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The Modern Library contains material written during or after 1970, which tends to be more scholarly than Kiosk material.
Mathew Sn Creation
Why alt.atheism Exists mathew [Editors note: Usenet newsgroups were once very popular venues for discussion of topics of interest. In the intervening years since the writing of this article, however, they have become less and less popular, primarily because they tend to be overrun with spammers. In the meantime, discussion boards, such as the […]
Michael Martin Fernandes Martin Fernandes3
Introduction Once again Dr. Martin should be commended for the graciousness and brilliance he has displayed in this debate. It is truly an honor to debate a man of his stature. In his second statement, Dr. Martin accuses me of “begging the question” against atheism. However, he fails to understand that I am presenting theism […]
Michael Martin Jones Parsons Martin Martin
Is A Non-Christian Worldview Futile? Michael Martin Douglas Jones’ “The Futility of Non-Christian Thought” raises important epistemological questions that both Christians and non-Christians need to address. However, as I will show, Jones’ argument for his main thesis that non-Christian worldviews destroy the possibility of knowledge rests on unsound arguments and confusions. In addition, it […]
Michael Martin No Atheists
Are There Really No Atheists? (1996) Michael Martin Some Christians maintain that there are no atheists. They believe, of course, that some people profess to be atheists. But according to them these people suffer from a form of self-delusion. The doubters insist that in their heart of hearts people who profess not to believe […]
Michael Moore Church Wealth
Filthy Lucre: The Church and Wealth (2019) Michael Moore “Filthy lucre,” wrote Titus (1:11), and Matthew (6:19, 24) concurred: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth,” for “Ye cannot serve both God and mammon.” Luke (12:33) instructed his flock: “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not […]
Nontheism Atheism Dispositions
On Naturalism, Why Do We Have Particular Moral Dispositions? Review of Darwinian Natural Right: The Biological Ethics of Human Nature by Larry Arnhart (2002) by Evan Fales It has become something of a leitmotif among evangelical apologetes to argue that morality can have no objective foundation if there is no God. Such is the argument […]
Nontheism Atheism Minds
Argument from Physical Minds The argument from physical minds (APM) is a strong but neglected argument in the case for atheism. Two versions of the argument have important implications for the philosophy of religion. The first is the mortalistic argument from physical minds, which runs as follows: If a nonphysical mind (rather than the brain) […]
Paranormal Healing
Faith Healing Archive of Medical Expert Gary Posner’s Essays on the Paranormal [ Index ] Can Science Prove that Prayer Works? by Hector Avalos (1997) (Off Site) Florida woman’s “miraculous” cure featured on “Unsolved Mysteries” by Gary P. Posner (Off site) God in the CCU? by Gary P. Posner If Looks Could Kill and Words Could […]
Paul Draper Serious
On the Plausibility of Naturalism and the Seriousness of the Argument From Evil (2007) Paul Draper Introduction Plantinga on Plausibility Plantinga’s Main Point Introduction In my opening case, I defended an argument from evil based on the following evidence statement: E: For a variety of biological and ecological reasons, organisms compete for survival, with […]
Paul Obrien Gentle Atheism5
Considering these arguments, assessments, and refutations, do they really play a crucial role in the acceptance or rejection of the belief in God? I do not think they do. One of the things I hope you take away from these arguments is a feeling that somehow they are all missing the point. Doesn’t it seem […]
Peter Kirby Tomb Paul
Testimony of Paul In the previous section, it was argued that the silence of several writers to mention the empty tomb constitutes an inductive argument against the historicity of the empty tomb. The absence of evidence for tomb veneration was also taken as evidence against the empty tomb. In this section, the evidence of Paul’s […]
Quentin Smith Hawking
Stephen Hawking’s Cosmology and Theism (1994) Quentin Smith The following article was originally published in ANALYSIS in 1994 (Volume 54, No. 4. pp. 236-243). 1. Stephen Hawking has recently argued that there is ‘no place for a creator’, that God does not exist. In his quantum cosmology there would be no singularities […]
Ramendra Nath Hindu
Why I Am Not a Hindu Ramendra Nath Originally published by Bihar Rationalist Society (Bihar Buddhiwadi Samaj) 1993. Electronically reprinted with permission. I have read and admired Bertrand Russell’s Why I Am Not a Christian. On the other hand, I have also read and disagreed with M.K.Gandhi’s Why I Am a Hindu. My acquaintance […]
Richard Carrier Addendag
Bad Science, Worse Philosophy: the Quackery and Logic-Chopping of David Foster’s The Philosophical Scientists (2000) Addendum G: Microbial Replication Richard Carrier Hoyle says in Our Place in the Cosmos: The Unfinished Revolution that “a typical time for replication under favorable conditions would be two or three hours” (p. 35) so that in a […]
Richard Carrier Carrier Oconnell Carrier4
Carrier’s Closing Statement (2008) The Stronger Case Prevails I remain convinced. More likely than not, Paul did not believe the corpse of Jesus rose from the dead, but that Jesus left his corpse behind and rose from the dead in an entirely new body. Therefore, Paul did not need to believe the tomb […]
Richard Carrier Carrier Wanchick Wanchick1
Wanchick’s Opening Statement (2006) Leibnizian Cosmological Argument It seems reasonable to believe that every substance[1] has an explanation for its existence: it was either caused by something else, or exists necessarily (it cannot not exist). This premise is evidently more plausible than its denial, for if confronted with a new substance, everyone would assume […]
Richard Carrier Foster6
Bad Science, Worse Philosophy: the Quackery and Logic-Chopping of David Foster’s The Philosophical Scientists (2000) 6. Why Foster Needs to Take a Basic Physics Course Richard Carrier On page 158 Foster demonstrates a very strange confusion. He begins with the seemingly innocent statement that in chemistry “the most economic and efficient processes are […]
Richard Carrier Improbable Critical
Was Christianity Too Improbable to be False? (2006) [See Introduction] Richard Carrier 17. Did the Earliest Christians Encourage Critical Inquiry? 17.1 Holding’s Bogus Evidence 17.2 Method as Revealed in Paul 17.3 Survey of Passages Relating to Method 17.4 Conclusion 17.1. Holding’s Bogus Evidence Holding claims that “throughout the NT, the apostles encouraged people to check” and […]
Richard Carrier Indef
Review of In Defense of Miracles (1999, 2005) Richard Carrier 1. Summary 2. What’s Good and Bad 3. The Philosophical Problem (a) The Shaky Groundwork of Corduan and Purtill (b) Nash on Naturalism vs. Christian Theism (c) Moreland’s “Christian Science” (d) Beck’s Argument for God 4. The Historical Problem (a) Beckwith on Historiography (b) Geivett’s […]
Richard Carrier Jacoby
Jacoby and Müller on “Thallus” (1999) Richard Carrier [This is a translation from the German, Latin, and Greek of Section 256 of F. Jacoby’s Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (Fragments of the Greek Historians, 1923–) and the corresponding section in Carolus Müller’s Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (Fragments of the Greek Historians, 1840–)] The following is […]
Richard Carrier Resurrection 2g
This file has been relocated: it is now Section VIII of Probability of Survival vs. Miracle: Assessing the Odds.
Richard Carrier Resurrection 3l
This file has been relocated: it is now Section XII of General Case for Spiritual Resurrection: Evidence Against Resurrection of the Flesh.
Richard Carrier Tai Solarin
Tai Solarin: His Life, Ideas, and Accomplishments (1995) Richard Carrier The most famous and controversial atheist and secular humanist in African history (if not the only one of any real renown) was the Nigerian nationalist Tai Solarin, who sadly passed away at the age of 72 in 1994. I wrote a paper on Tai […]
Richard Petraitis Simbas Ninjas
From Simbas to Ninjas: Congo’s Magic Warriors (2003) Richard Petraitis In 2002, a lightly-armed band of Congolese rebels attacked a capital city airport in a desperate bid to seize a vital military target. They wore magic charms across their bare chests to ward off government bullets. A firefight erupted with the Democratic Republic of […]
Robert Price Apocrypha
Note: This article was originally published in the Fall 1995 issue of The Journal of Higher Criticism (Vol. 2, No. 2) and is reproduced with the permission of Robert M. Price. Because HTML does not currently support the Greek alphabet, we have replaced the Greek letters in the original manuscript with the English transliteration. Any […]
Robert Price Beyond Born Again Notes
Beyond Born Again Notes [Editor’s Note: These notes are taken from the cover pages and the back cover of the printed version of Beyond Born Again.] About The Author: Robert M. Price is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Montclair, New Jersey, having previously served as Professor of Religion at Mount Olive College. He […]
Robert Price Psychics
Did “Top Psychics” Predict Jesus? (1999) Robert M. Price Messianic Prophecy | Messianic Fulfillments | Proof from Prophecy? | What About Jesus? | Bibliography | Related Resources For many centuries, indeed from the first century on, Christians have urged as proof of their faith that certain aspects of the life of Jesus corresponded to […]
Scott Oser Hidden
Review of The Hidden Face of God (2007) Scott Oser and Niall Shanks Review: Gerald L. Schroeder. 2001. The Hidden Face of God: How Science Reveals The Ultimate Truth. New York: The Free Press. 224 pp. Introduction (by Scott Oser) Schroeder’s Arguments from Physics and Cosmology (by Scott Oser) The Argument for a Metaphysical […]
Steven Carr Non Messianic
Critique of Josh McDowell’s Non-Messianic Prophecies Steven Carr Related documents: “Prophecy Subject Index in the Secular Web’s Modern Library [ Index ] Links to various essays which address the argument from prophecy. “Exhaust Fumes (or Carr Repairs)” (Off Site) by James Patrick Holding Holding’s rebuttal to this essay. (Strangely, Holding does not provide a link to […]
Theism Bible
Argument from Holy Scripture Divine inspiration is often claimed for features of religious texts, constituting evidence of God’s existence or the truth of a religious doctrine. In addition to the articles below, see also related Debates, Reviews, and Links. To purchase related reading, go to the Secular Web Book Store. The Bible: Bible Codes [ Index ] […]