a relatively cognizant, rational manner. We are naturally reflective creatures. We have […]
Peter Wilson Certainty
The Atheist’s Certainty (1994) Peter D. Wilson Neither atheists nor agnostics believe in gods. Whether or not this lack of belief is itself a belief has long been debated and forms part of the disagreement between atheists and agnostics. The atheist confidently proclaims “God does not exist” while the agnostic admits uncertainty and believes […]
Quentin Smith Simplicity
Simplicity and Why the Universe Exists (1997) Quentin Smith The following article was originally published in Philosophy 71 (1997): 125-32. I If big bang cosmology is true, then the universe began to exist about 15 billion years ago with a ‘big bang’, an explosion of matter, energy and space from a singular point. This […]
Richard Carrier Carrier Oconnell Oconnell4
O’Connell’s Closing Statement (2008) Response to “On Over What?” Of course, I think that the alternative explanations I propose are not just possible, but probable. However, the audience will have to decide this for themselves. According to several prominent lexicons, the normal meaning of “ependyomai” is “to put on one garment over another garment.” […]
Richard Carrier Gen
Generalia (Bibliography of Skepticism in the Ancient World) (1998) Richard Carrier (copyright 1999) Generalia Alexander, Loveday, “The Living Voice: Scepticism Towards the Written Word in Early Christian and in Graeco-Roman Texts,” in The Bible in Three Dimensions: Essays in Celebration of Forty Years of Biblical Studies in the University of Sheffield, D. Clines, and […]
Richard Carrier Improbable Humiliores
Was Christianity Too Improbable to be False? (2006) [See Introduction] Richard Carrier 12. Did No One Respect the Opinions of Uneducated Laymen? James Holding argues that “Peter and John were dismissed based on their social standing,” citing Acts 4:13, which “reflects a much larger point of view among the ancients,” of hostility to […]
Richard Carrier Indef 3b
Nash on Naturalism vs. Christian Theism (1999, 2005) Richard Carrier [Part 3B of a larger Review of In Defense of Miracles.] Claiming Victory After Only One Battle Ronald Nash’s basic argument is that naturalism, which excludes miracles, is unreasonable, but Christian theism, which includes miracles, isn’t. The chapter begins by explaining why worldviews […]
Richard Carrier Links
Connections Medieval to Modern (Bibliography of Skepticism in the Ancient World) (1998) Richard Carrier (copyright 1999) Links Medieval to Modern David Hume, A. H. Basson Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1958. Blackwell, Constance, “Diogenes Laertius’s Life of Pyrrho and the Interpretation of Ancient Scepticism in the History of Philosophy: Stanley through Brucker to Tennemann,” in Scepticism […]
Richard Carrier Resurrection 1
Why I Don’t Buy the Resurrection Story (6th ed., 2006) Richard Carrier General Case for Insufficiency: The Event is Not Proportionate to the Theory According to the Christian theory, God is god of All Humankind, and more than that, He is god of All the Universe. This is inconsistent with the proof offered […]
Richard Carrier Resurrection 3
Why I Don’t Buy the Resurrection Story (6th ed., 2006) Richard Carrier General Case for Spiritual Resurrection: Evidence Against Resurrection of the Flesh I do not believe Jesus survived. Still, the fact that we can cast some doubt on it (see Probability of Survival vs. Miracle) proves that an apparent “resurrection” was not […]
Richard Carrier Resurrection 4c
This file has been relocated: it is now Section III of Rebutting Lesser Arguments.