Order The Rights of Man now. As the publication of this work has been delayed beyond the time intended, I think it not improper, all circumstances considered, to state the causes that have occasioned delay. The reader will probably observe, that some parts in the plan contained in this work for reducing the taxes, and […]
The Warfare of Science With Theology Chapter XIV From Fetich To Hygiene by Andrew Dickson White I. THE THEOLOGICAL VIEW OF EPIDEMICS AND SANITATION. The recurrence of great pestilences Their early ascription to the wrath or malice of unseen powers Their real cause want of hygienic precaution Theological apotheosis of filth Sanction given to the […]
A Few Words About The Devil Charles Bradlaugh To have written under this head in the reign of James Rex, of pious memory, would have, probably, procured for me, without even the perusal of my pamphlet, the reputation of Dr. Faustus, and a too intimate acquaintance with some of the pleasant plans of torturing to […]
Debates: Roberts-Bradlaugh Debate: Second Night: Mr. Bradlaugh’s Second Speech Mr. BRADLAUGH: Mr. Chairman.–It is very evident that either my memory has utterly deceived me, or that Mr. Robert’s memory has utterly deceived him. He said he had given you evidence, last night, that the writings were in current circulation at the time they were produced. […]
Mr. Roberts’ First Speech Mr. Bradlaugh’s Second Speech Mr. Roberts Questions Mr. Bradlaugh Mr. Bradlaugh Questions Mr. Roberts Mr. Roberts’ Second Speech Mr. Bradlaugh’s Second Speech Mr. Roberts’ Third Speech Mr. Bradlaugh’s Third Speech
Mr. ROBERTS: You will have observed that Mr. Bradlaugh has not attempted to discuss the case of Moses from its internal peculiarities, upon which hangs a very powerful argument. I will not follow him in his remarks on what are called the Apostolic Fathers, because I do not attach any particular importance to them. I […]
Descent of Man [ 1871] Charles Darwin [ 1809 – 1882 ] Part One: Descent or Origin of Man Chapter I – The Evidence of the Descent of Man from some Lower Form HE WHO wishes to decide whether man is the modified descendant of some pre-existing form, would probably first enquire whether […]
Descent of Man [ 1871 ] Charles Darwin [ 1809 – 1882 ] Chapter XVII – Secondary Sexual Characters of Mammals WITH mammals the male appears to win the female much more through the law of battle than through the display of his charms. The most timid animals, not provided with any special […]
The Origin Of Species (1872) Charles Darwin Chapter III: Struggle For Existence BEFORE entering on the subject of this chapter, I must make a few preliminary remarks, to show how the struggle for existence bears on Natural Selection. It has been seen in the last chapter that amongst organic beings in a state of […]
The Voyage of the Beagle (1839) Charles Darwin Chapter XV: Passage of the Cordillera Valparaiso — Portillo Pass — Sagacity of Mules — Mountain- torrents — Mines, how discovered — Proofs of the gradual Elevation of the Cordillera — Effect of Snow on Rocks — Geological Structure of the two main Ranges, their […]
A Message To America Broadcast in the World Of Religion Programme June 25, 1933 by the National Broadcasting Company by Charles Francis Potter Founder and Leader of The First Humanist Society of New York We people of America have passed through a period of great stress. We need fresh courage and faith for the adventurous […]
Absurdities of the Bible Clarence Darrow Little Blue Book No. 1637 Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius HALDEMAN-JULIUS PUBLICATIONS GIRARD, KANSAS Why am I an agnostic? Because I don’t believe some of the things that other people say they believe. Where do you get your religion, anyway? I won’t bother to discuss just what religion […]
The Religious Beliefs Of Our Presidents by Franklin Steiner NOTE: This work is not the complete book, the parts done are complete in themselves. An account of the religious beliefs, and lack of such beliefs, of our chief executives, and a chronicle of the more important religious events and controversies of their administrations. “When the […]
[Back To Chapter 12] A Biographical Appreciation of Robert Green Ingersoll by Herman E. Kittredge CHAPTER 13 WAS HE ‘A MERE ICONOCLAST’? (Cont.) WERE HIS TEACHINGS INIMICAL TO LAW AND MORALITY? One of the most serious features of the general charge of iconoclasm which has been preferred by the critics of Ingersoll is the […]
Chapter II Of Simple Ideas 1. Uncompounded appearances. The better to understand the nature, manner, and extent of our knowledge, one thing is carefully to be observed concerning the ideas we have; and that is, that some of them are simple and some complex. Though the qualities that affect our senses are, in the things […]
Chapter VII Of Simple Ideas of both Sensation and Reflection 1. Ideas of pleasure and pain. There be other simple ideas which convey themselves into the mind by all the ways of sensation and reflection, viz. pleasure or delight, and its opposite, pain, or uneasiness; power; existence; unity. 2. Mix with almost all our other […]
Chapter XI Of our Knowledge of the Existence of Other Things 1. Knowledge of the existence of other finite beings is to be had only by actual sensation. The knowledge of our own being we have by intuition. The existence of a God, reason clearly makes known to us, as has been shown. The knowledge […]
Chapter VII Of Maxims 1. Maxims or axioms are self-evident propositions. There are a sort of propositions, which, under the name of maxims and axioms, have passed for principles of science: and because they are self-evident, have been supposed innate, without that anybody (that I know) ever went about to show the reason and foundation […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. How The Cross Courted the Swastika For Eight Years by Joseph McCabe Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius The Black International No. 3 Contents Chapter I – Socialism Empties The Churches Chapter II – The Pope Joins The Gang Chapter III – How He Helped Hitler In Austria Chapter […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. The Fruits Of Romanism The Catholic Church Does Far More Harm Than Good by Joseph McCabe Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius The Black International No. 19 Contents Chapter I – Progress In Catholic And Non-Catholic Countries Chapter II – The Black International Always In The Rear Chapter III […]
SECTION II THE CHURCH OF ROME TO-DAY CHAPTER I CATHOLIC SCHOLARSHIP THE reader may perhaps wonder if it is possible in such countries as the United States, England, and Germany for the writers of any sect to fence their people from the scholarship of modern times. If the facts of Papal history are as […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. The Story Of Religious Controversy Chapter IX by Joseph McCabe Religion and Morals in Ancient Egypt Contents Life in Ancient Egypt The Judgment of the Soul The Morals of the Egyptians Isis and Horus Life In Ancient Egypt UNTIL the beginning of the nineteenth century, when Napoleon […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. The Story Of Religious Controversy Chapter XXV by Joseph McCabe The Moorish Civilization in Spain Contents The Crescent and the Cross The Brilliance of the Moors The City of Light and Love Moorish Science and Literature The Ministry of the Jew The Crescent and the Cross THE […]
Chapter 6 Joseph Wheless 42 page printout, pages 196 to 237 of 322 CHAPTER VI THE CHURCH FORGERY MILL "Nevertheless, the forging of papal letters was even more frequent in the Middle Ages than in the early Church." (CE. ix, 203.) LYINGLY FOUNDED on forgery upon forgery, as has been made manifest by manifold admissions […]
Chapter 13 Joseph Wheless 28 page printout, page 231 - 258 CHAPTER XIII THE "PROPHECIES" OF JESUS CHRIST THROUGHOUT the four gospel biographies of Jesus, the Christ, there are frequent references to and quotations of sundry passages in the Old Testament, which are appealed to as "prophecies" concerning Jesus Christ, and are asserted to foretell […]
Order The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors now. “FOR I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and him crucified.” (I Cor. ii. 2.) There must have existed a very considerable amount of skepticism in the community as to the truth of the report of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the country […]
Order The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors now. Extraordinary Revelations in History and Science RECENT explorations in the field of oriental sacred history have revealed to the antiquarian some curious and deeply interesting facts appertaining to traditions founded on, and growing out of, astronomical phenomena and changes in the visible heavens, which throw much light on, […]
Order The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors now. CHAPTER XLV IN writing the concluding chapter of this work, the author deems it proper to re-state some points, and elaborate others, and anticipate some objections to some of the positions advanced. Each division of the subject will be marked by a separate figure, and treated in a […]
This file made available by Bill Restemeyer and the Internet Infidels for The Freethought Web. Did Jesus Christ Really Live? (ca. 1922) by Marshall J. Gauvin Scientific inquiry into the origins of Christianity begins today with the question: “Did Jesus Christ really live?” Was there a man named Jesus, who was called the Christ, living […]