Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Spain And Spaniard Robert Green Ingersoll SPAIN AND THE SPANIARD. SPAIN has always been exceedingly religious and exceedingly cruel. That country had an unfortunate experience. The Spaniards fought the Moors for about seven hundred or eight hundred years, and during that time Catholicism and patriotism became synonymous. […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Ingersoll Interviews On Rev. Talmage First Interview on Talmage Second Interview on Talmage Third Interview on Talmage Fourth Interview on Talmage Fifth Interview on Talmage
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Tribute Conkling Robert Green Ingersoll A TRIBUTE TO ROSCOE CONKLING. Delivered before the New York State Legislature, at Albany, N.Y., May 9, 1888. ROSCOE CONKLING -- A great man, an orator, a statesman, a lawyer, a distinguished citizen of the Republic, in the zenith of his fame […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Truth Robert Green Ingersoll 18 page printout. Reproducible Electronic Publishing can defeat censorship. **** **** This file, its printout, or copies of either are to be copied and given away, but NOT sold. Bank of Wisdom, Box 926, Louisville, KY 40201 The Works of ROBERT G. INGERSOLL […]
Why I Quit Going To Church With Answers to Critics and Correspondents by Rupert Hughes Author of "THE OLD NEST," "WITHIN THESE WALLS," EXCUSE ME," Etc. Freethought Press Association New York Copyright, 1924, There was a time in this country when I should have been punished for not going to church. In the good […]
Pictures of Thomas Henry Huxley [ 1825 – 1895 ] As A Young Man: This undated photograph of a young Thomas Huxley is credited to the Radio Times Hulton Picture Library. At The Blackboard, Lecturing: This undated photograph of Thomas Huxley is credited to The Library, Wellcome Institute for the History […]
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth Section XX Luke 17:1 To avoid giving offense. THEN said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him through whom they come? 2. It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he […]
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth Section VII Matthew 8:1 WHEN he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. Matthew 6:6 And he went round about the villages, teaching. Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29. […]
Order books by Thomas Paine now. [NOTE: Reprinted from an Appendix to Paine’s Theological Works, published in London, by Mary Ann Carlile, in 1820. This I believe to be the last piece written by Paine. — Editor.] Remarks on Romans IX. 18-21. Addressed to the Ministers of the Calvinistic Church. PAUL, in speaking of God, […]
The Outcast by W. Winwood Reade LONDON: WATTS & Co., 5 & 6 JOHNSON'S COURT, FLEET STREET, E.C.4 First published in the Thinkers Library, October, 1933 Introduction MANY readers of The Martyrdom of Man must have speculated upon the character and the fate of the other books written by the same hand. It seems […]
The Warfare of Science With Theology Chapter X The “Fall Of Man” And History. by Andrew Dickson White The “Fall Of Man” And History. Proof of progress given by the history of art Proofs from general history Development of civilization even under unfavourable circumstances to, Advancement even through catastrophes and the decay of civilizations Progress […]
The Warfare of Science With Theology Chapter VII The Antiquity of Man And Prehistoric Archaeology by Andrew Dickson White I. The Thunder-stones. Early beliefs regarding “thunder-stones” Theories of Mercati and Tollius regarding them Their identification with the implements of prehistoric man Remains of man found in caverns Unfavourable influence on scientific activity of the political […]
The CHAIRMAN: Ladies and Gentlemen.–Mr. Roberts will now have a quarter of an hour in which to address you. Mr. ROBERTS: Mr. Bradlaugh’s opening remarks, in his speech in reply to mine, addressed themselves to a matter which afforded me a little surprise, though perhaps I need not have been surprised, and that is his […]
THE CHAIRMAN: Allow me to say that I do think that those persons who are not prepared to calmly listen to both sides should not have come. I for my part am very desirous of hearing what each of the disputants has to say, and I am of opinion that if I listen quietly I […]
Mr. BRADLAUGH: Mr. Roberts says that I did not make my objection about Luke and the forty days of the Acts quite clear. I will try to do so now. I say the whole of the events following the resurrection are limited to one day by the 24th chapter of Luke. You will find the […]
By Mr. Roberts MR. ROBERTS has asked and obtained Mr. Bradlaugh’s consent to the publication of this review of the discussion at the end of the published report. He has also offered to print along with it any rejoinder Mr. Bradlaugh may choose to write, but Mr. Bradlaugh has not chosen to write a rejoinder. […]
Descent of Man [ 1871 ] Charles Darwin [ 1809 – 1882 ] Chapter XIII – Secondary Sexual Characters of Birds SECONDARY sexual characters are more diversified and conspicuous in birds, though not perhaps entailing more important changes of structure, than in any other class of animals. I shall, therefore, treat the subject […]
The Origin Of Species (1872) Charles Darwin Chapter XIII: Geographical Distribution Continued Fresh-water Productions AS LAKES and river-systems are separated from each other by barriers of land, it might have been thought that fresh-water productions would not have ranged widely within the same country, and as the sea is apparently a still more formidable […]
The Voyage of the Beagle (1839) Charles Darwin Chapter XI: Strait of Magellan. — Climate of the Southern Coasts Strait of Magellan — Port Famine — Ascent of Mount Tarn — Forests — Edible Fungus — Zoology — Great Sea-weed — Leave Tierra del Fuego — Climate — Fruit-trees and Productions of the […]
The Voyage of the Beagle (1839) Charles Darwin Chapter VII: Buenos Ayres and St. Fe Excursion to St. Fe — Thistle Beds — Habits of the Bizcacha — Little Owl — Saline Streams — Level Plain — Mastodon — St. Fe — Change in Landscape — Geology — Tooth of extinct Horse — […]
Secular Morality: What Is It? An Exposition and a Defence (1880) by Charles Watts AMONG the systems of moral philosophy that have been promulgated as guides for human conduct, Utilitarianism occupies the foremost place. It appears to Secularists as more definite and satisfactory than any other, and certainly at the present time it is more […]
Reproducible Electronic Publishing can defeat censorship. This file made available by the Bank of Wisdom and the Internet Infidels for The Freethought Web. Luther Burbank, Infidel by Edgar Waite When Luther Burbank, disciple, prophet and high priest of nature, announced himself as an infidel he loosed a shot in the hierarchy of orthodox thinking that […]
[Back To Chapter 8] A Biographical Appreciation of Robert Green Ingersoll by Herman E. Kittredge CHAPTER 9 FROM EIGHTEEN NINETY-SEVEN TO EIGHTEEN NINETY-NINE Two lectures, The Truth and A Thanksgiving Sermon, were published in 1897. The orator’s attitude toward the subject of the first, and the objects and recipients of his gratitude and thankfulness […]
A Bit Of Church History by John W. Gunn One thousand Years ago, the church (Roman Catholic) claimed and, on the whole, effectually maintained supreme power in the affairs of Europe. The church punished with torture and death those who disagreed with its teachings. The church was the biggest grafting Institution — or, more plainly, […]
Chapter XVI Idea of Number 1. Number the simplest and most universal idea. Amongst all the ideas we have, as there is none suggested to the mind by more ways, so there is none more simple, than that of unity, or one: it has no shadow of variety or composition in it: every object our […]
Chapter XXXI Of Adequate and Inadequate Ideas 1. Adequate ideas are such as perfectly represent their archetypes. Of our real ideas, some are adequate, and some are inadequate. Those I call adequate, which perfectly represent those archetypes which the mind supposes them taken from: which it intends them to stand for, and to which it […]
Chapter VIII Of Abstract and Concrete Terms 1. Abstract terms not predictable one of another, and why. The ordinary words of language, and our common use of them, would have given us light into the nature of our ideas, if they had been but considered with attention. The mind, as has been shown, has a […]
Chapter III Of the Extent of Human Knowledge 1. Extent of our knowledge. Knowledge, as has been said, lying in the perception of the agreement or disagreement of any of our ideas, it follows from hence That, It extends no further than we have ideas. First, we can have knowledge no further than we have […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. Is The Position Of Atheism Growing Stronger by Joseph McCabe HALDEMAN-JULIUS PUBLICATIONS GIRARD, KANSAS By E. Haldeman-Julius CHAPTER I – THE ODDS AGAINST THE ATHEIST In my ‘Rise and Fall of the Gods’ (1931) I traced the weird and ever-changing belief in Gods from the days of […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. The Church Defies Modern Life One Sound Catholic Boast – We Never Change by Joseph McCabe Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius The Black International No. 15 Contents Chapter I – The Hell-Ethic And Modern Psychology Chapter II – Primitive Superstition About Sex Chapter III – Saints And Other […]