
March 10, 2025

Added In the Darkness (Piano Music) (2025), written by Edouard Tahmizian and performed by Petrina Wong, to the Secular Web. Our amazing vice president has released a new track played by another professional pianist called In The Darkness. Her amazing tempo really allows this piece to sound cool and edgy!

March 8, 2025

Added A King’s Tale (2025), written by Edouard Tahmizian and performed by Christie Peery Skousen, to the Secular Web. Check out a professional pianist’s rendition of our lovely vice president Edouard Tahmizian’s A King’s Tale!

March 7, 2025

Added The Forlorn Maiden—Sheet music for Piano | Flat (2025) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Check out the vice president’s new work The Forlorn Maiden. He has dedicated it to his crush, who is Koko from IZNA. Be sure to check out A King’s Tale as well!

February 7, 2025

Added Is Atheism a Religious Faith? A Definitive Answer (2025) by John W. Loftus to the Faith and Reason page, as well as the Christian Apologetics and Apologists and Christian Worldview pages under Christianity, in the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. What is faith, atheism, and agnosticism? How should these words be […]

Revisiting Infinity

There are a variety of apologetic motivations for maintaining that God is a simple being. But Christian apologist Richard Swinburne has a unique take on and motivation for maintaining God's simplicity. Swinburne argues that because God has attributes of infinite magnitude, he is the epitome of simplicity, for infinite attributes in general are as simple as possible, whether pertaining to God or not. In this article Gabe Czobel aims to show that this claim is not only dubious, but leads to a contradiction.

February 5, 2025

Added The King’s Tale by Edouard Tahmizian for Solo Piano | Flat (2025) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Internet Infidels Vice President & Social Media Manager Edouard Tahmizian has written a tune that must simply be called a classic. Come check it out! Mijoo from Lovelyz will definitely want […]

February 4, 2025

Added Immersion by Edouard Tahmizian for Solo Piano | Flat (2025) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Our absolutely fantastic Vice President Edouard Tahmizian has written his best work yet called Immersion. It helps one to contemplate the drop of reason in a pool of confusion we here at Internet […]

January 23, 2025

Added the ninety-seventh Freethinker Podcast YouTube sixth Interview with Richard Carrier on Miracles & Evidence (2025) to the Freethinker Podcast page under Resources on the Secular Web. Check out Freethinker Podcast host Edouard Tahmizian’s latest interview with freethinking historian Richard Carrier for a half-an-hour-plus discussion of how to assess the historical evidence for the occurrence […]

Interview with Richard Carrier on Miracles & Evidence

Check out Freethinker Podcast host Edouard Tahmizian's latest interview with freethinking historian Richard Carrier for a half-an-hour-plus discussion of how to assess the historical evidence for the occurrence of New Testament miracles and how Calvinists try to deflect the argument from evil, among other things. The interlocutors canvass arguments to the effect that canonical Gospel miracle accounts written 25-50 years after Jesus' death are historically more reliable than other ancient world miracle claims because not enough time elapsed for legends to accrue compared to accounts often written a century later or more, whether the ancient historian Josephus' recounting of miraculous events during the First Jewish-Roman War a mere decade after their supposed occurrence accrues their occurrence more credibility still, whether early Christian historical documents could ever convince Carrier beyond a reasonable doubt that a miracle occurred, and whether the Calvinist doctrine of predestination makes God the author of evil and thus the efficient cause of all sin. Tune in for a succinct overview of assessing historical miracle claims and facile attempts to deflect a major argument against the existence of God!

January 17, 2025

Added the ninety-sixth Freethinker Podcast YouTube Interview with Paul George on Christian Origins (2025) to the Freethinker Podcast page under Resources on the Secular Web. Check out Freethinker Podcast host Edouard Tahmizian’s 45-minute interview with Perth historian and former Messianic Christian fundamentalist Paul George as they canvass George’s views on the origins of Christianity after […]

Interview with Paul George on Christian Origins

Check out Freethinker Podcast host Edouard Tahmizian's 45-minute interview with Perth historian and former Messianic Christian fundamentalist Paul George as they canvass George's views on the origins of Christianity after 70 CE and common misconceptions about it, how the empty tomb narrative originated in the story of Joseph of Arimathea, and why there's been a surge of recent interest among biblical scholars like N. T. Wright, John Dominic Crossan, and Robyn Faith Walsh in the historical Paul. The discussion offers a unique perspective on these issues that raises all sorts of interesting side issues in New Testament studies, so tune in to come to the scholarship behind these questions at a somewhat different angle!

January 16, 2025

Added Alone in the Dark Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Piano/Keyboard | Noteflight (2025) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Internet Infidels’ Vice President Edouard Tahmizian has come out with a cool and mellow new track. It’s great for listening to as you look out the car window […]

January 12, 2025

Added Neon Lights Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Piano/Keyboard | Noteflight (2025) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Our outstanding Vice President Edouard Tahmizian has just released a new work of his called Neon Lights. It’s a captivating piece. Hopefully it will catch the attention of a hot […]

December 25, 2024

Added Hail Mary: Was Virgin Mary Truly the Mother of God’s Son? (2024) by John W. Loftus to the Christian Worldview page under Christianity in the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. In this essay John Loftus explores the most important questions regarding the belief that the ‘Virgin Mary’ truly was the mother […]

The Paradox of Self-Condemnation in a Christian or Muslim Universe

In their traditional exclusivist, no-second-chance forms, Christianity and Islam preach as a final destination a Hell of eternal misery for those who fail to achieve salvation. Those who prefer not to subject others to eternal misery thus have no choice but to adopt antinatalism and condemn having children as a morally wrong act since this is exposes children the risk of eternal damnation. Opposition to having children, however, conflicts with passages from the respective sacred texts of these same religions imploring believers to procreate. But if Hell exists and a person has the subjective preference to minimize the risk of people, even hypothetical ones, going to Hell, they should adopt antinatalism and also wish for others not to have children. Any believer taking action to effect this result would thereby condemn himself to Hell.

Hail Mary: Was Virgin Mary Truly the Mother of God’s Son?

In this essay John Loftus explores the most important questions regarding the belief that the 'Virgin Mary' truly was the mother of God's son. In short, he argues that no virgin ever gave birth to a son of God, citing sources for those who want an even longer argument. The argument begins by exploring a noteworthy Christian sect that questions whether, in fact, Mary was indeed a virgin, and whether God had a body through which conception could be achieved. The questions and issues that he goes on to explore should challenge what Christians believe about God, Mary, the Gospels, and their entire faith.

December 22, 2024

Added Idea #1 Free Sheet Music by Edouard Tahmizian for Piano/Keyboard | Noteflight (2024) by Edouard Tahmizian to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Our most excellent Vice President & Social Media Manager Edouard Tahmizian has done it again. This work represents the essential essence of secularism at its finest. Enjoy it!

December 13, 2024

Added A New Eve (dedicated to Stellar Blade) Piano Music (2024) by Petrina Wong to the Videos category on the Secular Web. Our most excellent Vice President & Social Media Manager Edouard Tahmizian recently composed a work that was so extraordinary that a professional pianist eventually learned it and recorded her performance in 4k! Check […]

December 10, 2024

Added Appendix: Response to Richard Carrier’s Review (2024) to Jesus Mythicism: Moral Influence vs. Vicarious Atonement—and Other Problems (2022) by John MacDonald in the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. In this Appendix update John MacDonald responds to Richard Carrier’s assessment and evaluation of his 2022 essay by surveying some of the most […]

December 8, 2024

Added Are Survivalists Unable to Answer Their Critics? (2024) by Keith Augustine to the Empirical Arguments section of the Life after Death/Immortality page in the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. In the last quarter of 2024 four articles on survival after death were published online ahead of print in the International Review […]

Embellishments Inside and Outside the Gospels

The components of written narratives of the life of Jesus were preceded by oral traditions that go back as far as one can imagine. These stories were undoubtedly embellished before their canonical versions were fixed, but we can find traces of such embellishments in the contradictions between the individual gospels. Later gospels add more detail than is provided in earlier ones, and sometimes the fallout is a confused mess of contradiction. In this essay Stephen Van Eck documents both embellishments within the canonical Gospels and those that postdate them, such as those found in Catholic hagiographies that went viral before and after the rise of Protestantism. Most telling are the Catholic saints whose ahistoricity is betrayed by the fact that the stories naming them give them names whose meaning pertains to the story itself.

Are Survivalists Unable to Answer Their Critics?

In the last quarter of 2024 four articles on survival after death were published online ahead of print in the International Review of Psychiatry. Two of these included gratuitous attempts to discredit the work of a well-known survival critic. After correcting these misrepresentations, in this response Keith Augustine lays out how those who appeal to survival research to support their beliefs bungle their purportedly scientific assessments of the evidence concerning whether or not individual human minds survive death in a discarnate state (without a normal physical body). The response also lays out why the still-common arguments that the late eminent thanatologist Robert Kastenbaum offered in favor of a discarnate afterlife are fallacious. It canvasses erroneous tropes about discovering white crows and the supposed impossibility of proving negatives, how scientific facts are established as highly probable, how psychical research is grounded on fallacious arguments from ignorance, and when all else fails, how survival researchers resort to psychologizing their critics rather than address their critics' arguments. Their collective failure to engage their critics' actual arguments raises the issue of whether survival proponents are able to adequately answer them—and if not, why not. Augustine submits that they are unable to answer their critics because the scientific evidence against their afterlife beliefs is incredibly strong.

November 28, 2024

Added Where did Everything Come From? A Short Philosophy Novel for Kids (Starring Billy and Bee, Who are Blue and Green) (2024) by David Misialowski, John MacDonald, and Scott Thorson and Heterodox Hymns: Three Poets, One Purpose (2024) by David Misialowski, Howard Smith, and Bron Zeage to the Internet Infidels Publications page on the Secular […]

November 22, 2024

Added the ninety-fifth Freethinker Podcast YouTube Fourth Interview with John Dominic Crossan on the Empty Tomb, Luke, & Mimesis (2024) to the Freethinker Podcast page under Resources on the Secular Web. Tune in for host Edouard Tahmizian’s return interview with renowned Jesus Seminar biblical scholar John Dominic Crossan for just under half-an-hour as they explore […]

Interview with John Dominic Crossan on the Empty Tomb, Luke, & Mimesis

Tune in for host Edouard Tahmizian's return interview with renowned Jesus Seminar biblical scholar John Dominic Crossan for just under half-an-hour as they explore why Mark invented the story that Jesus’ tomb was discovered empty, who wrote the Gospel of Luke, dating when the Gospel of Luke was written, whether Luke was writing as a historian or a propagandist, and whether or not the authors of the four canonical Gospels were engaging in mimesis. Crossan's analysis raises questions (that he addresses directly elsewhere) about how the New Testament still has lessons to teach us today about how to live, such as reflected in the ancients’ still very much alive dilemma between attempting to gain power by force or by persuasion. Check out the discussion to cultivate wisdom over mere information from an erudite scholar who reveals the bigger picture that the historical details illuminate!

Where did Everything Come From? A Short Philosophy Novel for Kids (Starring Billy and Bee, Who are Blue and Green)

Where did Everything Come From? A Short Philosophy Novel for Kids (Starring Billy and Bee, Who are Blue and Green)

Join young Billy and Beatrice, squabbling siblings, as they visit imaginary neighborhoods in different time periods, and even blast off into outer space! Engaging with oddball characters like Mr. Whom (a balloon), Mr. Sour Hour (a vulture) and Mr. Darwinkle (a bearded moose), they come to grips with Big Questions, like the nature of God, time, evolution, death, and the biggest question of all: where did everything come from?

Heterodox Hymns: Three Poets, One Purpose

Heterodox Hymns: Three Poets, One Purpose

The following works are from three writers who are members of the Internet Infidels Discussion Board (IIDB), which, in affiliation with the Secular Web, promotes a naturalistic world view, free of God or gods and the supernatural. The works in the main are in keeping with the basic idea of metaphysical or methodological naturalism, and the idea that ultimately we are responsible for our own lives, and not beholden to some eye in the sky always watching and judging us.

November 4, 2024

Added A Lawyer Evaluates Philosophical Arguments for Miracles (2024) by Robert G. Miller to the Argument from Miracles page under Arguments for the Existence of a God, and the Resurrection page under Christianity in the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. Evidentialists typically argue that there is something unfair about “presuppositions” against miracles […]