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Edward Babinski

Ed Babinski

Ed Babinski

Cretinism or Evilution? [ Index ] (Off Site)

A periodical edited by Babinski on creationism vs. evolution.

Does the Bible Speak of the Brain? (1993) (Off Site)

If the authors of the Bible were inspired by an all-knowing God, how come they believed that the mind was centered in our intestines?

If It Wasn't For Agnosticism I Wouldn't Know What to Believe (1995) (Off Site)

In this testimonial Ed Babinski outlines his journey from Christian fundamentalism to agnosticism, explaining the reasons that led to his deconversion.

What Happened to the Resurrected Saints? (1992) (Off Site)

Concludes Ed Babinski, "those of us who doubt the story of the many raised saints see in it a reflection of the kind of blind faith that made the story of Jesus' resurrection catch on in the first place."

Published on the Secular Web

Modern Library

The Uniqueness of the Christian Experience

In his chapter on "The Uniqueness of the Christian Experience" (a chapter that McDowell or his editorial staff chose to delete from the latest edition of Evidence That Demands a Verdict), he made a variety of sweeping claims about the "Christian Experience," and also argued for the uniqueness of the Christian experience in history, but McDowell did not investigate history very deeply, nor the lives and writings of the Christians whom he cited, some of whom came to hold different views on a wide variety of theological subjects. Lastly, McDowell seems to have only examined superficially his own youthful conversion experience (any reasonable analysis of which would seem to confirm how young and emotionally unstable he was when he converted).

Dan Barker Babinski Index

Ed Babinski [ Author Bio ] Brief Testimony from an Ex-Christian (1995) Babinski’s post to the EX-TIAN mailing list summarizing his own deconversion. Cretinism or Evilution? [ Index ] (Off Site) A periodical edited by Babinski on creationism vs. evolution. Does the Bible Speak of the Brain? (1993) If the authors of the Bible were inspired by an all-knowing God, […]
Kiosk Article
Kiosk Book

A Drop of Reason: Essays from the Secular Web


In 1995, the Secular Web made its debut online with the goal of promoting a naturalist view of reality, without recourse to God or gods or any supernatural realm. Now, thirty years on, the site is still going strong, and during that period it has assembled an impressive collection of scholarly essays from contributors. Now, to commemorate the site's 30th anniversary, we have assembled a number of those essays in book form: A Drop of Reason. Please enjoy this stellar collection of critical thinking.