An examination of selected writings and exegeses of five major world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism) shows that they are all inherently misogynic. An analysis of such misogyny reveals several psychological processes underlying it, including psychodynamic, social psychological, and family-therapy oriented ones.
A short story about a team of archaeologists in the future who use time travel technology to visit the crucifixion of Jesus. Their mission: to observe what happens, and to prove – once and for all – whether the Christian religion is true or not.
James Still returns after three years to the CRSC Wedge Strategy to assess how things stand.
Imagine you are walking home one night and you encounter a group of ten men in a dark alley...
Colorado school board member maneuvers to get creationism into his district.
AU's Lynn Challenges Rep. Ball's Claim That 'Country Runs On Judeo-Christian Ethic That Comes From Bible'
A short story about the issue to put the words "In God We Trust" on the local City Hall. An atheist by the name of Richard takes the initiative.
Mr. Monson received a Christian
revisionist tract that is currently making the rounds in Christian news
groups and email forwarding databases. It was written anonymously (which should
be cause for concern in and of itself) and it seeks as its goal to attack
the very foundations of our Constitution by way of a Christian-based revision
of history, to include changing the very convictions of our founding fathers,
in order to convince the targeted audience (i.e., already believing
Christians) that the United States is a "Christian nation," founded by
Christians, for Christians!
The authentic secret diaries of Moses were recently found, and they contain shocking revelations.
A treatise on the futility of Atheism versus Theism debates resulting from their contradictory premises and covering limits of human understanding, asking of invalid questions, and the "free will" paradox.
The influence on human thought of the idea of God is so pervasive that hardly any sphere of man's intellectual activity is free from it--so much so that even the scientists who deal with physical facts, their observation and measurement, and their correlation and interpretation are also directly or indirectly affected by it in spite of the fact that their profession, 'science,' has little room for speculation about a supernatural entity.
Ever wonder how you can be saved? Christians can't agree, and the confusion is embarrassing. A survey of sixteen major denominations proves the point.
In the study of religion among primal peoples you find that many believed
in "magic". Magic is defined as the belief that supernatural forces can
be controlled, influenced and manipulated by executing a ritualistic formula,
either physical or verbal. We still, today, in a more fashionable way,
utilize superstition, prayer wheels, magic, sacrifices and elaborate doxologies
to induce God to favor our requests, grant our wishes and perform miracles
upon demand.
The first edition of the Book of the Mormon contained numerous grammatical, spelling, and Punctuation errors, most (but not all) of which were corrected in subsequent editions. The Book contains words that nobody, not even Joseph Smith, can define. It contains theological discrepancies and other errors, including having Jesus born in Jerusalem. It contains blatant anachronisms, including the practice of Christianity before Christ was even born, paraphrased sayings by Jesus by B.C. characters, and reference to the Book of Revelation centuries before it was written.
A nonreligious family copes with the death of the father. What ensues is a secular funeral and a discussion over an atheist's philosophy of death.
Is belief in God a dissociative behavior?
Dr. Younas Shaikh was granted an appeal many months ago. Yet still Pakistan leaves him to rot in jail, setting no date for his new trial. Here are excerpts from his recent letter from death row and a plea from his friend to help end this injustice!
The detriment and burdens to which religion has subjected society and the progress of civilization have long since exceeded an acceptable level of secular tolerance. And, now we have Fundamental Islamic Terrorism that threatens western civilization and wants to turn the world into a Theocratic Autocracy.
What would we think of a society where a number of citizens decide to enslave their fellow-citizens, using the techniques of propaganda? Not only does their brain-washing result in manipulating their targets into a subservient role, but it succeeds in making them accept that role gladly, and even become enforcers of their own servitude.
If a skyscraper collapses from an earthquake (or terrorist attack), killing thousands under millions of tons of concrete and steel, but a few people are rescued from isolated pockets within the rubble (through human effort, mind you), it's labeled "a miracle from Jesus" even though it's a statistical probability that a few people will be alive.
Pat Robertson pushes U.S. Congressional House Bill allowing churches to endorse political candidates
Quasi-poetical reaction to yet more callous fundamentalist "evidence" of God's supreme love on September 11.
Atheists don't celebrate Christmas, right? Not necessarily, as a
theist discovers when he engages in discourse with a nonbeliever, who
celebrates a secular winter solstice.
Professor Pigliucci describes why a Bayesian description of the scientific enterprise -- while not devoid of problems and critics -- is revealing itself to be a tantalizing tool for both scientists, in their everyday practice, and for philosophers, as a more realistic way of thinking about science as a process.
In 1945 an Arab peasant in the upper Egyptian desert near Nag Hammadi made a spectacular discovery. Buried in earthenware were 52 papyrus texts, some dating from the beginning of the Christian era and presenting a Jesus who said things that could have come out of the mouth of a Zen Master, or even the Buddha himself.
In my last column I wrote of the sex change from 25,000 years of female Goddesses to the male God of the sword, and of the fanatic zeal of Paul and the early Christian cult to destroy the female. The destruction of the female Goddesses were built into the dogmas and laws of the three religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
"If I have stopped only ONE heart from breaking, I shall not have lived in vain." wrote Emily Dickinson. In this Christmas and Solstice season and throughout the coming year may our hearts be open for that one other heart that we might keep from breaking ... and then this season will not have come ... and gone ... in vain.
I like knowing where our celebrations fit into the large picture of our human family. I like knowing that the quest for religious literacy is finally finding its way into our high school classrooms. I like knowing that the traditional Christmas stories are today being taught as mythology in my grandson's class in Northern California.
The recent movie release by
Warner Brothers of J. K. Rowling's
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (
1) has led to a resurrection of harsh criticism from the Christian right. Perhaps due to the overlapping movie release of the first book in J. R. R. Tolkien's
Lord of the Rings, comparisons are being drawn between the two works of fiction and their respective authors.
Blessed are the Atheists, Agnostics, Deists, Mystics, Humanists, Free Thinkers, Taoist, Buddhist and all others who do not have an archaic, primitive God in their mind/brains.