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Robert G. Ingersoll

Robert Green Ingersoll

[1833 - 1899]

[R. G. Ingersoll Image]

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Foreword to the Complete Works of Ingersoll

Preface to the Complete Works of Ingersoll

Eight Hours Must Come (1890)

About Farming In Illinois (1877)

About The Holy Bible (1894)

Address To The Actors' Fund Of America (1888)

The Agnostic Christmas (1892)

Western Society Of The Army Of The Potomac Banquet (1894)

Art And Morality (1888)

Bangor Speech (1876)

What Would You Substitute For The Bible As A Moral Guide?

Trial Of C. B. Reynolds For Blasphemy

The Brain And The Bible (1881 - Preface)

The Brooklyn Divines (1883)

Brooklyn Speech (1880)

The Frank B. Carpenter Dinner (1891)

The Census Enumerator's Official Catechism (1890)

Centennial Oration (1876)

My Chicago Bible Class (1879)

Chicago Speech (1876)

An Interview On Chief Justice Comegys (1881)

Should The Chinese Be Excluded (1898)

A Christmas Sermon (1891)

Civil Rights (1883)

The Bigotry Of Colleges

An Address To Colored People (1867)

Is Corporal Punishment Degrading? (1891)

A Criticism Of Robert Elsmere --John Ward, Preacher, And An African Farm

Crumbling Creeds (1890)

Address To The Jury In The Davis Will Case (1891)

Ingersoll Debates [ Index ]

Decoration Day Oration (1882)

Decoration Day Oration (1888)

The Devil (1899)

The Divided Household Of Faith (1888)

How To Edit A Liberal Paper (1887)

Eight To Seven Address (1877)

Cruelty In The Elmira Reformatory

A Few Fragments On Expansion

Fool Friends

What I Want For Christmas (1897)

For Her Daily Bread (Preface)

The Foundations Of Faith (1895)

Fragments From The Pen of Robert G. Ingersoll

Has Freethought A Constructive Side? (1890)

The Ghosts (1877)

The Gods (1872)

God In The Constitution (1890)

The Chicago And New York Gold Speech (1896)

General Grant's Birthday Dinner (1888)

The Great Infidels (1881)

Hard Times And The Way Out

Heretics And Herecies (1874)

What Must We Do To Be Saved (1880)

How To Reform Mankind (1896)

Professor Huxley And Agnosticism (1889)

The Improved Man (1890)

Speech At Indianapolis (1868)

Speech At Indianapolis (1876)

Individuality (1873)

Should Infidels Send Their Children To Sunday School

Inspiration (1885)

A Few Reasons For Doubting The Inspiration Of The Bible (Manuscript)

Interviews With Robert G. Ingersoll [ Index ]

Is Avarice Triumphant?

Is Divorce Wrong? (1889)

Jesus Christ

The Jews

The Law's Delay

A Lay Sermon (1886)

Letters Of Robert G. Ingersoll [ Index ]

The Libel Laws (1888)

Liberty In Literature (1890)

The Liberty Of Man, Woman, And Child (1877)


The Limits Of Toleration (1888)

A Look Backward And A Prophecy (1898)

Lotos Club Dinner In Honor Of Rear Admiral Schley (1898)

Lotos Club Dinner, Twentieth Anniversary (1890)

Manhattan Athletic Club Dinner (1890)

Men, Woman, And Gods (1885 - Preface)

Modern Thinkers (1888 - Preface)

Myth And Miracle (1885)

Convention Of The National Liberal League (1879)

Our New Possessions

New York Speech (1876)

Nomination Of Blaine (1876)

The Circulation Of Obscene Literature (1879)

Abraham Lincoln (1894)


Humboldt (1869)

The Rev. Dr. Newton's Sermon On A New Religion (1888)

Robert Burns (Unpublished) (1878)

Shakespear (1891)

Thomas Paine (1870)

Tolstoy And The Kreutzer Sonata (1890)

Voltaire (1894)

Organized Charities

Orthodoxy (1884)

Our Schools (1890)

The Police Captians' Dinner (1888)

Political Morality (1882)

Address To The Press Club (1898)

Professor Briggs

Progress (1860, 1864)

Ratification Speech (1888)

Col. Ingersoll's Reply To His Critics (On Suicide)

1895 Reunion Address (1895)

My Reviewers Reviewed (1877)

Is It Ever Right For A Husband Or Wife To Kill A Rival?

Sabbath Superstition

Science And Sentiment

Convention Of The American Secular Union (1885)

Secularism (1887)

Some Interrogation Points (1887)

Some Live Topics (1885)

Some Mistakes Of Moses (1879)

Some Reasons Why (1881)

Sowing And Reaping

Spain And The Spaniard

Spirituality (1891)

The Children Of The Stage (1899)

The Star Route Trials [ Index ]

Sufferage Address (1880)

Suicide And Sanity

Suicide Of Judge Normile (1892)

Is Suicide A Sin? (1894)

Suicide A Sin (Interview) (1895)

Sumter's Gun (1891)

Superstition (1898)

Interviews On Rev. Talmage [ Index ]

The Talmagian Catechism (1882)

A Thanksgiving Sermon (1897)

Thirteen Club Dinner (1886)

Thomas Paine (1892)

The Three Philanthropists (1891)

A Tribute To Isaac H. Bailey (1899)

A Tribute To Lawrence Barrett (1891)

A Tribute To Philo D. Beckwith (1893)

A Tribute To Henry Ward Beecher (1887)

A Tribute To Roscoe Conkling (1888)

A Tribute To Thomas Corwin (1899)

A Tribute To Ebon C. Ingersoll (1879)

A Tribute To George Jacob Holyoake (1888)

A Tribute To Mrs. Ida Whiting Knowles (1887)

A Tribute To Mrs. Mary H. Fiske (1889)

A Tribute To Courtlandt Palmer (1888)

At The Grave Of Benj. W. Parker (1876)

Ernest Renan (1892)

A Tribute To The Rev. Alaxander Clark (1879)

A tribute To Dr. Thomas Seton Robertson (1898)

A Tribute To Horace Seaver (1889)

Lotos Club Dinner In Honor Of Anton Seidl (1895)

A Tribute To Richard H. Whiting (1888)

A Tribute To Walt Whitman (1882)

A Tribute To Elizur Wright (1885)

The Truth (1897)

The Truth Of History (1887)

Unitarian Club Dinner (1892)

Vindication Of Thomas Paine (1877)

Vision Of War

Vivisection (1890)

Wall Street Speech (1880)

What Infidels Have Done

What Is Relgion? (1899)

Which Way? (1884)

Why Am I Agnostic? (1889, 1890)

Why I Am An Agnostic (1896)

A Wooden God (1890)

A Word On Education (1891)

Effect Of The World's Fair On The Human Race (1891)

A Young Man's Chances Today

See Also:

A Biographical Appreciation of Robert G. Ingersoll by Herman E. Kittredge

The Ingersoll Chronology Project (Off Site)

Ingersoll the Magnificent (1954 speech) by Joseph Lewis. Collected By Positive Atheism (Cliff Walker, Webmaster) (Off Site)

Ingersoll the Magnificent (1957 book) by Joseph Lewis. Collected By Positive Atheism (Cliff Walker, Webmaster) (Off Site)

Robert Green Ingersoll Collected By Positive Atheism (Cliff Walker, Webmaster) (Off Site)

Robert G. Ingersoll - An Intimate View by I. Newton Baker

Published on the Secular Web

Historical Library

Decoration Day 82

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll        DECORATION DAY ORATION. 1882. THIS day is sacred to our heroes dead. Upon their tombs we have lovingly laid the wealth of Spring. This is a day for memory and tears. A mighty Nation bends above its honored graves, and pays to noble dust […]

A Lay Sermon

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: In the greatest tragedy that has ever been written by man — in the fourth scene of the third act — is the best prayer that I have ever read; and when I say “the greatest tragedy,” everybody familiar with Shakespeare […]

Freethought Constructive

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1890) Robert Green Ingersoll HAS FREETHOUGHT A CONSTRUCTIVE SIDE? THE object of the Freethinker is to ascertain the truth — the conditions of well-being — to the end that this life will be made of value. This is the affirmative, positive, and constructive side. Without liberty there […]

Modern Thinkers

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1888) Robert Green Ingersoll PREFACE TO PROF. VAN BUREN DENSLOW’S IF others who read this book get as much information as I did from the advance sheets, they will feel repaid a hundred times. It is perfectly delightful to take advantage of the conscientious labors of those […]

Chicago Speech

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1876) Robert Green Ingersoll Col. Robert G. Ingersoll spoke last night at the Exposition Building to the largest audience ever drawn by one man in Chicago. From 6:30 o’clock the sidewalks fronting along the building were jammed. At every entrance there were hundreds, and half-an-hour later thousands […]

Indianapolis Speech

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1868) Robert Green Ingersoll THE Democratic party, so-called, have several charges which they make against the Republican party. They give us a variety of reasons why the Republican party should no longer be entrusted with the control of this country. Among other reasons they say that the […]

Decoration Day 88

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1888) Robert Green Ingersoll          DECORATION DAY ORATION. 1888. THIS is a sacred day — a day for gratitude and love. To-day we commemorate more than independence, more than the birth of a nation, more than the fruits of the Revolution, more than physical progress, more than the […]

The Libel Laws

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1888) Robert Green Ingersoll Question. Have you any suggestions to make in regard to remodeling the libel laws? Answer. I believe that every article appearing in a paper should be signed by the writer. If it is libelous, then the writer and the publisher should both be […]

The Ghosts

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1877) Robert Green Ingersoll Let them cover their Eyeless Sockets with their Fleshless Hands and fade forever from the imagination of Men. There are three theories by which men account for all phenomena, for everything that happens: First, the Supernatural; Second, the Supernatural and Natural; Third, the […]

Myth And Miracle

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1885) Robert Green Ingersoll I Happiness is the true end and aim of life. It is the task of intelligence to ascertain the conditions of happiness, and when found the truly wise will live in accordance with them. By happiness is meant not simply the joy of […]

Chief Justice Comegys

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1881) Robert Green Ingersoll AN INTERVIEW ON CHIEF JUSTICE COMEGYS. Brooklyn Eagle, 1881. Question. I understand, Colonel Ingersoll, that you have been indicted in the State of Delaware for the crime of blasphemy? Answer. Well, not exactly indicted. The Judge, who, I believe, is the Chief Justice […]

Indianapolis Speech

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1876) Robert Green Ingersoll Delivered to the Veteran Soldiers of the Rebellion. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, FELLOW CITIZENS AND CITIZEN SOLDIERS: — I am opposed to the Democratic party, and I will tell you why. Every State that seceded from the United States was a Democratic State. Every […]

The Devil

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1899) Robert Green Ingersoll I — If the Devil Should Die Would God Make Another? A little while ago I delivered a lecture on “Superstition,” in which, among other things, I said that the Christian world could not deny the existence of the Devil; that the Devil […]

Liberty In Literature

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1890) Robert Green Ingersoll I In the year 1855 the American people knew but little of books. Their ideals, their models, were English. Young and Pollok, Addison and Watts, were regarded as great poets. Some of the more reckless read Thomson’s “Seasons” and the poems and novels […]

The Gods

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1872) Robert Green Ingersoll An honest God is the Noblest Work of Man. Each nation has created a god, and the god has always resembled his creators. He hated and loved what they hated and loved, and he was invariably found on the side of those in […]

Chinese Exclusion

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1898) Robert Green Ingersoll The average American, like the average man of any country, has but little imagination. People who speak a different language, or worship some other god, or wear clothing unlike his own, are beyond the horizon of his sympathy. He cares but little or […]


Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1873) Robert Green Ingersoll “HIS SOUL WAS LIKE A STAR AND DWELT APART” On every hand are the enemies of individuality and mental freedom. Custom meets us at the cradle and leaves us only at the tomb. Our first questions are answered by ignorance, and our last […]

Divided Faith

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll         THE DIVIDED HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH. 1888 “Let determined things to destiny hold unbewailed their way.” There is a continual effort in the mind of man to find the harmony that he knows must exist between all known facts. It is hard for the scientist […]

The Liberty Of All

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1877) Robert Green Ingersoll THE LIBERTY OF MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD LIBERTY SUSTAINS THE SAME RELATION TO MIND THAT SPACE DOES TO MATTER There is no slavery but ignorance. Liberty is the child of intelligence. The history of man is simply the history of slavery, of injustice […]

Grant’s Birthday

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1888) Robert Green Ingersoll GENERAL GRANT’S BIRTHDAY DINNER. New York, April 27, 1888. GEN. SHERMAN AND GENTLEMEN: I firmly believe that any nation great enough to produce and appreciate a great and splendid man is great enough to keep his memory green. No man admires more than […]

Our New Possessions

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll As I understand it, the United States went into this war against Spain in the cause of freedom. For three years Spain has been endeavoring to conquer these people. The means employed were savage. Hundreds of thousands were starved. Yet the Cubans, with great […]

Christmas Sermon

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1892) Robert Green Ingersoll INTRODUCTION This is the famous Christmas Sermon written by Colonel Ingersoll and printed in the Evening Telegram, on December 19, 1891. In answer to this “Christmas Sermon” the Rev. Dr. J.M. Buckley, editor of the Christian Advocate, the recognized organ of the Methodist […]


Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1885) Robert Green Ingersoll We are told that we have in our possession the inspired will of God. What is meant by the word “inspired” is not exactly known; but whatever else it may mean, certainly it means that the “inspired” must be the true. If it […]

Edit Liberal Paper

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1887) Robert Green Ingersoll               A LIBERAL paper should be edited by a Liberal man. And by the word Liberal I mean, not only free, not only one who thinks for himself, not only one who has escaped from the prisons of customs and creed, but one […]

Robert Ingersoll Life

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll BORN of love and hope, of ecstasy and pain, of agony and fear, of tears and joy — dowered with the wealth of two united hearts — held in happy arms, with lips upon life’s drifted font, blue-veined and fair, where perfect peace finds […]

Blasphemy Trial

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll TRIAL OF C.B. REYNOLDS FOR BLASPHEMY. ADDRESS TO THE JURY. GENTLEMEN of the Jury: I regard this as one of the most important cases that can be submitted to a jury. It is not a case that involves a little property, neither is it […]

The Great Infidels

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1881) Robert Green Ingersoll I have sometimes thought that it will not make great and splendid character to rock children in the cradle of hypocrisy. I do not believe that the tendency is to make men and women brave and glorious when you tell them that there […]

New York Speech

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1876) Robert Green Ingersoll I AM just on my way home from the grand old State of Maine, and there has followed me a telegraphic dispatch which I will read to you. If it were not good, you may swear I would not read it: Every Congressional […]

Civil Rights

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1883) Robert Green Ingersoll On the 22d of October, 1883, a vast number of citizens met at Lincoln Hall, Washington, D.C., to give expression to their views concerning the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, in which it is held that the Civil Rights […]

Inspiration Of Bible

Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll A FEW REASONS FOR DOUBTING THE INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE. THE Old Testament must have been written nearly two thousand years before the invention of Printing. There were but few copies, and these were in the keeping of those whose interest might have prompted […]