The Euthyphro Problem for Divine Command Theory
If you are interested, you can read some of …what I’ve previously written about the Euthyphro Problem on the Secular Outpost blog:
At the above link you will find a six-part series that I wrote about the Euthyphro dilemma. Part 6 mentions some of examples of William Lane Craig confusing the arbitrariness problem with the contingency problem:
You can watch a discussion between Matthew Flannagan (a defender of DCT) and me about the Euthyphro dilemma here:
Also, you might enjoy this interview conducted by Real Atheology:
I want to thank Peter Lupu, Richard Klaus, and the other members of the Glendale Community College Philosophy Club for inviting me to visit and talk about the Euthyphro problem, and also my wife, Heidi Beezley, for helping with the slides for this presentation.[+] Show More