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Lee Salisbury

Lee Salisbury was raised Episcopalian. His Christian experience began in September 1970 at age 32 when he had a genuinely profound born-again experience prompting him to eventually leave a very successful career as real estate/mortgage broker to attend Bible School. In 1972, he founded King Jesus Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, served as its pastor interspersed with missionary work in both Kenya and Malawi, Africa, plus had numerous engagements as a featured speaker at various Christian conferences both in the United States and Europe. In 1986 he took a sabbatical leave. After much agonizing over several years, Lee determined that 'integrity' demanded his acknowledgement that he was a nonbeliever, an atheist. As best as he can recall, this conversion occurred in the early 1990s, when he joined Minnesota Atheists. In 2000 he cofounded the Critical Thinkers Clubs of Minnesota, from which he recently retired in 2023.

Published on the Secular Web

Kiosk Article

Any Ole God Will Do

Practically every Christian denomination has a different, even contradictory description of God. Christians seem nevertheless unfazed by the implications. Somehow Christians are so engaged in affirming the correctness of what they believe that it never occurs to them that their own multiple descriptions of God preclude belief in a singular God who is the one and only God.

History’s Troubling Silence About Jesus

Exploring the popular writing and thinkers from the start of the common era, the author discovers that there is little mention of Jesus, the Christ and the Savior. Considering the miracles of Jesus, His resurrection and the profound impact this all is said to have made upon the land and its people, Salisbury is astounded by the silence of history - unless, of course, the stories are false.