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The Modern Library contains material written during or after 1970, which tends to be more scholarly than Kiosk material.
Abortion is not Immoral and Should not be Illegal
by Richard C. Carrier Fundamentals of Agreement and Disagreement Jen Roth has composed her case well, and I can see this debate will be of great value to everyone, not only secularists. I will begin with the major points of fundamental agreement and disagreement between us. Roth is quite right when she identifies the two […]
Debates Secularist Capital About
About the Capital Punishment Debate The topic for this debate is: Is There a Humanist Case For Capital Punishment? The debaters have agreed to the following debate format: Opening statements, submitted independently of one another, 1 January 2001 First rebuttals, submitted independently of one another, due 1 February 2001 Second rebuttals, submitted independently of one […]
Debates Secularist Memes
On The Subject of Memetics: Memes began as a metaphor in Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene for the promulgation of ideas and information. It was later taken on as a serious idea by Susan Blackmore, Aaron Lynch and others. Critics of memetics think the idea has gone too far and that there is no basis […]
How To Handle Bibliolaters
Over the years I have been confronted by numerous bibliolaters: people who take the Bible to be inerrant and, thus, put it beyond intelligent criticism. Since theirs is a particularly pernicious religion (absurdly claiming that certain antique documents are divinely inspired), it has seemed important to me to develop strategies for dealing with such manifest foolishness
Doug Jesseph Jesseph Craig
Moderator’s Comments Dr. Jesseph’s Opening Arguments Dr. Craig’s Opening Arguments (Off Site) Dr. Jesseph’s First Rebuttal Dr. Craig’s First Rebuttal (Off Site) Dr. Jesseph’s Second Rebuttal Dr. Craig’s Second Rebuttal (Off Site) Dr. Jesseph’s Third Rebuttal Dr. Craig’s Third Rebuttal (Off Site) Related Articles on Craig’s Arguments | Atheism Articles | GODEXIST Mailing List
Doug Krueger Krueger Mchugh Mchugh4
The Krueger-McHugh Debate: Theism or Atheism (2003) Christopher McHugh Closing Statement by Christopher McHugh In my first rebuttal, I made the point that Krueger’s opening statement only argued against a very narrow God-concept, and did not account for mystical notions of God like the one that I proposed. I wrote that I could, […]
Edwin Wilson Manifesto
The Genesis of a Humanist Manifesto by Edwin H. Wilson CONTENTS PREFACE 1. A Humanist Manifesto–A Historic Document 2. The Background of Religious Humanism 3. The New Humanist–Sponsor of the Manifesto 4. “A Humanist Manifesto”–The Beginning 5. The Editing Process 6. Early Responses from Signers 7. Critiques from Humanists Who Did Not Sign 8. Unitarian […]
Edwin Wilson Manifesto Ch6
CHAPTER 6 Early Responses from Signers Dr. E. A. Burtt Dr. E. A. Burtt of Cornell University’s Sage School of Philosophy, was one of the most prompt and thorough critics of the proposed manifesto. Six years later, in the first edition of his excellent book, Types of Religious Philosophy, Dr. Burtt placed religious humanism in […]
Farrell Till Horner Till Horner3
Well, this may seem to you like a long, drawn-out event, but I guarantee that to us we’re thinking more time, I need more time. I want to use my outline as my outline for what we’re going to do here. I said I’m going to make two main points: there are good reasons to […]
Reply to Robert Turkel
Part 1 Part 2 >>> Reply to Robert Turkel Farrell Till TILL James Patrick Holding is the pseudonym used by a would-be apologist whose real name is Robert Turkel. Perhaps I should say that Holding has SAID that his real name is Robert Turkel, but I have no way to confirm this. […]
Finngeir Hiorth Humanism
Review of Tony Davies’ Humanism (1997) Finngeir Hiorth Davies, Tony (1997) Humanism, Routledge, 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE and 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001, 152 pp., bibliography, index, paperback GBP 6.99, hardback also available. Anybody who knows anything at all about humanism knows that there are many humanisms. So […]
G A Wells Holding
A Reply to J. P. Holding’s "Shattering" of My Views on Jesus and an Examination of the Early Pagan and Jewish References to Jesus (2000) G.A. Wells In the series ‘Tekton. Building Blocks for Christian Faith’, J. P. Holding has written a long article entitled ‘Jesus. Shattering the Christ-Myth’, with sub-title ‘The Reliability of the Secular References to […]
Gerald Larue Otll Chap15
Old Testament Life and Literature (1968) Gerald A. Larue Chapter 15 – E BROADLY speaking, E can be said to include the literature which remains in the Pentateuch after P and D (easily identified) and J sources are removed, although in numerous passages it is difficult to distinguish between J and E.1 Distinctiveness […]
Gerald Larue Otll Chap3
Old Testament Life and Literature (1968) Gerald A. Larue Chapter 3 – The Analysis of the Pentateuch PERHAPS the portion of the Bible which best demonstrates the results of the historical-literary approach is the Pentateuch.1 The five books were named by the Jews of Palestine according to the opening Hebrew words: I. Bereshith: "in […]
Gerd Ludemann 10words
Ten Golden Words (1995) Gerd Lüdemann [The following essay was originally published as the Epilogue to Gerd Lüdemann, Heretics: The Other Side of Early Christianity (trans. John Bowden, Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996), pp. 219-220.] 1. The view of the Bible as the Word of God or as Holy Scripture belongs to […]
Graham Oppy Modal
Modal Theistic Arguments (1993) Graham Oppy [This article was originally published as “Modal Theistic Arguments”, Sophia, 32, 2, July 1993, pp.17-24] A modal theistic argument is a proof of the existence of God which makes use of the premise that God is a being who exists in every possible world. Such arguments have been […]
Graham Oppy Whynot
Why I Am Not a Christian (2006) Graham Oppy [A somewhat different version of this paper is forthcoming in Theism and Naturalism: New Philosophical Perspectives, edited by Paul Pistone and Quentin Smith, Oxford University Press.] In 1927, Bertrand Russell gave a public lecture with the title “Why I Am Not a Christian.” I regularly use […]
Ilhan Arsel Din Adamlari Bolum03
Kisi’yi Akilciliktan ve Düsünme Gücünden Yoksun Kilici Seriat Düzeni’nin Sürdürücüsü Olarak Din Adami I) Düsünme gücü’nden yoksunlugun derecesi: II) Kisi’yi düsünme yeteneginden yoksun kilma san’ati: III) Din adami, kisi’nin tüm yasantilarini akil disi verilerle ayarlayan seriat düzeni’nin bekçisi’dir: A) Din adami insanlarimizin günlük yasantilarinin her yönünü, çöl Arap’inin zihniyetine ve ihtiyaçlarina yatkin buyruklarla düzenler: B) […]
Ilhan Arsel Din Adamlari Bolum19
Iktidar ve Varlik Bakimindan Güçlü Olan’in Destekçisi Ve Koruyucusu Olarak Din Adami I) Din adami, seriat dini’nin “hükümdarlar” sayesinde ayakta durabilecegine inanmis olarak “Zalim ve fasik olsalar da hükümdarlara itaat gerekir” formülüne bagli kalmis ve toplumu da bu duygularla yetistirmistir: II) Ve günümüzdeki durum! Geçmis dönemler boyunca din adami, toplumu ezen ve sömüren kim varsa […]
James Still Descartes
Library: Modern Documents: James Still: Descartes’ Meditations Ontological Argument Descartes’ Meditations Ontological Argument James Still Descartes’s fifth Meditation argument for God’s existence relies on an untenable notion that existence is a perfection and that it can be predicated of God. I shall first explain what Descartes’s argument for God’s existence is, and then present his […]
James Still Trilemma
Lord, Liar or Lunatic? An Analysis of the Trilemma James Still Christian apologist C. S. Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity that Jesus was either Lord, a lunatic, or "the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse." Josh […]
Jeff Lowder Empty Defense
Empty Defense of an Empty Tomb: A Reply to Anne A. Kim’s Misunderstandings (2012) Jeffery Jay Lowder 1. Kim’s Misunderstanding of My Thesis 1.1 The Application of Bayes’ Theorem to Empirical Hypotheses 1.2 The Relocation Hypothesis 2. Kim’s Defense of Craig’s Empty Tomb Evidence 2.1 The Burial Account 2.1.1 First Stage: Is the Burial Story Historically […]
Jeff Lowder Jury Chap11
Page Moved This page has moved. Please update your links. This page has been moved to: https://infidels.org/library/modern/steven_carr/non-messianic.html
Jeff Lowder Newetdav
‘Evidence’ That Demands a Refund (2001) Jeffery Jay Lowder The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1999, ISBN 0785242198), pp. xvi+760. According to the cover of New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, volumes I and II of Evidence That Demands a Verdict have been “fully updated in one […]
The Fabulous Prophecies of the Messiah
Jim Lippard The Significance of Messianic Prophecy Birth Prophecies Ministry Prophecies Betrayal Prophecies Crucifixion Prophecies Conclusions Notes Acknowledgements References Postscript “The Old Testament … contains several hundred references to the Messiah. All of these were fulfilled in Christ and they establish a solid confirmation of his credentials as the Messiah.” — Josh McDowell (1972), p. […]
Ken Saladin Saladin Gish2 Saladin1
Opening Statement for the Affirmative (Saladin, 45 minutes) [Section and subsection titles are for clarification to the reader and to correspond to the outline of this transcript. They were not spoken in the debate itself.] I. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS [SLIDE 1: Title slide, "Evolution vs. Creationism"] In 1982, Science magazine published an article by Ron Numbers […]
Life After Death Immortality
Mark Vuletic Jehovahs Witness
Giving the Jehovah’s Witnesses a Broadside (1994) by Mark I. Vuletic [Note: The following document was written in 1994, at which time its criticisms of Jehovah’s Witnesses doctrine was valid. However, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have since abandoned the end-times prophecy dealt with in this article. On the plus side, this means they have abandoned […]
Massimo Pigliucci Column Rationallyspeaking August2000
Rationally Speaking A monthly e-column by Massimo Pigliucci Department of Botany, University of Tennessee N. 1, August 2000 – “The Rationalistic Fallacy” This column can be posted for free on any appropriate web site. If you are interested in receiving the html code, please send an email Further reading: Howthe Mind Works by Steven Pinker […]
Mathew Sn Huxley
More on Huxley and the Definition of Agnosticism mathew [ Traducción al Español / Spanish translation ] Huxley describes how he came to originate the term “agnostic” as follows: When I reached intellectual maturity, and began to ask myself whether I was an atheist, a theist, or a pantheist; a materialist or an idealist; […]