What's New Archive ● 2000 ● October
October 28, 2000
Added Edward Tabash's regular column Going Public: Taking Atheism to Society At-Large.Edward Tabash, a regular contributor to the Secular Web, will now be offering readers a regular column on the challenges faced by atheists in having their thoughts and ideas accepted into the mainstream along with the strategies to overcome these challenges.
October 27, 2000
Added Feature Article Ghosts, Vampires, Pat Robertson and Other Scary Creatures by Lynne SchultzThe Halloween Hoopla is upon us once again but this season the madness isn't to be found in its usual spots (the moon, the insane asylum, the chocolate factory, ...) No, instead, all brands of crazy and gobbledygook find their source in the ranting and ravings of the self-proclaimed prophets of God. Move over Jack Chick! Lynne Schultz brings us to speed on the warnings being sent by the messengers of all that is good, decent, and holy within our universe. She examines the recent brouhaha over the hugely popular best seller series: Harry Potter, and the mountains of other books, tv programs, and games that have been branded EVIL. Could the success of fantasy, along with our nation's consistent trend to celebrate Halloween each year be a sign that our children are plunging into a mass hysterical pagan fest, being charmed into a universal declaration of Hail Satan! or do ultra-fundamentalists need to get a life?
October 23, 2000
Expanded the explanation of a central point in the first section of Why I Don't Buy the Resurrection Story (2000) by Richard Carrier.October 22, 2000
Added new article to Atheists & The Elections in the Point-Counterpoint Series.Point: The War for Our Future by Richard Carrier.
October 21, 2000
Added Review of Michael J. Wilkins and J.P. Moreland (eds.), Jesus Under Fire (1996) [ 16K ] (Off Site) by Roy W. Hoover to the Jesus Seminar page in the Christianity section of the Modern LibraryRoy Hoover, one of the fellows of the Jesus Seminar, reviews the broadside attack on the Jesus Seminar entitled, Jesus Under Fire. Hoover focuses his review on the chapter by Darrell Bock entitled, "The Words of Jesus in the Gospels," since "it most directly responds to the report of the Seminar in The Five Gospels."
October 20, 2000
Added Confessions of an Australian Atheist By Kim Walker to Testimonials section.Added Feature Article Qur'an: A Work of Multiple Hands? by Denis Giron
Biblical criticism, often applied to Judeo-Christian texts, is here applied to the Qur'an. What is often assumed by Muslims to be the word of Allah, or by many critics to be the word of Muhammad, is proposed by the author to be a compilation of variant traditions, possibly with multiple authors. Mr. Giron addresses the many contradictions and conflicting statements found within the Qur'an, the tendency of Muslim apologists' to sacrifice their intellectual integrity in order to salvage their cherished beliefs as found within other religions, and examines many multiple stories within the Qur'an itself, all which differ in detail. In conclusion, the author repeats the claim that the Qur'an is "the product of belated and imperfect editing of materials from a plurality of traditions." The Secular Web is very pleased to offer our readers the following essay, written by the moderator of our Islamic section. The rarity of submissions on Islam and the unfortunate lack of understanding on this subject within the Western world, along with the fine writing of the author, makes this feature an especially worthwhile read for scholars and laymen, both.
October 16, 2000
Added "Polonium Halos" (2000) by geologist Lorence Collins.Several patrons have made claims or asked questions regarding the use of "Polonium halos" in granites as evidence of instantaneous creation (see, for example, Halos.com). In response, the Secular Web contacted geologist and petrologist Lorence Collins who had already tackled this complicated issue, and Dr. Collins generously agreed to re-publish his work on the Secular Web.Added From Believer to Atheist By Mark Vuletic to Testimonials section.
Added How I Walked Away By Ken Nahigian to Testimonials section.
Added new section to the Modern Library for Testimonials.
The Secular Web receives many interesting and well-written essays by nontheists detailing how they became atheists, agnostics, rationalists, and/or freethinkers. These essays are often of interest to others who are challenging their own ideas, the dominant beliefs within their society, or simply curious to read the experiences of others. It is quite common for a nontheist to be asked how they happened to reach the particular worldview to which they subscribe. By building a home for testimonial essays on the Secular Web we hope to promote the feeling of community among our readers and also offer visitors the opportunity to explore and share their own experiences.
October 13, 2000
Added Feature Article The Revenge of the Petty Bourgeoisie Intelligentsia: The Middle Class Capitalist Manifesto 2000 by David PayneAn irreverent, mildly satirical look at ending the clash between capitalism, communism, socialism and radical repressive fundamentalist religious theocracies; done in the style of the French philosophers, this essay will give you most of the intellectual tools you need, the author hopes, to finally put communism, socialism and repressive religious fundamentalist theocracies where they belong; in the dustbin of history. In this endeavor the author employs relentless logic, evolution, passion, common sense and an offbeat sense of humor to complete the task. Bon appetite, enjoy this intellectual banquet.
October 10, 2000
Added "Intelligent Design: The New Stealth Creationism" (2000) (PDF format only) by physicist Victor Stenger.Stenger argues that intelligent design arguments amount to just one more set of variations on the ancient argument from design and as such should be considered pseudoscientific rather than scientific. "The intelligent design movement," Stenger writes, "is nothing more than stealth creationism, yet another effort to insinuate the particular sectarian belief of a personal creator into science education."
October 9, 2000
Added four events to the Events Page.When: 11 October 2000 6:00 P.M.
What: Protest: American Atheists takes its "Defending the Wall" campaign to Winston-Salem, N.C. and the
presidential debate at Wake Forest University.
Where: Gather at the North Point Post Office parking lot, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Contact: visit /old-link/?status=404&href=atheists.org/action/defwall2000.htmlWhen: 15 October 2000 Noon
What: Metroplex Atheists (Fort Worth & Dallas) monthly meeting
Where: Jaycee Center for the Arts, 2000 West Airport Freeway in Irving, Texas
Contact: www.metroplexatheists.org or email at directorWhen: 17 October 2000 8:00 P.M.
What: A Lecture by Prof. Paul Kurtz on Secular Humanists: The Last Repressed Minority in America
Where: McCosh Hall Room 46, Princeton University, New Jersey
Contact: Email cfianthonyWhen: 20 November 2000 7:00 P.M.
What: Debate: Doug Krueger, author of "What is Atheism? A Short Introduction", will debate Dr. Ted Cabal, Dean
of Boyce College of the Bible, on the subject of the existence of god.
Where: University Ballroom at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas
Contact: Email Jason Anderson of Immanuel Baptist Church at baja2If your group or organization is having a meeting or some type of event, go to our Events Page and send us an email.
October 7, 2000
Added Whence Natural Rights? - A Dialogue (October 2000) to Massimo Pigliucci's monthly column Rationally Speaking.Dr. Pigliucci examines the question of human rights through an interesting dialogue between two characters: Hypatia and Simplicia.Added new article to Atheists & The Elections in the Point-Counterpoint Series.
Counterpoint: Election Reform: Why Atheists Should Advocate It by Mathew Goldstein.