Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Thomas Paine Robert Green Ingersoll 17 page printout Reproducible Electronic Publishing can defeat censorship. Contents of this file page THOMAS PAINE -- 1892 1 SUMTER'S GUN. 13 VIVISECTION. 15 WESTERN SOCIETY OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC BANQUET. 16 **** **** This file, its printout, or copies […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Tribute Robertson Robert Green Ingersoll A TRIBUTE TO DR. THOMAS SETON ROBERTSON. New York September 8, 1898. IN the pulseless hush of death, silence seems more expressive, more appropriate -- than speech. In the presence of the Great Mystery, the great mystery that waits to enshroud us […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Why Am I Agnostic Robert Green Ingersoll 14 page printout Reproducible Electronic Publishing can defeat censorship. **** **** Contents of this file page WHY AM I AN AGNOSTIC? -- 1889 1 WHY AM I AN AGNOSTIC? -- PART 2, 1890 8 **** **** This file, its printout, […]
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth Section XV John 9:1 AND as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. 2. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3. Jesus answered, Neither hath this […]
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth Section III Matthew 12:1 AT that time Jesus went on the sabbath-day through the corn, and his disciples were an hungered, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. 2. But when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples […]
Editorial Note IMMEDIATELY after perusal of Bishop Watson’s reply to “The Age of Reason” (“An Apology for the Bible,” 1796) Paine began his answer to it. By reference to his letter to Jefferson (vol. iii. P. 377 of this edition) it will be seen that in October, 1800, he was still writing on it, and […]
Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus Author Unknown Originally circulated in Manuscript until 1612 when it was published in Cracow, Poland. Taken from the Edition Published in 1882 in Sanfrancisco, California. Preface By Peritus The Jesuits are different. Every Catholic Priest knows this. The Jesuits have an uncanny manner financially. Operating behind the […]
The Warfare of Science With Theology Chapter II Geography by Andrew Dickson White I. The Form of the Earth. Primitive conception of the earth as flat In Chaldea and Egypt In Persia Among the Hebrews Evolution, among the Greeks, of the idea of its sphericity Opposition of the early Church Evolution of a sacred theory, […]
Do you mean by "the Scriptures", or by "these Scriptures", the authorised English version of the Bible, commencing with Genesis, and ending with Revelations?–Yes. Do you agree that the attributes I stated in my speech for Deity are fair attributes?–Not as to one item, with the construction you put upon it. Which is that?–All-goodness. You […]
Mr. ROBERTS: I was only asking the chairman that I might have a quarter of an hour for the conclusion of my argument, but it seems we are pledged to close at 10 o’clock, and, therefore, I must submit to the partition of the remaining time. I have, therefore, to say that Mr. Bradlaugh has […]
TUESDAY, 20th JUNE, 1876, IN THE TEMPERANCE HALL, BIRMINGHAM. MR. GEORGE H. ST. CLAIR IN THE CHAIR. THE CHAIRMAN: Ladies and Gentlemen, The order of the discussion, this evening, will be the same as last Thursday. The order of the meeting will, I trust, be kept at least as well. There was not much to […]
Mr. BRADLAUGH: I have elected not to occupy your time beyond ten o’clock in allowing Mr. Roberts to proceed with his prepared speech, and shall, I think, be able to limit myself to eight minutes, if allowed to proceed free from interruption. First, I regret that Mr. Roberts, in his written finale, should have said […]
Descent of Man [ 1871 ] Charles Darwin [ 1809 – 1882 ] Chapter VII – On the Races of Man IT is not my intention here to describe the several so-called races of men; but I am about to enquire what is the value of the differences between them under a classificatory […]
Descent of Man [ 1871 ] Charles Darwin [ 1809 – 1882 ] Supplemental Note – On Sexual Selection in relation to monkeys Reprinted from NATURE, November 2, 1876, p. 18. IN the discussion on Sexual Selection in my Descent of Man, no case interested and perplexed me so much as the brightly-coloured […]
The Origin Of Species (1872) Charles Darwin Chapter IX: Hybridism THE view commonly entertained by naturalists is that species, when intercrossed, have been specially endowed with sterility, in order to prevent their confusion. This view certainly seems at first highly probable, for species living together could hardly have been kept distinct had they […]
The Voyage of the Beagle (1839) Charles Darwin Chapter XX: Keeling Island: — Coral Formations Keeling Island — Singular appearance — Scanty Flora — Transport of Seeds — Birds and Insects — Ebbing and flowing Springs — Fields of dead Coral — Stones transported in the roots of Trees — Great Crab — […]
Discreditable Tactics of Christian Disputants (1880?) by Charles Watts DURING the past thirty years I have met in public discussion fifty Christian disputants, many of whom were fair in controversy. But some of my opponents appeared to have peculiar views as to what was right and horrorable in their dealings with Secularists. In 1872 I […]
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume 1748 Sect. I. Of the different Species of Philosophy 1. Moral philosophy, or the science of human nature, may be treated after two different manners; each of which has its peculiar merit, and may contribute to the entertainment, instruction, and reformation of mankind. The one considers man […]
[Back To Chapter 2] A Biographical Appreciation of Robert Green Ingersoll by Herman E. Kittredge CHAPTER 3 FROM EIGHTEEN FIFTY-EIGHT TO EIGHTEEN SIXTY-SIX Ingersoll’s reputation for brilliancy having preceded him, success in Peoria was his from the start. His services were eagerly sought. But he did not on that account neglect the theoretical side […]
[Back To Chapter 18] A Biographical Appreciation of Robert Green Ingersoll by Herman E. Kittredge CHAPTER 19 UNIVERSAL REGRET AT HIS DEATH A SUMMARY OF HIS LIFE-WORK IN (1) POLITICS, (2) THE LAW, (3) THE FIELD OF RATIONALISM HIS INFLUENCE ON RELIGIOUS THOUGHT The death of Robert G. Ingersoll, on July 21, 1899, was […]
Chapter X Of Retention 1. Contemplation. The next faculty of the mind, whereby it makes a further progress towards knowledge, is that which I call retention; or the keeping of those simple ideas which from sensation or reflection it hath received. This is done two ways. First, by keeping the idea which is brought into […]
Chapter XXV Of Relation 1. Relation, what. Besides the ideas, whether simple or complex, that the mind has of things as they are in themselves, there are others it gets from their comparison one with another. The understanding, in the consideration of anything, is not confined to that precise object: it can carry an idea […]
Chapter II Of the Signification of Words 1. Words are sensible signs, necessary for communication of ideas. Man, though he have great variety of thoughts, and such from which others as well as himself might receive profit and delight; yet they are all within his own breast, invisible and hidden from others, nor can of […]
Chapter XVII Of Reason 1. Various significations of the word “reason”. The word reason in the English language has different significations: sometimes it is taken for true and clear principles: sometimes for clear and fair deductions from those principles: and sometimes for the cause, and particularly the final cause. But the consideration I shall have […]
Six Historic Americans Thomas Jefferson by John E. Remsburg Had Jefferson’s works been edited by some pious churchman who would have expunged or modified his radical sentiments; or had his works been suppressed after they were published, as some desired, the clergy might with less fear of exposure claim that their author was a Christian. […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. Atheist Russia Shakes The World How The Wicked Bolsheviks Save Our Christian World by Joseph McCabe Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius The Black International No. 9 Contents Chapter I – The Vatican Courts Russia For Years Chapter II – The Supposed Persecution Of Religion Chapter III – The […]
The Forgery of the Old Testament and Other Essays (Freethought Library) By Joseph McCabe Paperback (1993) $11.96 Order this book now The Myth of the Resurrection and Other Essays (The Freethought Library) By Joseph McCabe Paperback (1993) $11.96 Order this book now A Treatise on Toleration and Other Essays (Great Minds) By Voltaire, Joseph McCabe […]
CHAPTER VII THE LOSSES OF THE CHURCH ONE of the funniest aspects of the situation as regards the Roman Church in Great Britain is the astonishment at each other of Catholics and non-Catholics. How, asks the innocent non-Catholic when he reads such things as I have described, can this sort of thing be accepted by […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. The Story Of Religious Controversy Chapter XV by Joseph McCabe Legends of Saints and Martyrs Contents Discovery of the Fraud The Genuine Persecutions The Manufacture of Martyrs Discovery of the Fraud THERE came a stage in the evolution of the ancient world when the old creeds decayed, […]