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Victor Reppert

Victor Reppert

The Argument from Reason (1998)

Reppert argues that the existence of human reason gives us good reason to suppose that God exists. If the world were as the materialist supposes, then we would be unable to reason to this conclusion. This contention is often challenged by the claim that mental and physical explanations can be given for the same event. But a close examination of the question of explanatory compatibility reveals that the sort of explanation that would have to be given for the events of inferring that atheism is true, for example, is incompatible with the event being explicable as a purely physical product of a physical universe.

Hume on Miracles, Frequencies, and Prior Probabilities (1998)

Both apologetics and anti-apologetics should be engaged in persuasion, not coercion, and the attempt to ground irrationality charges against one's opponents is a misguided enterprise.

Published on the Secular Web

Modern Library

The Argument from Reason

(1998) Victor Reppert When we hear of some new attempt to explain reasoning or language or choice naturalistically, we ought to react as if we were told that someone had squared the circle or proved the square root of 2 to be rational: only the mildest curiosity is in order-how well has the fallacy been […]

Hume on Miracles, Frequencies, and Prior Probabilities

(1998) Victor Reppert I. Hume’s Argument Bertrand Russell was reportedly once asked what he would say to God if he were to find himself confronted by the Almighty about why he had not believed in God’s existence. He said that he would tell God “Not enough evidence, God, not enough evidence!”[1] But perhaps, if God […]