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Paid Sponsorship (i.e. banner advertising) on the Secular Web. The Internet Infidels provides three slots to place a small graphical banner advertisment. Most pages on infidels.org carry the banner ads. The IIDB forums and the Secular Frontier also display the banner ads. Three different banner ads are displayed on any one page at any given time. These are randomly selected on a page-by-page basis.

Our standard rates and conditions:

Graphical banner ads only. Static (PNG or JPG) or animated GIF. No text or other types of advertising will be considered. Graphic and link only. You supply the graphic and the URL to which it will link.

Our banner ad specifications are as follows:

Graphic dimensions:150 × 67
Maximum file size:25K
Graphic format:GIF (animated ok), PNG, or JPG
Frames:15 Max

Banner ad rates are as follows:

1 Month$490%$49
6 Months$24920%$229
1 Year$58840%$349

You should not make payment before Internet Infidels has decided whether or not to approve running your banner ad. Please use the Sponsor form to get the process started.

Payment may be made through PayPal, or via mail addressed to:

Internet Infidels, Inc.
ATTN: Secular Web Sponsor
711 S. Carson St., Suite 4
Carson City, NV 89701

When ordering by mail, please indicate:

  1. Your contact information. Name and email address.
  2. The duration. 1 month, 6 months, or 1 year.
  3. If you want to auto renew.
  4. The link/URL for the banner.

You will be contacted by email to allow you to send the banner ad graphic.