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Moncure D. Conway

[March 17, 1832 – November 15, 1907]


At various times Methodist, Unitarian, and a Freethinker, the radical writer descended from patriotic and patrician families of Virginia and Maryland but spent most of the final four decades of his life abroad in England and France, where he wrote biographies of Edmund Randolph, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Thomas Paine and his own autobiography.

He led freethinkers in London's South Place Chapel, now Conway Hall.

Published on the Secular Web

Historical Library

Thomas Paine Age Of Reason Intro

Editor’s Introduction to the Age of Reason Moncure D. Conway WITH SOME RESULTS OF RECENT RESEARCHES. IN the opening year, 1793, when revolutionary France had beheaded its king, the wrath turned next upon the King of kings, by whose grace every tyrant claimed to reign. But eventualities had brought among them a great English and […]

Writings Of Thomas Paine

The Writings Of Thomas Paine Author of “The Life Of Thomas Paine,” “Omitted Chapters Of History Disclosed In The Life And Papers Of Edmund Randolph,” “George Washington And Mount Vernon,” etc. VOLUME IV.G.P. PUTNAM’S SONSNEW YORKLONDON 27 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET24 BEDFORD STREET, STRAND1896 GENERAL INTRODUCTION, WITH LAST GLEANINGS, HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL BEFORE sending out this […]