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The Modern Library contains material written during or after 1970, which tends to be more scholarly than Kiosk material.
Robert Price Beyond Born Again Chap4
________________________________________53 Beyond Born Again Section I– The Born Again Experience: A Brave New World? Chapter 4: The Personal Savior “I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” If you are an Evangelical Christian you can remember saying these words probably more times than you can count. If on the other hand you are not “Born […]
Robert Price Price
From Fundamentalist to Humanist (1997) Robert M. Price Everyone is on a spiritual journey. Most of the time we are glad enough to admit this, but other times we want stability more than anything else, and at those times we are liable to fear religious change lest we fall away from hard-won truth. But […]
Robin Collins Design Defended
Clarifying the Case for Cosmic Design (2008) Robin Collins Clarifying My Argument Draper’s “Understated Evidence” Objection The Idea of Probabilistic Tension Beauty of the Laws of Nature Final Comments: The Intrinsic Probabilities of Theism and Naturalism Clarifying My Argument First, I would like to thank Quentin Smith and Paul Draper for participating in this […]
Sally Morem Guthrie Review
Peering at Faces in the Clouds (1996) Sally Morem [This article was originally published in Secular Nation September/October 1996, pp. 2-5.] Review of Stewart Elliott Guthrie: Faces in the Clouds: A New Theory of Religion (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993) $30.00. What is religion and why does it pervade human thought and culture? […]
Stewart Goetz Against Physicalism
Objections to Melnyk’s Case for Physicalism (2007) Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro 1. Philosophy of Mind We are grateful for this opportunity to reply to Professor Melnyk’s systematic, clear paper entitled “A Case for Physicalism about the Human Mind.” According to Melnyk (henceforth M), “An individual item (object, property-instance, or process) is physical in […]
Testimonials Price
From Fundamentalist to Humanist (1997) Robert M. Price Everyone is on a spiritual journey. Most of the time we are glad enough to admit this, but other times we want stability more than anything else, and at those times we are liable to fear religious change lest we fall away from hard-won truth. But […]
Theism Christianity
Christianity Biblical Criticism Biblical Errancy Bible Codes Character of Jesus Christian Worldview Christian Apologetics & Apologists’ Web Sites Criticisms of Christian Apologetics & Apologists Ex-Christians Historicity of Jesus Jesus Seminar Prophecy Resurrection Shroud of Turin Why I Am Not a Christian General Argument from Insufficient Knowledge of the Bible for the Nonexistence of the God […]
Theism Christianity Shroud
Shroud of Turin Special thanks to Steven Schafersman, author of the Skeptical Shroud of Turin Website for inspiring this page. New “Shroud” Claims Challenged as Spurious (Off Site) (1996) (CSICOP) Replies of skeptical scientists and investigators to “The Authentication of the Turin Shroud” (Off Site) Shroud of Turin Exhibition Renews False Claims of Authenticity (Off […]
Theism Judaism
Judaism Elucidation of Genesis 1 (Off Site) by Shlomi Tal This article is a secular-minded elucidation of the first chapter of the book of Genesis based on the original Hebrew text, with translation and commentary. Genealogical Saga of Judaism (2001) by Shlomi Tal According to Orthodox Judaism, nothing has value unless it is for the sake […]
Theism Reviews
Theistic Arguments: Reviews/Critiques Formal debates between theists and nontheists on topics relating to the theistic arguments: Scripture Miracles Design Cosmological Moral Experience Other To purchase related reading, go to the Secular Web Book Store. Argument from Holy Scripture: Book Review: The Jesus Puzzle (2000) by James Still Still reviews the work by Earl Doherty, […]
Thomas Sheehan Firstcoming One
The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity (1986–electronic edition 2000) Thomas Sheehan I How Jesus Lived and Died In popular Christian teaching, Jesus often comes across as a divine visitor to our planet, a supernatural being who dropped into history disguised as a Jewish carpenter, performed some miracles, died on a cross […]
Tyler Wunder Davis 2
II. Supernaturalism’s Best Case: Core Facts This section will outline the argument that will represent the supernaturalist’s best case for the resurrection: Habermas’ Core Facts. I think some initial justificatory comments are required to defend using Habermas in this manner, specifically focussing on how Habermas and Davis differ to determine whether any differences between […]
Wesley Robbins Moreland
Secular Humanism, Christian Theism, and the Meaning of Life J. Wesley Robbins In chapter Four of his 1987 book Scaling the Secular City,[1] J. P. Moreland poses a question which he says is the one that most people have in mind when they ask whether life is worth living or has meaning. The question is: […]
Adolf Grunbaum Poverty
The Poverty of Theistic Morality Adolf Grünbaum University of Pittsburgh [This essay was originally published in Science, Mind and Art: Essays on Science and the Humanistic Understanding in Art, Epistemology, Religion and Ethics, in Honor of Robert S. Cohen. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 165. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, […]
Anachronist Why I Believe 8 Apndx
Last Appendix A Parable M. M. Mangasarian, 1909 Bank of Wisdom, Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201 Public Domain – copies may be given away, but not sold By education most have been misled, So they believe because they were so bred; The priest continues what the nurse began, And thus the child imposes on the […]
Bill Schultz Criminal God A
Is God A Criminal? – Appendix A: Bible Citations by Bill Schultz Appendix A: Bible Citations I am indebted to Donald Morgan for his essay, Bible Atrocities, which summarizes many of the most egregious of the so-called Acts of God from the Holy Bible. I will select a few of those atrocities as the basis […]
Brian Holtz Impossible Faith
The Not-So-Impossible Faith (2002) Brian Holtz In “The Impossible Faith: Or How Not to Start an Ancient Religion“, Robert Turkel (aka James Patrick Holding) attempts to “explain why Christianity succeeded where it should have clearly failed or died out.” He attempts to identify a series of disadvantages that Christianity overcame and claims that it could […]
Church State Creationism
Church, State, and Creationism ACLU Position Statement on “Creation-science” (Off Site) The Wedge at Work: How Intelligent Design Creationism Is Wedging Its Way into the Cultural and Academic Mainstream (2001) by Barbara Forrest This essay by Barbara Forrest, of Southeastern Louisiana University, analyzes the political and religious currents within the Intelligent Design movement.
Dave Matson Young Earth Additional Topics Coal And Oil
A3. Coal and Oil The amount of coal and oil existing today greatly exceeds what could have been produced by decaying plants and animals in a few thousand years. It is naive to think that today’s coal and oil came from the buried remains of Noah’s antediluvian world. Most creationists simply have no idea how […]
Dave Matson Young Earth Geologic Column Assumes Evolution
Dr. Hovind (G2): The entire geologic column is based on the assumption that evolution is true. G2. If Dr. Hovind would take the trouble to do a little reading from something other than creationist publications he would not make such an outrageous statement. I believe he has confused the use of index fossils with evolution. […]
Dave Matson Young Earth Specific Arguments Meteor
Young-earth "proof" #4: There are no fossil meteorites in the geologic record. If the latter were laid down over billions of years we would expect to find at least a few fossil meteorites in the geologic strata. Therefore, the geologic record was deposited rapidly. Meteorites are hard enough to find on the surface of the […]
Dave Matson Young Earth Specific Arguments Stalactites
Young-earth "proof" #22: The largest stalactites and flowstones could have formed in about 4400 years. 22. Since when is the age of the earth related to the age of a stalactite? If, in fact, a fat stalactite can form in 4400 years, so what? However, it does seems a bit suspicious that the minimum age […]
Debates Secularist Abortion Carrier5
Abortion is not Immoral and Should not be Illegal Closing Statement by Richard C. Carrier Conclusions on the Main Issues The present debate is about two things: what the facts are and what the universally shared values are that relate to those facts. After all that has been said in this debate, there does not […]
Debates Secularist Cryonics
On The Subject of Cryonics: The technology of cryonics seeks to cheat death by freezing people in the hope that future medical technology will revive them. Since its beginning in the 1960s, cryonics has not garnered much support from the general public or medical community. Even secular non-religious people, which should be more inclined to […]
Debates Secularist Population
On The Subject of Overpopulation: Whether or not our global community is overpopulated is a subject of great controversy. Many supporters of continued growth in the human population refer to the Bible’s teachings and God’s Master Plan. Among secularists, however, there are some who believe that our world is underpopulated or simply not overpopulated. What […]
Denis Giron Multiple
Qur’an: A Work of Multiple Hands? Denis Giron [The Qur’an] is strikingly lacking in overall structure, frequently obscure and inconsequential in both language and content, perfunctory in its linking of disparate materials, and given to the repetition of whole passages in variant versions. On this basis it can plausibly be argued that the book is […]
Doug Jesseph Jesseph Craig Jesseph2
Let me run down some preliminary points first. The question whether agnosticism or atheism…I think what we have here is a word allergy, perhaps. I claim that there is no rational justification for the belief in the existence of God. I also claim that the evidence is strongly against it; that the rational conclusion to […]
Edwin Wilson Manifesto Ch10
CHAPTER 10 The Search for Signers – Round Two With the editorial process completed, "A Humanist Manifesto" was ready to submit to a wider group of signers as a finished document. The considerations that went into deciding who to invite and who not to invite to endorse it were many. After much discussion, a list […]
Edwin Wilson Manifesto Ch9
CHAPTER 9 Style and Semantics It is my contention that those who signed "A Humanist Manifesto" in 1933 sought verbal integrity and a semantic change from traditional religious terms in order to clarify their naturalistic approach. However, as is the case with most editorial matters, a great deal of the response to the written word […]
Farrell Till Geisler Till Geisler1
It is an honor to be here. On the topic under discussion, I affirm that Jesus of Nazareth died and rose bodily from the grave. I offer two points in support of this claim. First, the New Testament documents are historically reliable accounts. Second, these documents reveal that Jesus really died on the cross and […]