Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll One hundred years ago, our fathers retired the gods from politics. THE Declaration of Independence is the grandest, the bravest, and the profoundest political document that was ever signed by the representatives of a people. It is the embodiment of physical and moral courage […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1889) Robert Green Ingersoll In the February number of the Nineteenth Century, 1889, is an article by Professor Huxley, entitled “Agnosticism.” It seems that a church congress was held at Manchester in October, 1888, and that the Principal of King’s College brought the topic of Agnosticism before […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1891) Robert Green Ingersoll NOTE: The matchless eloquence of Ingersoll! Where will one look for the like of it? What other man living has the faculty of blending wit and humor, pathos and fact and logic with such exquisite grace, or with such impressive force? Senator […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll THE object of a trial is not to convict — neither is it to acquit. The object is to ascertain the truth by legal testimony and in accordance with law. In this country we give the accused the benefit of all reasonable doubts. We […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll A letter written to Col. Thomas Donaldson, of Philadelphia, declining an invitation to be a guest of the Clover Club of that city. Washington, D.C, January 16, 1883. CLOVER. — I regret that I cannot be “in clover with you on the 28th instant. […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1885) Robert Green Ingersoll PREFACE TO HELEN H. GARDENER’S NOTHING gives me more pleasure, nothing gives greater promise for the future, than the fact that woman is achieving intellectual and physical liberty. It is refreshing to know that here, in our country, there are thousands of women […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1879) Robert Green Ingersoll Chicago Times, 1879 To the Editor: Nothing is more gratifying than to see ideas that were received with scorn, flourishing in the sunshine of approval. Only a few weeks ago, I stated that the Bible was not inspired; that Moses was mistaken; that […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Improved Man (1890) Robert Green Ingersoll THE Improved Man will be in favor of universal liberty — that is to say, he will be opposed to all kings and nobles, to all privileged classes. He will give to all others the rights he claims for himself. He […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll DECORATION DAY ORATION. 1882. THIS day is sacred to our heroes dead. Upon their tombs we have lovingly laid the wealth of Spring. This is a day for memory and tears. A mighty Nation bends above its honored graves, and pays to noble dust […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: In the greatest tragedy that has ever been written by man — in the fourth scene of the third act — is the best prayer that I have ever read; and when I say “the greatest tragedy,” everybody familiar with Shakespeare […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1890) Robert Green Ingersoll HAS FREETHOUGHT A CONSTRUCTIVE SIDE? THE object of the Freethinker is to ascertain the truth — the conditions of well-being — to the end that this life will be made of value. This is the affirmative, positive, and constructive side. Without liberty there […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1888) Robert Green Ingersoll PREFACE TO PROF. VAN BUREN DENSLOW’S IF others who read this book get as much information as I did from the advance sheets, they will feel repaid a hundred times. It is perfectly delightful to take advantage of the conscientious labors of those […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1876) Robert Green Ingersoll Col. Robert G. Ingersoll spoke last night at the Exposition Building to the largest audience ever drawn by one man in Chicago. From 6:30 o’clock the sidewalks fronting along the building were jammed. At every entrance there were hundreds, and half-an-hour later thousands […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1868) Robert Green Ingersoll THE Democratic party, so-called, have several charges which they make against the Republican party. They give us a variety of reasons why the Republican party should no longer be entrusted with the control of this country. Among other reasons they say that the […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1888) Robert Green Ingersoll DECORATION DAY ORATION. 1888. THIS is a sacred day — a day for gratitude and love. To-day we commemorate more than independence, more than the birth of a nation, more than the fruits of the Revolution, more than physical progress, more than the […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1888) Robert Green Ingersoll Question. Have you any suggestions to make in regard to remodeling the libel laws? Answer. I believe that every article appearing in a paper should be signed by the writer. If it is libelous, then the writer and the publisher should both be […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1877) Robert Green Ingersoll Let them cover their Eyeless Sockets with their Fleshless Hands and fade forever from the imagination of Men. There are three theories by which men account for all phenomena, for everything that happens: First, the Supernatural; Second, the Supernatural and Natural; Third, the […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1885) Robert Green Ingersoll I Happiness is the true end and aim of life. It is the task of intelligence to ascertain the conditions of happiness, and when found the truly wise will live in accordance with them. By happiness is meant not simply the joy of […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1881) Robert Green Ingersoll AN INTERVIEW ON CHIEF JUSTICE COMEGYS. Brooklyn Eagle, 1881. Question. I understand, Colonel Ingersoll, that you have been indicted in the State of Delaware for the crime of blasphemy? Answer. Well, not exactly indicted. The Judge, who, I believe, is the Chief Justice […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1876) Robert Green Ingersoll Delivered to the Veteran Soldiers of the Rebellion. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, FELLOW CITIZENS AND CITIZEN SOLDIERS: — I am opposed to the Democratic party, and I will tell you why. Every State that seceded from the United States was a Democratic State. Every […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1899) Robert Green Ingersoll I — If the Devil Should Die Would God Make Another? A little while ago I delivered a lecture on “Superstition,” in which, among other things, I said that the Christian world could not deny the existence of the Devil; that the Devil […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1890) Robert Green Ingersoll I In the year 1855 the American people knew but little of books. Their ideals, their models, were English. Young and Pollok, Addison and Watts, were regarded as great poets. Some of the more reckless read Thomson’s “Seasons” and the poems and novels […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1872) Robert Green Ingersoll An honest God is the Noblest Work of Man. Each nation has created a god, and the god has always resembled his creators. He hated and loved what they hated and loved, and he was invariably found on the side of those in […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1898) Robert Green Ingersoll The average American, like the average man of any country, has but little imagination. People who speak a different language, or worship some other god, or wear clothing unlike his own, are beyond the horizon of his sympathy. He cares but little or […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1873) Robert Green Ingersoll “HIS SOUL WAS LIKE A STAR AND DWELT APART” On every hand are the enemies of individuality and mental freedom. Custom meets us at the cradle and leaves us only at the tomb. Our first questions are answered by ignorance, and our last […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll THE DIVIDED HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH. 1888 “Let determined things to destiny hold unbewailed their way.” There is a continual effort in the mind of man to find the harmony that he knows must exist between all known facts. It is hard for the scientist […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1877) Robert Green Ingersoll THE LIBERTY OF MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD LIBERTY SUSTAINS THE SAME RELATION TO MIND THAT SPACE DOES TO MATTER There is no slavery but ignorance. Liberty is the child of intelligence. The history of man is simply the history of slavery, of injustice […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1888) Robert Green Ingersoll GENERAL GRANT’S BIRTHDAY DINNER. New York, April 27, 1888. GEN. SHERMAN AND GENTLEMEN: I firmly believe that any nation great enough to produce and appreciate a great and splendid man is great enough to keep his memory green. No man admires more than […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll As I understand it, the United States went into this war against Spain in the cause of freedom. For three years Spain has been endeavoring to conquer these people. The means employed were savage. Hundreds of thousands were starved. Yet the Cubans, with great […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1892) Robert Green Ingersoll INTRODUCTION This is the famous Christmas Sermon written by Colonel Ingersoll and printed in the Evening Telegram, on December 19, 1891. In answer to this “Christmas Sermon” the Rev. Dr. J.M. Buckley, editor of the Christian Advocate, the recognized organ of the Methodist […]