The following works are from three writers who are members of the Internet Infidels Discussion Board (IIDB), which, in affiliation with the Secular Web, promotes a naturalistic world view, free of God or gods and the supernatural. The works in the main are in keeping with the basic idea of metaphysical or methodological naturalism, and the idea that ultimately we are responsible for our own lives, and not beholden to some eye in the sky always watching and judging us.
Added A Lawyer Evaluates Philosophical Arguments for Miracles (2024) by Robert G. Miller to the Argument from Miracles page under Arguments for the Existence of a God, and the Resurrection page under Christianity in the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. Evidentialists typically argue that there is something unfair about “presuppositions” against miracles […]
Inspired to respond to some half-a-dozen common misconceptions about atheism, Thomas Bear outlines his own views—and those of the atheists that he knows personally—about the true nature of atheism. In doing so Bear clarifies who holds the burden of proof concerning claims about God, the place of hope, meaning, and purpose in a world without God, the significance of life's transience to that place for hope, meaning, and purpose, how we all create our own meaning anyway, the role of religion in the public sphere, and the rights and freedoms of nonbelievers as well as everyone else. While each of these topics could inspire an entire essay in its own right, it's useful for novices to have them already addressed in one article to which they can refer whenever these well-worn religious objections rear their ugly heads.
Evidentialists typically argue that there is something unfair about "presuppositions" against miracles and that we should investigate the alleged evidence for their occurrence. But in this paper Robert G. Miller points out that legal rules do not exclude evidence only after a complete investigation proves that such evidence could never be factual. Rather, evidentiary rules exclude entire categories of evidence that the law considers to be too unreliable to support a verdict. Furthermore, religious historians' two requirements for historical evidence of a miracle—the absence of a plausible natural explanation for an event and the occurrence of that event in a historical "context charged with religious significance"—amount to an argument from ignorance combined with an appeal to a historical context that is irrelevant to how truth-conducive a claim may be. Little wonder that supposed evidence of miracles has not been admissible in court since the Salem witch trials.
Added A Little Prelude Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Piano/Keyboard | Noteflight (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web.
Added the ninety-fourth Freethinker Podcast YouTube Interview with Robert M. Price on Predestination, the New Testament, & the Qur’an (2024) to the Freethinker Podcast page under Resources on the Secular Web. Join host Edouard Tahmizian for a fifty-minute interview with long-time biblical scholar and Jesus mythicist Robert M. Price on whether the concept of predestination […]
Join host Edouard Tahmizian for a fifty-minute interview with long-time biblical scholar and Jesus mythicist Robert M. Price on whether the concept of predestination or determinism can be found in the Book of Acts, whether open theism is plausible, and whether some of the more miraculous events depicted in the Qur'an are credible. Tahmizian proposes a number of questions about these topics to Price. For example, given that a word sometimes translated as "predetermined" crops up in a discussion of events to come, did the author of Acts believe that God causally determined/necessitated Jesus' murder, or that those who brought about his death had the freedom to have done other than what they did do? What do open theists think about the possibility that God doesn't know the future exactly, but just knows about what might happen? Is the open theist position on this question biblically plausible? Tahmizian also asks Price about the origin of the story of Muhammad splitting the Moon in the Qu'ran, whether or not there was a historical Muhammad, and how and when the texts of the Qu'ran came to be put together. Tune in for a wide-ranging discussion about these and other intriguing issues with a noted biblical scholar!
Added Spring Prelude Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Piano/Keyboard | Noteflight (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Our outstanding Vice President & Social Media Manager Edouard Tahmizian has come up with a masterpiece this time. Boosey & Hawkes and Hal Lenoard will definitely want to publish this. […]
As those with no religious affiliation continue to grow, religious conservatives are using every trick in their toolbox to cling to the last vestiges of power. Despite their efforts to obstruct progress, the future of the culture is less religiosity, not more. Help up expose their misinformation by pitching in to keep the Secular Web […]
Added Down the Icy Mountain Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Piano/Keyboard | Noteflight (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Our illustrious Vice President Edouard Tahmizian has written another work—his best one yet. It’s perfect for beginner pianists and it really gives you the feel for going down […]
Added the ninety-third Freethinker Podcast YouTube sixth Interview with Edward Tabash on the Equal Rights of Nonbelievers (2024) to the Freethinker Podcast page under Resources on the Secular Web. Tune in for about an hour for a return interview with Los Angeles constitutional lawyer Edward Tabash by Freethinker Podcast host Edouard Tahmizian about the future […]
Tune in for about an hour for a return interview with Los Angeles constitutional lawyer Edward Tabash by Freethinker Podcast host Edouard Tahmizian about the future of equal rights for nonbelievers and adjacent threats to the US Constitution. Ahead of general election, Tabash argues, we stand on the threshold of two possible futures. One is an expansion of the Enlightenment values of the equality of believers and nonbelievers before the law and of the passage or upholding of evidence-based laws and regulations unhindered by ideological hostility to modernity and commitment to theocracy. The other is an onslaught of oppressive laws passed by the US Congress, various state legislatures, and other local branches of government that overtly favor religious belief over nonbelief and ignore science to appease special interest groups. Back in 1987 (in Edwards v. Aguillard) a Louisiana law requiring that creationism be taught in the public schools alongside evolution was overturned by the US Supreme Court in a 7-2 vote. Now we have a 6-3 supermajority on the Court and a quarter of all federal judges sympathetic to the aims of the Religious Right. Anti-science decisions, like Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo (2020) and South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom (2021), have seen the Court strike down health regulations designed to limit the spread of COVID. In West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency (2022), the Court ruled that the EPA does not have the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act. And contrary to the promise of limited government intervention into the personal lives of citizens, the Court has made a number of decisions undermining abortions rights since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022. That year the Heritage Foundation also took up restructuring the executive branch to undermine the federal government's authority over public education and allow more religious proselytization in the K-12 classroom. The Project 2025 plan to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal existing LGBTQ protections centering around marriage equality and workplace anti-discrimination laws is just the tip of the iceberg. Quiet efforts to replace the US Constitution by invoking Article 5, such that two-thirds of States can call for a Constitutional Convention, have continued unabated. To date 19 state legislatures have fully passed a resolution calling for such a convention, and in 7 other states at least one state house has passed it; if successful, such a convention could easily establish a new Constitution that declares the United States a Christian nation and revokes the civil rights of atheists, among other things. Tabash urges every American citizen to treat every presidential and US Senate election as a referendum on the Court: whether future justices to the Court will uphold the separation of church and state and advocate for science depends on who the US president is and who is in the Senate when a Court vacancy arises.
Atheist and Executive Director & Editor-in-Chief of Internet Infidels (the maintainers of the Secular Web for nearly three decades) joins Dale Glover's Real Seekers podcast to provide his own skeptical take on near-death experiences (NDEs). The dialogue includes a review of neutral ways in which near-death researchers can collect testimony of near-death experiences (NDEs) that could provide compelling evidence that something leaves the normal physical body (or that some other paranormal process occurs) during such experiences—though such tests also have the potential to fail to do any such thing.
Added the Real Seekers Podcast Interview with Keith Augustine on Veridical Near-Death Experiences (2024) to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Check out an under two-hour discussion between Real Seekers Podcast host Dale Glover and Internet Infidels Executive Director & Editor-in-Chief Keith Augustine for discussion of neutral ways in which near-death researchers can collect […]
Added Alone on an Island—Sheet music for Piano | Flat (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Tune in for our illustrious vice president’s greatest work yet, one that’s good enough for publication by Boosey & Hawkes. This one is sure to make waves and is in part dedicated to […]
Added A Lawyer Evaluates the Minimal Facts Approach (2024) by Robert G. Miller to the Resurrection page under Christianity and the Gary Habermas page under Christian Apologetics and Apologists in the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. Gary Habermas pioneered the “minimal facts approach” (MFA) to proving the resurrection of Jesus. Habermas asserts […]
The Jewish Tanakh (or Christian Old Testament) includes a creation myth in Genesis Chapters 2 and 3. The story describes Adam and Eve's famous sojourn in the Garden of Eden, which ended abruptly after they disobeyed God. Though only a handful of verses, Christians consider this narrative an essential truth of the faith and call it the Fall of Man story. In "Truth, the Fall, and Hominins," G. P. Denken questions whether there can be any historical truth to the Fall in light of human evolution. He focuses on the Catholic Church's current accommodationist approach to the subject, seeing the Fall story as symbolic and allowing scholarly speculation on how evolution fits into the narrative. He concludes that the Church has failed to extract the Fall’s historical truth from our hominin history, and its speculations on evolution raise more problems for its complicated theology than they resolve. Once the Church recognizes that it can accept either human evolution or the Fall story, but not both, Denken predicts that it will abandon evolution and return to an irrational, literalist reading of the Fall.
Gary Habermas pioneered the "minimal facts approach" (MFA) to proving the resurrection of Jesus. Habermas asserts that a few facts accepted by even skeptical scholars are enough to substantiate the Resurrection's occurrence. Retired attorney Robert G. Miller argues that the "facts" cited by Habermas are actually opinions, and that Habermas misrepresents those opinions. Miller argues that commonsense rules of evidence developed by courts over centuries of deciding real-world issues provide a better way of evaluating the evidence claimed for the Resurrection.
Added 80’s Prelude Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Piano/Keyboard | Noteflight (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Check out Vice President Edouard Tahmizian’s free 80’s Prelude sheet music as a digital notation file for piano/keyboard in C Major. And if you like it, share it with your […]
Added Prelude Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Piano/Keyboard | Noteflight (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Check out Vice President Edouard Tahmizian’s latest free prelude sheet music as a digital notation file for piano/keyboard in C Major (transposable). Share at will!
Added Musical Compositions (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Check out the list of key musical compositions by Vice President Edouard Tahmizian all in one place. Only the most recent selections have been included here, including Internet Infidels’ official theme track “The Infidel Cha Cha,” but check back from […]
For various freethought musical compositions, check out Edouard Tahmizian’s musical works for piano or guitar: The Infidel Cha Cha Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Guitar | Noteflight. The Infidel Cha Cha, composed by our most excellent Vice President & Freethinker Podcast Creator Edouard Tahmizian, has now become the official theme track for Internet […]
Added The Infidel Cha-cha Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Guitar | Noteflight (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Composed by our excellent Vice President Edouard Tahmizian, take a listen and enjoy the cool twist and turns of the track. He also has the hopes that this will […]
Added Prelude II Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Piano/Keyboard | Noteflight (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Check out our illustrious Vice President Edouard Tahmizian’s sequel to A Prelude, also focused on the group KATSEYE.
Added Bad Faith: A Concise Criticism of Christianity (2024) by Vito Lear to the Christian Worldview page under Christianity in the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. In this short online book, Vito Lear presents a primer that outlines questions, issues, and evidence illustrating that Christianity has failed to meet its burden to […]
In this short online book, Vito Lear presents a primer that outlines questions, issues, and evidence illustrating that Christianity has failed to meet its burden to prove its extraordinary claim to have the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Lear’s concise inquiry focuses on three core issues: Are the fundamental claims of Christianity consistent with reason and morality? Is Christianity’s sacred text, the Bible, historically reliable? And since its advent, has Christianity overall made the world a better place, or a worse one? Lear argues that these questions should be widely asked, but are rarely considered by the general population in the predominately Christian culture of the United States.
In this satirical article Vern Loomis breaks down the prescribed paths to Heaven or Hell laid out by the three Abrahamic religions currently dominating the Western world, as well those laid out by the Baha'i faith. In order to clarify the contradictions between these religions on such a crucial matter for humankind, Loomis speculates that perhaps one day God will directly and miraculously set the record straight himself. Until that day, Loomis hopes that God's supposed emissaries will find peace among themselves while maintaining that the others are deeply mistaken about an issue for which no one can afford to be in error.
Added A Prelude Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Piano/Keyboard | Noteflight (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Tune in as our illustrious Vice President Edouard Tahmizian writes his greatest work yet dedicated to the new pop group KATSEYE.
Added the ninety-second Freethinker Podcast YouTube fifth Interview with Richard Carrier on the Reliability of Luke, the Gospels, & Papias (2024) to the Freethinker Podcast page under Resources on the Secular Web. Check out Freethinker Podcast as host Edouard Tahmizian is joined by freethinking historian Richard C. Carrier for a little under an hour to […]
Check out Freethinker Podcast as host Edouard Tahmizian is joined by freethinking historian Richard C. Carrier for a little under an hour to discuss the reliability of the canonical Gospels, including Luke's gospel and the Book of Acts, and whether Papias can tell us anything about New Testament authors that isn't ahistorical. After speaking to the "genre" of the Gospels and to which historical period he would date them, Carrier addresses the historical reliability (or lack thereof) of the Gospel of Luke and how we know that the Book of Acts is "fake history." The discussion then turns to whether a historical Papias existed and, regardless of the answer to that question, whether we can believe that anything in the writings attributed to Papias provide us with any credible information about a historical Jesus. A lengthy discussion about why some gospels include a story about Jesus transfiguring into a shining, radiant being ensues, followed by a final discussion on John Dominic Crossan's comment that N. T. Wright's reconstruction of a historical Jesus makes for good reading, but is entirely fiction. Tune in for a casual discussion with our returning historian on some particularly problematic conundrums for taking New Testament accounts to be more than ahistorical!
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