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Miklós Szalai

Miklós Szalai lives in Budapest, where he was born in 1964. He graduated Eötvös Lorán University of Sciences in 1990 as Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of History. Miklós received his PhD in history in 2001 (on the biography of Count Julius Andrassy Jr., one of the outstanding politicians of Dualist Hungary) and his PhD in philosophy in 2002 (on the argument from evil and argument from divine hiddenness against the existence of God). From 1999 to 2017 Miklós was a research fellow of the Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Since 1993 he has been teaching philosophy and history in various Hungarian universities and high schools and has published many articles about the philosophy of religion in various Hungarian periodicals, such as Magyar Tudomány, Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, Világosság, and Korunk. In 2005 he published Létezik-e Isten? Ateista Érvek a Mai Angolszász Filozófiában [Does God Exist? Atheistic Arguments in Contemporary Analytical Philosophy].

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Modern Library

Causes and Reasons: The Argument from Reason and Naturalism

Arguments from reason are philosophical arguments against naturalism that claim that if we held the human mind to be a physical entity, then our thinking processes would be causally determined, mechanical ones, which would then make them unreliable as guides to objective truth. Our ability to grasp the ground-consequence relation couldn't be a material-causal power, the argument goes, but should instead be explained as the working of some sort of immaterial, spiritual entity (i.e., God, or a soul/spirit created by God). In this article, Miklós Szalai critiques this argument as it has been put forth by C. S. Lewis, Victor Reppert, Darek Barefoot, and others, ultimately defending a naturalistic analysis of the concepts of representation, truth, and inference.