“If you know nothing about the scientific field of quantum mechanics, you should start with the first book of this two book set, In Search of Schrodinger’s Cat: Quantum Physics and Reality. If you understand the classical Copenhagen explanation of quantum mechanics, but not the more recent interpretations, then this is your book. Even if you know very little about quantum mechanics, this is a very readable book. Since the subject of quantum mechanics is used by both theists and atheists to defend their philosophical positions, it is imperative for those who would interpret such philosophical debates to have at least the grounding in quantum mechanics you would receive through study of this book.
Once you take the time to read and understand this book, you will surely have a much better grasp of the limits placed on the ability of humans to perceive the full extent of ‘reality’ and the best interpretation of what our search for ultimate ‘reality’ might ultimately discover.”
Schrodinger’s Kittens and the Search for Reality
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