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The Modern Library contains material written during or after 1970, which tends to be more scholarly than Kiosk material.
Quentin Smith Smith3
Smith Closing Title TBA (2008) Quentin Smith Continue the Debate Copyright ©2008 Quentin Smith. The electronic version is copyright ©2008 by Internet Infidels, Inc. with the written permission of Quentin Smith. All rights reserved.
Richard Carrier Carrier Oconnell Rules
The Rules We Followed (2008) Welcome to On Paul’s Theory of Resurrection: The Carrier-O’Connell Debate. Here Richard and Jake explain the rules of debate they both agreed to follow. (1) The parties to the debate composed a joint statement specifying the proposition to be defended and defining every term in that proposition to […]
Richard Carrier Entropy
Entropy Explained (2003, 2005) Richard Carrier Addendum A to “Bad Science, Worse Philosophy: the Quackery and Logic-Chopping of David Foster’s The Philosophical Scientists” (2000) Introduction The concept of entropy is generally not well understood among laymen. With the help of several physicists, including Wolfgang Gasser and Malcolm Schreiber, I have composed the […]
Richard Carrier Graves
Kersey Graves and The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors (2003) Richard Carrier [Editor’s note: This is a conflation of three responses which were made by Richard Carrier to feedback and e-mail involving questions about the scholarhip of Kersey Graves, in particular, and about scholarship, in general, in the subject area about which Graves concerned himself in […]
Richard Carrier Improbable Ignorance
Was Christianity Too Improbable to be False? (2006) [See Introduction] Richard Carrier 14. Was the Apparent Ignorance of Jesus a Problem? James Holding argues that “if you want a decent deity, you have to make him fully respectable,” yet “ignorance of future or present events” is embarrassing and would be a big hurdle […]
Richard Carrier Indef 3c
Moreland’s “Christian Science” (1999, 2005) Richard Carrier [Part 3C of a larger Review of In Defense of Miracles.] Christian Science, Moreland Style Moreland correctly identifies the fact that many scientists and atheists erroneously hold that miracles are beyond science because they are not natural, not repeatable, and not governed by law. And I […]
Richard Carrier Lukeandjosephus
Luke and Josephus (2000) Richard Carrier There has long been the observation that Luke-Acts contains numerous parallels with the works of Josephus, generating three different theories to account for this: that Josephus used Luke, that Luke used Josephus, or that they both used some common but now lost source. Steve Mason has reviewed the arguments […]
Richard Carrier Resurrection 1a
This file has been relocated: it is now Section I of General Case for Insufficiency .
Richard Carrier Resurrection 3a
This file has been relocated: it is now Section I of General Case for Spiritual Resurrection: Evidence Against Resurrection of the Flesh.
Richard Carrier Resurrection Foreword
This file has been relocated: it is now the second half of the new Introduction.
Richard Carrier Virginprophecy
The Problem of the Virgin Birth Prophecy (2003) Richard Carrier In March 23 of 2003 I received the following question by email. I was encouraged to publish my answer online, since it would be of help to many others faced with the same question.[1] Some of my advice is applicable to many other questions […]
Robert Price Beyond Born Again Chap2
________________________________________ 33 Beyond Born Again Section I– The Born Again Experience: A Brave New World? Chapter 2: The Evangelical Subculture In the last chapter, I tried to explain and critique some important aspects of the way Evangelicals interpret and cope with their experiences. Now I want to turn to a slightly different aspect of Evangelical […]
Robert Price Miller Review
Robert J. Miller, The Jesus Seminar and its Critics. Santa Rosa: Polebridge Press, 1999. 154 pp. plus indices. Paperback. ISBN 0-944344-78-X. Reviewed by Robert M. Price. If you had any remaining questions about the methods, goals, and origins of the notorious Jesus Seminar, this book by my Seminar colleague and pal Bob Miller ought […]
Robert Price Trust Nt
Review of Can We Trust the New Testament? (2005) Robert M. Price Review: G. A. Wells. 2004. Can We Trust the New Testament?: Thoughts on the Reliability of Early Christian Testimony. Chicago, IL: Open Court Press. xii+242 pp. I must admit I await each new book by G. A. Wells with the same eager […]
Sally Morem Clergy
Clergy in the Classroom: The Religion of Secular Humanism By David A. Noebel, J.F. Baldwin, and Kevin Bywater Manitou Springs, Colorado: Summit Press, 1995 135 pages, (no price listed on the book) Reviewed by Sally Morem Clergy in the Classroom is the latest attempt by Christian fundamentalists to claim victim status under the Establishment Clause […]
Stewart Goetz Against Melnyk
Reply to Melnyk’s Objections (2007) Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro We thank Andrew Melnyk (hereafter, M) for his thoughtful response to our essay and begin with his suggestion near the end of his response that in principle theists can provide a good explanation of the emergence of consciousness. Our position is that theists can […]
Testimonials Nahigian
How I Walked Away Kenneth Nahigian I confess it now, my sin, my crime, the cancer on my soul. I am a backslider. If you didn’t wince, you aren’t in the club. A backslider is an ex-Christian, one who accepted his savior and then fell from grace. One who stood on the threshold of his […]
Theism Christian Science
Christian Science A Skeptic Looks at Christian Science (1999) (Off Site) by Jeffrey Shallit An old joke has it that Christian Science is like grape nuts–it is neither “Christian” nor “science.” The author critically analyzes Christian Science health claims from a scientific and philosophical frame of reference, offering along the way some fascinating information on […]
Theism Christianity Seminar
Jesus Seminar Jesus Seminar Forum (Off Site) [ Index ] The Westar Institute (Off Site) (Off Site) by Robert J. Miller Robert J. Miller assesses this 1995 criticism of the Jesus Seminar & the author’s claims that Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher & embodiment of divine wisdom [Journal of Higher Criticism 4.1 (Spring 97) 120-137]. […]
Theism Islam Related
Related Sites The Holy Koran (Off Site) A searchable English translation of the Koran provided by the University of Virginia. Apostates of Islam (Off Site) “We are ex-Muslims. We committed the ultimate sin of thinking and questioned the belief that was imposed on us and we came to realize that far from being a religion of truth, […]
Theism Reason
Argument from Reason The Argument from Cognitive Biases (2018) by Aron Lucas A family of theistic arguments contends that the human ability to reason is to be expected under theism, but is surprising under metaphysical naturalism, and thus provides evidence favoring theism over naturalism. One common line of argument is that unguided evolution favors traits […]
Tyler Wunder Davis 1
Introduction: Disagreement and the Resurrection of Jesus In his 1984 article “Is it Possible to Know that Jesus Rose From the Dead?” Professor Stephen T. Davis referred to a paradox facing any philosopher writing about the possibility of knowing the resurrection occurred: On the one hand, some believers in the resurrection hold that […]
Adolf Grunbaum Narlikar
DISCUSSION: NARLIKAR’S “CREATION” OF THE BIG BANG UNIVERSE WAS A MERE ORIGINATION ADOLF GRÜNBAUM University of Pittsburgh [This article was originally published in Philosophy of Science, Vol. 60, No. 4, December 1993, pp. 638-646.] In Grünbaum (1989, 374, 390), I objected to Narlikar’s (1977, 136-137) designation “event of ‘creation'” for a supposed first cosmic instant […]
Anachronist Why I Believe 7 Moral
Chapter 7: Why I Believe in Moral Absolutes (Contradiction) Note: At this point, my hard-working little laptop computer died for good. Fortunately, I had backups of my finished work (chapters 1 through 6 and the Appendices), and work-in-process (chapter 7). However, all of my references and my collection of notes covering subsequent chapters, painstakingly gathered […]
Antony Flew Survival
Could We Survive Our Own Deaths? (1998) Antony Flew Part I: The Great Obstacle (a) Could we survive our own individual deaths? Surely it is obvious that we do not, that we could not? For is anyone prepared to contest the truth of the major premise in that most famous of all exemplary syllogisms: […]
Bill Schultz Weddings
Secular Wedding Ceremonies (1999) by Bill Schultz The question arises, from time to time, about what nontheists can do if they want something more elaborate than a courthouse wedding, performed by some clerk, but they don’t want to go through anything which looks like its a “church wedding.” Well, there is an alternative, but it […]
Church State Christian Nation
Is America a Christian Nation? Getting Out God’s Vote (n.d.) by Frederick Edwords and Stephen McCabe Is America a Christian Nation? (n.d.) by The Freedom From Religion Foundation (Off Site) America has never been a Christian nation. We are a free nation. Anne Gaylor, president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, points out: "There can […]
Dave Matson Young Earth Additional Topics Bad Dates
A1. Woodmorappe’s Collection of Bad Dates Eat one of those and your tummy will curl right up! Seriously speaking, a favorite attack on radiometric dating involves dangling "horror stories" about gross errors before the reader, thus giving the impression that radiometric dating is totally unreliable. Woodmorappe (1979), with his collection of some 350 bad radiometric […]
Dave Matson Young Earth Geologic Column Assumed Age
Dr. Hovind (G5): The assumed age of a sample will dictate which radiometric dating method is used. One method will only give results for a young age; another will only give results for a very old age. Thus, the assumed age of a sample dictates the method which, in turn, gives the assumed age! G5. […]
Dave Matson Young Earth Specific Arguments Magnetic Field
Young-earth "proof" #11: Since the earth’s magnetic field is decaying at an exponential rate, its strength would have been unrealistically high 25,000 years ago. Thus, Earth is less than 25,000 years old. 11. Dr. Hovind is almost certainly talking about Barnes’s magnetic field argument (1973) or some echo of it. Henry Morris, himself, once praised […]