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The Modern Library contains material written during or after 1970, which tends to be more scholarly than Kiosk material.
Mathew Sn Revelation
The Revelation Game mathew [ Traducción al Español / Spanish translation ] The Revelation Game is an interesting abstract analysis, though not quite a game theory version of Pascal’s Wager. The players are H, a human, and G, a superior being. Each player has two strategies. H can either believe or not believe in […]
Michael Martin Coherence
[Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in The International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (1985): 185-191. The page numbers below show the position of the text within that pagination scheme.] ________________________________________ 185 The Coherence of the Hypothesis of an Omnipotent, Omniscient, Free and Perfectly Evil Being (1985) Michael Martin Department of Philosophy, Boston […]
Michael Martin Gap
The Gap in Theistic Arguments (1997) Michael Martin Introduction In this paper I will show that all the major proofs for a theistic God contain a gap. Even if they are otherwise unassailable, they fail to prove what they purport to prove: that a theistic God exists. As proofs of theism these arguments are […]
Michael Martin Martin Frame Tang4
Third Response to Frame Michael Martin Science In my previous replies I suggested that on the standard sense of “miracle, ” a miracle is an event brought about by divine intervention in the natural course of events. Frame seems to understand this to mean simply that God caused the event in question to occur. […]
Michael Martin Standbypresup
You may order books by Michael Martin here. A brief biographical sketch is also available. Are There Really No Atheists? (1996) [ 16K ] Martin refutes Greg Bahnsen’s argument that there are no atheists. Butler’s Defense of TAG and Critique of TANG (1996) [ 11K ] Michael Butler in a recent paper published on the Internet has attempted to […]
Michael Moore Religious Prejudice
Prejudice in Religions (2018) Michael Moore Gordon Allport (1897-1967) was one of the most influential personality psychologists of the 20th century. He defined ethnic prejudice as “an antipathy based on faulty and inflexible generalization” (1954, p. 9). In The Nature of Prejudice, Allport devoted an entire chapter to the connection between prejudice and religion, noting […]
Nontheism Atheism Naturalism Secular Humanism Testimonials
Nontheism Atheism Free Will
On Naturalism, Are We Free and Morally Responsible for Our Actions? An Argument from Consciousness and Free Will (Great Debate) (2007) by Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro Most naturalists insist that there is no room for purpose or teleology in the universe. They hold that the origin and evolution of the universe was governed by […]
Nontheism Atheism Transcendental
Transcendental Argument for the Nonexistence of God The atheism section of the Modern Library is maintained by Jeffery Jay Lowder <Jeff Lowder>. Butler’s Defense of TAG and Critique of TANG (1996) by Michael Martin Michael Butler in a recent paper published on the Internet has attempted to defend The Transcendental Argument for the Existence of […]
Paul Draper Evil
Natural Selection and the Problem of Evil (2007) Paul Draper 1. Theism and Naturalism 2. Scope 3. Simplicity 4. Predictive Power: Preliminary Points 5. Predictive Power: Main Points 6. Objections and Replies 7. Conclusions By the “problem of evil,” philosophers mean, roughly, the question of whether the suffering, immorality, ignorance, and other evils in […]
Paul Obrien Gentle Atheism12
An important distinction that must now be made is the difference between an agnostic and an atheist. The atheist asserts a belief that God does not exist, and the agnostic asserts that it is not known (perhaps not even knowable) whether God exists or not. A criticism I frequently hear against atheism comes from agnostics. […]
Peter Kirby Tomb
The Historicity of the Empty Tomb Evaluated (2001) Peter Kirby Introduction to the Issue The Case Against the Empty Tomb Argument from Silence Testimony of Paul Dependence on Mark Fictional Characteristics in Mark Improbabilities in Mark Roman Crucifixion and Jewish Burial Burial Traditions Appearance Traditions The Case For the Empty Tomb The Tomb Burial […]
Quentin Smith Uncaused
The Uncaused Beginning of the Universe (1988) Quentin Smith The following article was originally published in PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE in 1988 (Volume 55, No. 1, pp. 39-57). [Note by HTML transcriber: This transcription was performed under HTML 3.0, which was unable to display many mathematic symbols, some types of formatting, or simultaneously display more than […]
Reason Agnosticism
Agnosticism An Agnostic Theology (2010) by Kile Jones Insofar as theology depends upon revelation, can it possibly be agnostic? Kile Jones argues that an “agnostic theology” is not only not a contradiction in terms, but is an intellectually honest position that allows one to provide reasons for possible belief in God while simultaneously allowing reasons […]
Richard Carrier Bigbang
You are probably looking for the article “Was There a Big Bang? I Honestly Don’t Know” by Richard Carrier. It has been removed from the web because I no longer agree with its argument. I have now stated and defended my new position in the essay ” I Was a Big Bang Skeptic” (2002). The […]
Richard Carrier Carrier Wanchick Assessment
Final Assessment by Independent Judges (2006) Welcome to Naturalism vs. Theism: The Carrier-Wanchick Debate. Richard and Tom agreed to have four independent judges read and assess their debate upon its completion according to The Rules We Followed, especially rules (7) and (8). Those judges present their assessments below. Total Assessment Glenn Miller [assessment] Victor […]
Richard Carrier Fish
A Fish Did Not Write This Essay (1995) Richard Carrier [This essay won second prize in a competition and was published in Freethought Today 12:7 (Sept. 1995), p. 8. The Freedom From Religion Foundation which publishes Freethought Today comes highly recommended as a very human, professional, national organization for freethinkers of all varieties, and […]
Richard Carrier Herodotus
William Lane Craig, Herodotus, and Myth Formation (1999) Richard Carrier This essay addresses one specific argument made by William Lane Craig, to the effect that “tests” from Herodotus demonstrate that myths or legends (such as resurrection appearances or an empty tomb) cannot grow within a single generation. A great deal more could be said about […]
Richard Carrier Improbable Intolerant
Was Christianity Too Improbable to be False? (2006) [See Introduction] Richard Carrier 6. Who Would Join an Intolerant Cult? James Holding quotes DeSilva’s comment that “the message about this Christ was incompatible with the most deeply rooted religious ideology of the Gentile world, as well as the more recent message propagated in Roman […]
Richard Carrier Moreland
Does the Christian Theism Advocated by J.P. Moreland Provide a Better Reason to be Moral than Secular Humanism? (1998) Richard Carrier The following essay has been completely improved and superceded by a more accurate version and backed by more detailed analysis in Richard Carrier, Sense and Goodness without God (2005), pp. 291-348. Any critique […]
Richard Carrier Resurrection 1c
This file has been relocated: it is now Section III of General Case for Insufficiency .
Richard Carrier Resurrection 3c
This file has been relocated: it is now Section III of General Case for Spiritual Resurrection: Evidence Against Resurrection of the Flesh.
Richard Carrier Resurrection Introduction
Why I Don’t Buy the Resurrection Story (6th ed., 2006) Richard Carrier Introduction What is the purpose of this collection of essays? Many things could be said which cast doubt on the story of the Resurrection of Jesus by God, but there are three above all that are most decisive in leading me […]
Richard Gale Alston
Why Alston’s Mystical Doxastic Practice Is Subjective (1994) Richard Gale The following article was originally published in PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH, Vol. LIV, No. 4, December 1994. Within each of the great religions there is a well established doxastic practice (DP) of taking experiential inputs consisting of apparent direct perceptions of God (M-experiences) […]
Robert Price Beyond Born Again Chap4
________________________________________ 53 Beyond Born Again Section I– The Born Again Experience: A Brave New World? Chapter 4: The Personal Savior “I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” If you are an Evangelical Christian you can remember saying these words probably more times than you can count. If on the other hand you are not […]
Robert Price Price
From Fundamentalist to Humanist (1997) Robert M. Price Everyone is on a spiritual journey. Most of the time we are glad enough to admit this, but other times we want stability more than anything else, and at those times we are liable to fear religious change lest we fall away from hard-won truth. But […]
Robin Collins Design Defended
Clarifying the Case for Cosmic Design (2008) Robin Collins Clarifying My Argument Draper’s “Understated Evidence” Objection The Idea of Probabilistic Tension Beauty of the Laws of Nature Final Comments: The Intrinsic Probabilities of Theism and Naturalism Clarifying My Argument First, I would like to thank Quentin Smith and Paul Draper for participating in this […]
Sally Morem Guthrie Review
Peering at Faces in the Clouds (1996) Sally Morem [This article was originally published in Secular Nation September/October 1996, pp. 2-5.] Review of Stewart Elliott Guthrie: Faces in the Clouds: A New Theory of Religion (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993) $30.00. What is religion and why does it pervade human thought and culture? […]
Stewart Goetz Against Physicalism
Objections to Melnyk’s Case for Physicalism (2007) Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro 1. Philosophy of Mind We are grateful for this opportunity to reply to Professor Melnyk’s systematic, clear paper entitled “A Case for Physicalism about the Human Mind.” According to Melnyk (henceforth M), “An individual item (object, property-instance, or process) is physical in […]
Testimonials Price
From Fundamentalist to Humanist (1997) Robert M. Price Everyone is on a spiritual journey. Most of the time we are glad enough to admit this, but other times we want stability more than anything else, and at those times we are liable to fear religious change lest we fall away from hard-won truth. But […]