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Churches Ad Hoc: A Divine Comedy

Churches Ad Hoc: A Divine Comedy


With its eighty-six duotone illustrations and a foreword by Kern Trembath (Assistant Chairman, Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame) this is a humorous look at churches in America by photographer Herman Krieger.


“Among the best examples of satire on the Internet.”
— J. Michael Raymond, Editor, Contemporary Satire

“This is a fun book of photos by a man with a keen eye. Many of the pics are gut-busting hilarious. The theme is religion but there is nothing here to offend the religious. I highly recommend Churches Ad Hoc: A Divine Comedy to every one.
— Guy P. Harrison, author of Race and Reality: What Everyone Should Know About Our Biological Diversity and 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God.

“Herman Krieger doesn’t preach to the choir. He has seen through the pious facades of a lot of churches.”
— San Jose Mercury News

“Herman Krieger has a good eye and a knack for taking an offbeat look at churches and their surroundings.”
— The Dallas Morning News

“This sometimes irreverent photo essay draws a variety of responses. Christians see devotion. Atheists see satire. Photographers see artistry.”
— New York Times Online Edition

“I delighted in the photo captions. Composing them must have given you as much pleasure as reading them gave me. I browsed through them with both pleasure and amusement.”
— James Kilpatrick, Columnist

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