What Others Are Saying
In 2004 the Secular Web was ranked among the “Best of the Web” in PC Magazine Best of the Internet. According to the back cover, PC Magazine contributing editor Don Willmott “has personally checked out thousands of sites…. [arranged them] into logical categories … [and] then selected the best of the best in every one.”
The site … [presents] a wide range of interesting essays about secularism and accompanying each one with discussions that elaborate on the themes and ideas being presented. This is not a site for Wiccans, Marilyn Manson fans, or teenagers who get bored in church. It’s a highly intellectual gathering of philosophers and academics who have a lot to say about the world and the role (sometimes damaging) that organized religion plays in it. What about life after death? The site presents the thoughts of Albert Einstein, David Hume, and even Clarence Darrow to make its points. Church-state separation? See what Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Thomas Paine had to say about it. A daily newsfeed is searchable by topic, so you can track the abortion debate, worldwide fanaticism, or the creation/evolution debate easily.
Don Willmott PC Magazine Best of the Internet (2004), p. 277
Without doubt, the Secular Web is the most comprehensive web-based resource on the Net…. It is well organized and has a range of different approaches, services, and styles of discussion and interaction…. It is the stated goal of Internet Infidels to promote and defend atheism on the Net, and they certainly do that very effectively.
Bill Cooke Dictionary of Atheism, Skepticism, and Humanism (2006), p. 267
It is filled with all sorts of resources for anyone interested in investigating science, atheism, agnosticism, naturalism and so on. If you have any interest at all in these areas, bookmark this site.
George A. Ricker Godless in America (2006), p. 154
It is hard to top Infidels.org for good graphics, thoughtful material, extensive networking, and interdisciplinary flair.
Bruce Lawrence Complete Idiot’s Guide to Religions Online (2000), p. 267
Undoubtedly, the discovery of the Internet infidels, the Secular Web, or the various atheist and freethought newsgroups has done much to remove the sense of isolation felt by many with antireligious opinions.
David Nash in Practicing Religion in the Age of the Media (2002), p. 281
What Our Readers Are Saying
About 2 years ago, I searched for an atheist-Christian debate I wanted to see. Instead of finding it, I stumbled upon the Christianity section at infidels.org. I started reading. When I started reading these articles, I fully expected to find good reasons to reject what they were saying. So I studied more to defend the faith and “then I would be a stronger Christian,” I told myself. Things didn’t turn out that way. After a few hundred hours of searching for answers, I no longer believed the Bible was true. It was a difficult and emotional decision, but I believe it was the right one. I think that without Internet access, I would still be a believer today. Churches (at least in my part of the country) are on every corner, but the Internet is now on our mobile phones. That gives unbelievers a voice that they otherwise would not have, and it is bound to expand their audience to people like me.
I love this site! I’ve never seen a better site dedicated to ridding society of harmful beliefs. One of the most impressive attributes of this site is the fact that you regularly supply references and links to the very writings that you are arguing against! I have never found a site supporting a religion (especially Christianity) that does this. Gee! I wonder who is really trying to arrive at truth in a rational and scholarly manner. Still, even without this refreshing quality, this site would still stand tall above the rest merely because of its wide variety of well organized writings! Good work!
Thank you for the great site, the hours of work it took (and takes) are quite evident and I want you to know that I appreciate it greatly and that you should take great pride in it.
The Secular Web has helped me tremendously in my philosophical pursuits. You should know last year, another rational-freethinking-humanist-atheist was born with much of the [credit] going to the authors/thinkers located at your site, a place I now consider a home.
I want to thank you for your site and for all your hard work. You helped me to achieve (yes, achieve) atheism a few years ago.
Just a short note to tell you that I greatly appreciate your website and all that it communicates about the importance of critical thought as a bastion against slavish worship of power, and against fear. Thank you for providing such timely and important information!
Just a short comment to tell you that I have found “the Secular Web” to be a very valuable resource. Since I first found it several months ago I have been coming back regularly to continue my reading through your vast collection of articles. Keep up the good work, there are many people who appreciate what you are doing.
I cannot clearly express my great joy and appreciation for this wonderful website and the access it has allowed me to these sources. I feel I have dreamed-up a cavern of gold and riches and woken to find it real; I had no idea I would so easily find so many sources on this topic all in one place.
For starters, just let me say that the Secular Web is far and away the best web site I have ever encountered, that I visit it regularly (almost daily!) and that I am immensely encouraged and entertained by your efforts. Please keep up your wonderful work. I remain a “faithful” reader.