In February of this year, the folks who bring you the Secular Web decided that the best way to celebrate 6 years on the web was to do what so many readers have asked us to do’
Create a tee shirt that freethinkers everywhere could be proud to wear, and tell the world, “I’m an Internet Infidel.”

The process went on for months, beginning with bringing aboard David Feroe, the designer of HeresyHouse‘ and Hereticards‘. At Dave’s request, we brainstormed a bunch of ideas that tell what the secular web is about, from inspired to matter-of-fact, from philosophy to freethought (sorry, we had to rule out “free food”). In March, at the Board’s annual meeting (the only time we meet face-to-face, maybe that’s why they talk about “March Madness”), we gathered ’round James Still’s computer and pored over a full half-dozen designs from Dave’s fertile mind. (now there was free food’ free beer ‘ free flow), figuring out what we liked, and why. In the morning, we met again and pondered slogans. The hands-down favorite was Jim Still’s inspired, “Culture jamming theistic memes since 1995.” Dave came back with even more inspired designs. The Infidels discussed, opined, agonized, and finally voted. Here it is! The shirt we love, and we hope you’ll love it too.

Let us know what you think ‘ about this shirt ‘ whether you want more shirts ‘ whether you’d like the Infidels to create other items especially for you ‘ so send us Feedback. And hey! We won’t complain if you comment “with your wallet” 😉
Order Your Shirt Now!
For the “Starving Student” discount of 20%, go to the Secular Students Alliance (SSA) conference in Columbus, Ohio, from August 9-12. Say “hi” to Infidels’ vice-prez Molleen Matsumura and get your shirt. To find out more about the SSA Con, click the ad below:

Stuck at home? Buy your shirt before August 31 and get the “First Kid on the Block” discount of 10%.