It was the year of our Lord 2069, and the early morning was peaceful and serene, with the sun rising and gently drifting in and out of the small fluffy clouds that dotted the turquoise sky. It was glorious to be alive. Rebecca thought of Genesis 1:3-5. She marveled at how true the scripture was for this day, for it was truly good. Yet night would bring terror that she had never known. The day which had begun so peacefully would end in a way so horrible that Rebecca could not have believed it possible. (Editor's note: Fiction. ~10,000 words.)
A short story in the science fiction genre which looks at the current situation in the world, with its religious extremism, and where it may all end up.
An irreverent, mildly satirical look at ending the clash between capitalism, communism, socialism and radical repressive fundamentalist religious theocracies; done in the style of the French philosophers, this essay will give you most of the intellectual tools you need, the author hopes, to finally put communism, socialism and repressive religious fundamentalist theocracies where they belong; in the dustbin of history. In this endeavor the author employs relentless logic, evolution, passion, common sense and an offbeat sense of humor to complete the task.