Bill Cooke
Bill Cooke
Does God Exist? (2002)
Dr. Bill Cooke of the New Zealand Association of Rationalists and Humanists engages a short, Internet debate on whether God exists with Imran Aijaz of the Auckland University Islamic Society. The debate was moderated by Richard Carrier. All parties agreed to four rounds, with a limit of 1500 words each.
Published on the Secular Web
[ Modern Library | Kiosk Book ]
Modern Library
Cooke-Aijaz Debate: Bill Cooke’s Second Rebuttal
Does God Exist? (2002) Bill Cooke’s Second Rebuttal: Super Duper’s (or Was It Hyper Mega’s) Last Gasp One really wonders what value there is in thrashing out questions of the existence of God. The evidence against the existence of any sort of god is so overwhelming as to be hardly worth arguing. And, as I […]
The Cooke-Aijaz Debate: Bill Cooke’s Closing Statement
Does God Exist? (2002) Bill Cooke’s Closing Statement: Behold the new god! Anthropocentric conceit! Having lunged and parried in cyberspace on the question of the possible existence of a god, how far have we got? I doubt anyone’s mind has been changed significantly. All that has probably happened as a result of these exchanges is […]
Cooke-Aijaz Debate: Opening Statement by Bill Cooke
Does God Exist? (2002) Opening Statement by Bill Cooke The Folly of the Super-dupers There is a beach at the northern extremity of New Zealand called the Ninety-Mile Beach. Oddly enough, the beach is ninety miles long. Imagine how many grains of sand there must be on this beach. Tens of millions? Now imagine one […]
[ Modern Library | Kiosk Book ]