Blessed are the Atheists, Agnostics, Deists, Mystics, Humanists, Free Thinkers, Taoist, Buddhist and all others who do not have an archaic, primitive God in their mind/brains.
Focus on the Family president James Dobson recently described the eight-hour
evolution series shown on PBS as "pure, unadulterated propaganda,"
and claimed it was "anti-Christian" in its intent.
At first, in primal times, there was only the forces of nature and the unknown power behind it all. Gradually there evolved the concept of a Supreme Being, a female, a She, a Goddess who created the Universe and all of its laws. She was the ruler of Nature, Fate, Time, Eternity, Truth, Wisdom, Justice, Love, Birth and Death. .And so, for 25,000 years there was only the Goddess.
AHA believes Ashcroft pushing his extreme personal religious agenda.
"Biblical law" attorney withdraws his name from consideration for National Labor Relations Board.
We don't seem to win much notice in the press, but when we do, its good press. Carrier surveys the few instances he could find. Some are quite interesting!
Yet another bogus claim about the Koran (this time, it predicted the speed of light!). The claim is analysed and debunked.
"This is a war between Believers and Unbelievers." -- Osama
bin Ladin.
"As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
atrocities." -- Voltaire.
A short story about the arrival of the evolution chapter at a high school biology class. Along with the teaching of evolution comes the seemingly inevitable conflict with evolution and Creation.
Now we need to be vigilant for another threat against our nation, coming not from overseas terrorists, but from those within who would change the basic structure of our country, modifying it to reflect one narrow religious view.
Although even some encyclopedias shy away from unpleasant disclosures about the history of Mormonism, the truth (free from niceties) is presented here.
Dr. Eller attended the gathering at the Colorado Muslim Society Islamic Center on September 21, 2001. There were hundreds of people of every race and
religion (and at least one person of no religion) present to show their
support. But support of what exactly?
Is it wise to trade your freedom of thought for grandiose promises of heaven and barbaric threats of hell?
My step-daughter works for Planned Parenthood. She asked me to tell my readers about Christian terrorism right here in the United States.
The following op-ed was published by Newsday. A shorter version was
also published by "The Oregonian" and possibly other papers, which will
sometimes edit a piece they get from another source for reasons of space.
In defense of agnosticism: not just a weak-kneed, on-the-fence version of atheism.
Admittedly (and unashamedly) bitter poem about the "miraculous"
cross found in the ruins of the World Trade Center.
Can you apply a skeptical empiricism to religious beliefs? The author
answers, "yes"--and religion comes up short. In place of theism, Young offers
what Einstein called "a cosmic religious feeling," in this excerpt adapted from his book.
A short diatribe against the pseudo-spiritual backlash of September 11th.
Dr. Jordan explores the various roots and conflicts that sustain endless hatred and violence in the region of Palestine and Israel, and proposes that there is only one solution, one that neither side appears mature enough to accept.
Praise for Tony Blair's recognition of nonbelievers.
A short story about a secular student's disclosed faithlessness to
his family.
Hurben offers some of this thoughts following the terrorist attack of Sep. 11.
These are neither ideal nor normal of times and so I feel the need to speak.
It's been over two years, but it's not too late: VHS copies of the debate between lawyer Edward Tabash and renowned apologist William Lane Craig are now available at the Secular Web. Debaters, aspiring debaters and fans of theism-atheism debates everywhere will definitely want a copy!
Vuletic reminds us not to villify Arabs or Muslims generally for the actions of fundamentalists.
The Internet Infidels mourn the dead and call for a blood drive as a symbolic gesture: in contrast with those criminals, we give blood rather than spill it.
We have raised tens of thousands of dollars toward the purchase of a
new Content Management System that will vastly improve the look and
feel, and the utility, of the Secular Web. It will also allow us to get so
much more done. It will be a blessing to our all-volunteer team. But we
were ten thousand dollars short of our goal. Our patrons all helped out and made up that shortfall!
Here we are, only a few months left of what is officially the first year
of the new millennium.