The CHAIRMAN: Mr. Roberts will now deliver his concluding speech for which he is to be allowed the full time. Mr. ROBERTS: And now, Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the end of the discussion. It has not been so entirely satisfactory as might have been wished; but it has been as much […]
Descent of Man [ 1871] Charles Darwin [ 1809 – 1882 ] Chapter XI – Insects, Continued – Order Lepidoptera. Butterflies and Moths IN this great Order the most interesting points for us are the differences in colour between the sexes of the same species, and between the distinct species of the same […]
The Origin Of Species (1872) Charles Darwin Chapter XI: On the Geological Succession of Organic Beings LET us now see whether the several facts and laws relating to the geological succession of organic beings accord best with the common view of the immutability of species, or with that of their slow and gradual modification, […]
The Voyage of the Beagle (1839) Charles Darwin Chapter I: St. Jago — Cape de Verd Islands Porto Praya — Ribeira Grande — Atmospheric Dust with Infusoria — Habits of a Sea-slug and Cuttle-fish — St. Paul’s Rocks, non-volcanic — Singular Incrustations — Insects the first Colonists of Islands — Fernando Noronha — […]
The Voyage of the Beagle (1839) Charles Darwin Chapter V: Bahia Blanca Bahia Blanca — Geology — Numerous gigantic Quadrupeds — Recent Extinction — Longevity of species — Large Animals do not require a luxuriant vegetation — Southern Africa — Siberian Fossils — Two Species of Ostrich — Habits of Oven-bird — Armadilloes […]
The Origin, Nature, and Destiny of Man Charles Watts THE origin, nature, and destiny of man have for ages been considered problems of a most interesting character. Philosophers and theologians have directed earnest attention to their solution, while poets have allowed their imagination unlimited scope in a field which seemed to be almost boundless. […]
The Meaning Of Atheism By E. Haldeman-Julius Little Blue Book No. 1597 Haldeman-Julius Company Atheism is accurately defined as the denial of the assumptions of theism. The theist affirms that there is a God running the universe; he declares that the idea of such a God is necessary to an understanding of life; he offers […]
[Back To Chapter 6] A Biographical Appreciation of Robert Green Ingersoll by Herman E. Kittredge CHAPTER 7 FROM EIGHTEEN EIGHTY-NINE TO EIGHTEEN NINETY-TWO In 1889, the Rationalists of Europe and America having conjointly provided for the erection of a life-size statue of Bruno, in the Campo dei fiori at Rome, on the spot where […]
Memorial and Remonstrance (1785) MEMORIAL AND REMONSTRANCE AGAINST RELIGIOUS AS SESSMENTS. TO THE HONORABLE THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA. A MEMORIAL AND REMONSTRANCE. We, the subscribers, citizens of the said Commonwealth, having taken into serious consideration, a Bill printed by order of the last Session of General Assembly, entitled “A Bill establishing […]
Chapter XIV Idea of Duration and its Simple Modes 1. Duration is fleeting extension. There is another sort of distance, or length, the idea whereof we get not from the permanent parts of space, but from the fleeting and perpetually perishing parts of succession. This we call duration; the simple modes whereof are any different […]
Chapter XXIX Of Clear and Obscure, Distinct and Confused Ideas 1. Ideas, some clear and distinct, others obscure and confused. Having shown the original of our ideas, and taken a view of their several sorts; considered the difference between the simple and the complex; and observed how the complex ones are divided into those of […]
Chapter VI Of the Names of Substances 1. The common names of substances stand for sorts. The common names of substances, as well as other general terms, stand for sorts: which is nothing else but the being made signs of such complex ideas wherein several particular substances do or might agree, by virtue of which […]
Chapter XX Of Wrong Assent, or Error 1. Causes of error, or how men come to give assent contrary to probability. Knowledge being to be had only of visible and certain truth, error is not a fault of our knowledge, but a mistake of our judgment giving assent to that which is not true. But […]
Six Historic Americans Ulysses S. Grant by John E. Remsburg In the preceding pages of the Fathers and Saviors of our Republic I have shown that Paine, Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, and Lincoln were Freethinkers. In the following pages of this work I shall present some of the evidences of Grant’s unbelief. The Rev, Dr. J.P. […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. Rome Puts A Blight On Culture The Roman Church, The Poorest In Culture And Richest In Crime by Joseph McCabe Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius The Black International No. 13 Contents Chapter I – Who Are The Catholic 300,000,000? Chapter II – The Minimum Of Scholarship And The […]
SECTION I THE HISTORY OF THE ROMAN CHURCH CHAPTER III THE PAPACY IN THE DARK AGES THE Pope to whom I have referred, Hadrian (or Adrian) I, was one of the most respected and religious prelates in Rome at the time of the horrors I have described, and he succeeded to the Papacy a few […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. The Story Of Religious Controversy Chapter III by Joseph McCabe A Few of the World’s Great Religions Contents The Religions of Egypt and Babylon The Chinese Religions and Confucius Buddha and the Religions of India The Religions Of Egypt And Babylon WHAT chiefly surprises the man who […]
Order books by and about Joseph McCabe now. The Story Of Religious Controversy Chapter XIX by Joseph McCabe Christianity and Slavery Contents Paganism and Slavery The Gospel and the Slave The Churches and the Workers Paganism and Slavery ABOUT the year 100 A.D. two remarkable lectures on slavery were delivered in Rome. The central part […]
Forgery In Christianity By Joseph Wheless Introduction Chapter I – Pagan Frauds–Christian Precedents Chapter II – Hebrew Holy Forgeries Chapter III – Christian “Scripture” Forgeries Chapter IV – The Saintly “Fathers” Of The Faith Chapter V – The “Gospel” Forgeries Chapter VI – The Church Forgery Mill Chapter VII – The “Triumph” Of Christianity
Chapter 07 Joseph Wheless 10 page printout, page 136 - 144 CHAPTER VII THE "CONQUEST" OF THE PROMISED LAND HAVING been duly impressed with the promises reiterated by Yahveh to his Chosen People, let us turn our attention to the wondrous manner of their fulfillment, as recorded in the inspired history. The promises are repeated […]
Order The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors now. WE have the singular coincidence presented in the histories of several of the Saviors of their lineal descent through a line of kings or princes, and yet commencing their probationary life under the most humble and adverse circumstances — being born in stables, caves, and other inauspicious situations. […]
Order The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors now. SOME Christian writers have labored to make it appear that this is exclusively a Christian doctrine, while others have labored as hard to get it out of their bible, or make the people believe that it is not therein taught. We shall show, upon scriptural and historical authority, […]
Order The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors now. THE ancients very naturally concluded that an offspring of God (a son of God) should have a purer, higher and holier maternal origin than is incident to the lot of mortals, and this was to constitute one of the evidences of his emanation from the Deity — that […]
INVERSELY to the remoteness of time has been man’s ascent toward the temple of knowledge. Truth has made its ingress into the human mind in the ratio by which man has attained the capacity to receive and appreciate it. Hence, as we tread back the meandering pathway of human history, every step in the receding […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Address to the Actors’ Fund of America. by Robert G. Ingersoll New York, June 5, 1888. **** **** MR. PRESIDENT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I have addressed, or annoyed, a great many audiences in my life and I have not the slightest doubt that I stand now before […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1898) Robert Green Ingersoll The average American, like the average man of any country, has but little imagination. People who speak a different language, or worship some other god, or wear clothing unlike his own, are beyond the horizon of his sympathy. He cares but little or […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. The Christian Religion The Ingersoll–Black Debate, Part II Robert G. Ingersoll, 1881 **** **** III “Apart from moral conduct, all that man thinks himself able to do, in order to become acceptable to God, is mere superstition and religious folly.” Kant. _______ Several months ago, The North […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Robert Green Ingersoll PREFACE TO LITERE’S “FOR HER DAILY BREAD.” I HAVE read this story, this fragment of a life mingled with fragments of other lives, and have been pleased, interested, and instructed. It is filled with the pathos of truth, and has in it the humor […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. Improved Man (1890) Robert Green Ingersoll THE Improved Man will be in favor of universal liberty — that is to say, he will be opposed to all kings and nobles, to all privileged classes. He will give to all others the rights he claims for himself. He […]
Order books by and about Robert Ingersoll now. (1889) Robert Green Ingersoll By Cardinal Gibbons, Bishop Henry C. Potter, and Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll. The attention of the public has been particularly directed of late to the abuses of divorce, and to the facilities afforded by the complexities of American law, and by the looseness […]