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Brian Vroman

Brian Vroman is an Instructor of Philosophy and Humanities at Itasca Community College, in Grand Rapids, MN, where he has been employed since 1999. Vroman's scholarly work has appeared in the journal Think: Philosophy for Everyone. Vroman also writes an opinion/current affairs column for the Bovey, MN, Scenic Range News Forum, and he has published two books on local history topics.

Published on the Secular Web

Kiosk Article

The Euthyphro Dilemma as it Applies to the Doctrine of Atonement

Is something good because it is pleasing to God, or is something pleasing to God because it is good? Is something good because God commands it, or is what is good inherently good regardless of what God or anyone else happens to think about it? If "the wages of sin is death," how does the death of an innocent satisfy such an obligation? How one answers these questions has profound implications.

A Problem for Apologists: Is the Proposition “From Nothing, Nothing Comes” Analytic or Synthetic?

What about the claim made by many Christian theologians that God created the world or the universe ex nihilo—out of nothing? As it turns out, this claim presents a considerable difficulty for the theologian. To understand the problem, we must turn to the great David Hume, who famously argued that any proposition that is neither analytic nor synthetic is nonsense.

William Lane Craig and Human Suffering

In 1984, Josef Fritzl lured his teenage daughter, Elisabeth—whom he had already abused on previous occasions—into the basement of the family home. What Elisabeth did not know was that her father had converted the basement into a dungeon, in which Elisabeth would be confined for the next twenty-four years. During this period, Fritzl raped his daughter on numerous occasions, and Elisabeth gave birth to seven children, some of whom never saw the light of day until they were rescued many years later. How might a Christian apologist such as William Lane Craig explain the suffering of Elisabeth Fritzl and her children? What we will see is that Dr. Craig's attempts to explain evil and human suffering in conjunction with the existence of the traditional God of theism fall far short of meeting their mark.
Kiosk Book

A Drop of Reason: Essays from the Secular Web


In 1995, the Secular Web made its debut online with the goal of promoting a naturalist view of reality, without recourse to God or gods or any supernatural realm. Now, thirty years on, the site is still going strong, and during that period it has assembled an impressive collection of scholarly essays from contributors. Now, to commemorate the site's 30th anniversary, we have assembled a number of those essays in book form: A Drop of Reason. Please enjoy this stellar collection of critical thinking.