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Thomas Sheehan

Bio and CV for Thomas Sheehan

Birth Date (YYYY.MM.DD): 1941.06.25

Occupation: Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University (Stanford, California)


  • B.A. St. Patrick's College (1963)
  • M.A. Fordham University (1968)
  • Ph.D. Fordham University (1971)

Titles Professor (Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University); Professor Emeritus (Department of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago)


  • Member of the American Philosophical Association
  • Member of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy


  • [A] BOOKS
  • Edmund Husserl, Psychological and Transcendental Phenomenology, and the Confrontation with Heidegger, edited and translated by Thomas Sheehan and Richard E. Palmer, in the series "Edmund Husserl: Collected Works," Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
  • Thomas Sheehan, Karl Rahner: The Philosophical Foundations, Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1987. Continental Thought Series, Volume 9.
  • Thomas Sheehan, The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity, New York: Random House, 1986. British edition: Thorsons Publishing Group Ltd., Wellingborough: Aquarian Press Crucible, April 1988. Paperback edition: Vintage Press, New York City, August 1988.
  • Thomas Sheehan, editor, Heidegger, the Man and the Thinker, Chicago: Precedent Press, 1981.
  • "The Genesis of Easter," The Fourth R, 12, 4 (July-August, 1999), 3-12.
  • "Overcoming Nihilism?" in Heidegger and Practical Philosophy, ed. David Pettigrew and François Raffour, SUNY Press, 2000.
  • "Kehre and Ereignis: A Prolegomenon to Introduction to Metaphysics," in Gregory Fried and Richard Polt, editors, A Companion to Martin Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics,, New Haven: Yale University Press, forthcoming.
  • "Choosing One's Fate: A Re-reading of Sein und Zeit, § 74," co-authored with Corinne Painter, Research in Phenomenology XXVIII (1999), 63-83.
  • "Martin Heidegger," in A Companion to the Philosophers, ed., Robert L. Arrington, Oxford and Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1999, pp. 288-297.
  • "Fascismo amistoso: el negocio habitual en el patio trasero de América," Estudios Centroamericanos [ECA], LIII, 601-602 (November-December, 1998), pp. 1037-1066.
  • "I cugini d'America: problemi della recezione di Heidegger negli Stati Uniti," trans. Leonardo Pica Caimarra, in Heidegger Oggi, ed. Eugenio Mazzarella, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1998, 259-276.
  • "Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976)," Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, editor Edward Craig, London and New York: Routledge, 1998, IV, 307-323.
  • "Friendly Fascism: Business as Usual in America's Backyard," in Fascism's Return, ed. J. Richard Golson, University of Nebraska Press, 1998, pp. 260-300.
  • "Nihilism: Heidegger/Jünger/Aristotle," in Phenomenology: Japanese and American Perspectives, edited by Burt C. Hopkins, Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, pp. 273-316.
  • "Elämä luettavana: Heidegger ja kovat ajat" ["Reading a Life: Heidegger and Hard Times"], translated into Finnish by Ukri Pulliainen, in Heidegger: Ristiriitojen filosofi [Heidegger: Philosopher of Contraditions], ed. Arto Haapala , Helsinki: Gaudeamus Kirja, 1997, pp. 27-53 and 267-270.
  • "Das Gewesen," Existentia: Meletai Sophias [Budapest] , VI-VII, 1-4 (1996-97), 1-17.
  • "Heidegger's New Aspect: On In-Sein, Zeitlichkeit, and The Genesis of "Being and Time," Existentia: Meletai Sophias [Budapest] VI-VII, 1-4 (1996-97), 19-31.
  • "'Let a Hundred Translations Bloom!' A Modest Proposal About Being and Time." Man and World 30 (1997), 227-238.
  • "Judaism and Early Christianity, 1000 B.C. -- A.D. 500," in An Introduction to the Humanities: Literature, Historical Documents, and Fine Art, co-edited by John L. Foster, Thomas Sheehan, Peter Gay, et al., Glenview, Illinois: ScottForesman, 1996, pp. 82-89.
  • "Karl Rahner: Hermeneutics, Metaphysics, Bivalence," in Karl Rahner Emlékülés: Az Ige meghalloója / Der Hörer des Wortes, Karl Rahner, ed. Boros István, Szeged - Budapest: Szegedi Hittudományi Föiskola, Logos Kiadó, 1996, pp. 121-160.
  • "The Resurrection: An Obstacle to Faith?" The Fourth R, 8, 2 (March-April, 1995), 3-9. (Published, however, in January, 1996).
  • [Videotape published: "The Way the World Ends: Faith, Fundamentalism, and Eschatology." videotaped lecture, published and distributed by Polebridge Press, Santa Rosa, California, copyright 1995, 106 minutes.]
  • "L'antisemitismo e certi cattolici," La Rivista Italiana dei Libri / The New York Review of Books, 5, 11 (November 1995), pp. 21-22. Translated by Massimo Stanzione.
  • "Das Gewesen" in From Phenomenology to Thought, Errancy, and Desire, edited by Babette Babich, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995, pp. 157-177.
  • "Heidegger's New Aspect: On In-Sein, Zeitlichkeit, and the Genesis of Being and Time, in Research in Phenomenology 25 (November 1995), 207-225.
  • "How (Not) To Read Heidegger," American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, LXIX, 2 (Spring 1995), 275-296.
  • "Un normale nazionalsocialista," La Rivista dei Libri, [Florence, Italy] IV, 3 (March, 1994), 34-37 trans. Rosa Rita D'Acquarica.
  • "L'Affaire Derrida"
  • • "L'Affaire Derrida: Reply to John D. Moore and Jacques Derrida," The New York Review of Books, XL, February 11, 1993, 44-45.
  • • "'L'Affaire Derrida' (cont'd): A Reply to John Dennis Moore," The New York Review of Books, XL, 5 (March 4, 1993), 57., XL, 5 (March 4, 1993), 57.
  • • "'L'Affaire Derrida': Another Exchange. A Reply to Jacques Derrida, Didier Eribon, and Richard Wolin," New York Review of Books, XL, 6 (March 25, 1993), 66-67.
  • • "L'Affaire Derrida': Yet Another Exchange. A Reply to Hélène Cixous and Twenty-five Distinguished Scholars," New York Review of Books, XL, 8 (April 22), 1993, 68-69.
  • "Heidegger and Nazism: An Exchange. Reply to Ernst Nolte," New York Review of Books, XL, 7 (April 8, 1993), pp. 49-50.
  • "A Normal Nazi," New York Review of Books, XL, nos. 1-2 (January 14, 1993) 30-35.
  • "Reading a Life: Heidegger and Hard Times," in the Cambridge Companion to Heidegger, ed. Charles Guignon, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. 70-96.
  • "Time and Being, 1925-7" in Heidegger: Critical Assessments [4 vols.], ed. Christopher Macann, London: Routledge, 1992, vol. 1, pp. 29-67.
  • "Having It Both Ways," in The Critic [Chicago], 46, 1 (Fall, 1991), 15-16.
  • "Nihilism, Facticity, and the Economized Lethe: A Reflection on Heidegger's Zur Seinsfrage," in Thomas Sheehan et al., Heidegger: A Centennial Appraisal, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1990, pp. 28-61.
  • "'Everyone has to Tell the Truth': Heidegger and the Jews," Continuum, I, 1 (Autumn, 1990), pp. 30-44.
  • "Smiling Nihilism vs. the Evidence," Faith and Works, I, (Fall, 1990), 5-13.
  • "United States gets what it pays for in El Salvador," Chicago Tribune, December 1, 1989, Section 1, p. 27. Reprinted in various newspapers.
  • "Weep not for Ignacio Ellacuria but for ourselves," National Catholic Reporter, December 1, 1989, p. 7.
  • "The Gospel According to Thomas Sheehan: An Interview with Robert McClory," The Chicago Reader, Vol. 18, no. 30 (April 21, 1989), pp. 16-29. [Introduction by Robert McClory, pp. 1 and 12-15.]
  • "Heidegger e i Nazisti," Prospettive Sessanta [University of Naples, Italy], no. 3-4 (1989), pp. 402-427.
  • "Heidegger's Lehrjahre," in John Sallis et al., eds., The Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, 1988, pp. 77-137.
  • "Diventare Dio: Evola, Nietzsche, and Heidegger," in Thomas Harrison, ed., Nietzsche in Italy, Stanford: Anima Libri, 1988, pp. 279-292.
  • "Heidegger and the Nazis," The New York Review of Books, Vol. XXXV, No. 10 (June 16, 1988), pp. 38-47.
  • "From Professor to Professor: A Brief Response to Robert H. Stein," The Standard, Vol. 78, No. 2 (February, 1988), p. 5.
  • "Hermeneia and Apophansis: The Early Heidegger's Reading of De Interpretatione," in Franco Volpi, Thomas Sheehan, et al., Heidegger et l'idée de la phénoménologie, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1988, 67-80.
  • "Cultural and Nuclear Exchanges: American Pre-Milleniarism and the Year 2000," in Minds Without Borders: Papers at the Fortieth Anniversity of the Fulbright Program, Washington, D.C.: Fulbright Conference Papers, 1987, pp. 111-123.
  • "Diventare Dio: Evola, Nietzsche, and Heidegger," Stanford Italian Review, XX (December, 1986), 279-292.
  • "Heidegger's 'Introduction to Phenomenology of Religion,' 1920-1921," in A Companion to Martin Heidegger's "Being and Time", edited by Joseph J. Kockelmans, Washington D.C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1986, pp. 40-62.
  • "Two Easter Legends," Philosophy and Theology, I, 1 (Fall, 1986), 32-48.
  • "Metaphysics and Bivalence: On Karl Rahner's Geist in Welt," The Modern Schoolman, LXII, (November, 1985), 21-43.
  • "Derrida and Heidegger," in Hermeneutics and Deconstruction, edited by Hugh J. Silverman, New York: State University of New York Press, 1985, pp. 201-218 and 295-298.
  • "El Salvador: The Forgotten War," The Threepenny Review, 22 (Summer, 1985), 3-4.
  • "Pierre Rousselot and the Dynamism of Human Spirit," Gregorianum, LXVI, 2 (1985), 241-267.
  • "A Ressurreiçao entre a Historia e a fe," Jornal Do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 7, 1985.
  • "Heidegger's Philosophy of Mind," in Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey, edited by Guttorm Floistad, Vol. IV, Philosophy of Mind, The Hague: Nijhoff Publishers, 1984, pp. 287-318.
  • "On Satan and Catholic Liberals," Commonweal, CXI, 16 (September 21, 1984), 498-502.
  • "Greeley's Agnosticism," Commonweal, CXI, 16 (September 21, 1984), 501-502.
  • "The Vatican Errs on Liberation Theology," The New York Times, (September 16, 1984), E23.
  • "Time and Being, 1925-1927," in Thinking about Being, edited by Robert W. Shahan and J. Mohanty, Norman, Oklahoma: Oklahoma University Press, 1984, pp. 177-219.
  • "Revolution in Catholicism," The New York Review of Books, XXXI, 10 (June 14, 1984), 35-39. Author's responses to letters on this article in The New York Review of Books, XXXI, 18 (November 22, 1984).
  • "Recent Developments in El Salvador," The Threepenny Review, 16 (Winter, 1984), 10-11.
  • "USA in El Salvador," translated by Giovanni Bottiroli, Alfabeta, V, 55 (December, 1983), 36-37.
  • "On the Way to Ereignis: Heidegger's Interpretation of Physis," in Continental Philosophy in America: Prize Essays, Volume I, edited by John Sallis, Pittsburgh: Duquense University Press, 1983, pp. 131-164.
  • "Karl Rahner," in Thinkers of the Twentieth-Century, edited by Elizabeth Devine, Michael Held, James Vinson, and George Walsh, London: Macmillan Publishers, 1983, 463-466.
  • "Is the United States a Certified Accomplice?" International Herald Tribune (Paris), September 9, 1982, p. 4.
  • "Should Congress Continue Military Aid to El Salvador?" Los Angeles Times, August 15, 1982, Part IV, p. 3, Opinion Section. Reprinted in: The Seattle Times, August 29, 1982, p. A-13; The Vancouver Sun, August 24, 1982, p. A-6;
  • "Ignoring the Facts: El Salvador", The Chicago Tribune, Perspective/Point of View, July 28, 1982, Section 1, p. 17.
  • "El Salvador Elections Said to be Fraudulent in a Study of Returns," Religious News Service, June 11, 1982. Article distributed over the wire services of Religious News Service.
  • "Salvador Vote Inflated, Study is Said to Find," The New York Times, Op Ed Section, June 3, 1982, p. 29. Reprinted in The Houston Chronicle, June 6, 1982. The article was noted in Time Magazine, June 14, 1982, "An Election Reconsidered."
  • "Italy: Who Pulls the Strings?" The Threepenny Review (Berkeley, California), 9 (Spring, 1982), 4-6.
  • "Specialità Ebraiche: The Story of Rome's Jews," Moment (Boston), VII, 2 (January-February, 1982), 39-43.
  • "The Dream of Karl Rahner," The New York Review of Books, XXIX, 1 (February 4, 1982), 13-14.
  • "Heidegger, the Project and the Fulfillment," Introduction to Heidegger, the Man and the Thinker, edited Thomas Sheehan, Chicago: Precedent Publishing, 1981, pp. vii-xx.
  • "Heidegger's Early Years: Fragments For a Philosophical Biography," in Heidegger, the Man and the Thinker, edited by Thomas Sheehan, Chicago: Precedent Publishing, Inc., 1981, pp. 3-19.
  • "Husserl's Critique of Psychologism," in Husserl: Shorter Writings, edited by Peter McCormick and Frederick Elliston, Notre Dame, Indiana: Notre Dame University Press, 1981, pp. 143-145.
  • "Abortion 1, Pope 0: A Crusade That Failed," Commonweal CVIII, 12 (June 19, 1981), 357-359.
  • "Pope and Abortion: Italy Decides," Toronto Star, May 16, 1981, Insight Section, p. B 1.
  • "Will the Bullets That Wounded the Pope Cast a Deciding Ballot?" The Los Angeles Times, May 17, 1981, Opinion Section, Part V, pp. 1-2.
  • "Myth and Violence: The Fascism of Julius Evola and Alain de Benoist," Social Research, XLVIII, 1 (Spring, 1981), 45-73.
  • "La nuova destra francese," Alfabeta (Milan) III, 21 (April, 1981), 3-5.
  • "On Movement and the Destruction of Ontology," The Monist, LXIV, 4 (1981), 534-542.
  • "Italy: Terror on the Right," The New York Review of Books, XXVII, 21 & 22 (January 22, 1981), 23-26.
  • "Anti-modernità, mito e violenza nel pensiero di Julius Evola," La Critica Sociologica (Rome), LVI (Winter, 1980-1981), 45-73.
  • "Heidegger e il suo corso sulla 'Fenomenologia della religione,'" reprinted (from Filosofia, 1980) in the pamphlet series Sguardi su la Filosofia Contemporanea, Turin, 1980, no. 128, pp. 1-13.
  • "Fine della mediazione? Miti dell'apocalisse," Communicazione di Massa, II (September-December, 1980), 121-132.
  • "Heidegger e il suo corso sulla 'Fenomenologia della religione,'" Filosofia, XXXI (1980), 431-446.
  • "Caveat Lector: The New Heidegger," The New York Review of Books, XXVII, 19 (December 4, 1980) 39-41. Responses to letters on the article: The New York Review of Books, XXVIII, 5 (April 2, 1981), 45-46 and XXVIII, 10 (June 11, 1981), 45.
  • "Paris: Moses and Polytheism," in Sociobiology Examined, edited Ashley Montagu, New York: Oxford University Press, 1980, pp. 342-355.
  • "Filologie heideggeriane," Alfabeta (Milan), II, 19 (Nov.-Dec., 1980), 11.
  • "Quo vadis, Wojtyla?" (in Italian) Alfabeta (Milan), II, 12, (April, 1980). 3-5.
  • &quo;

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Published on the Secular Web

Modern Library

The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity

How did Jesus of Nazareth live? How was he raised from the dead? How did he become God? These questions are raised and answered by Professor Thomas Sheehan of Stanford University in this original and provocative narrative of Jesus and first-century Christianity. Sheehan argues that Jesus thought of himself not as God or Christ but as God's eschatological prophet proclaiming God's kingdom, that the resurrection had nothing to do with Jesus coming back to life, and that the affirmation that Jesus was divine first arose among his followers long after his death. Employing the best of contemporary historical-critical scholarship, Sheehan paints a plausible picture of a very human Jesus who came to reform Judaism rather than to found Christianity, who met a tragic end at the hands of the Roman Empire, and who in a matter of decades was proclaimed by his followers to be Christ, Lord, and God. This is an electronic reproduction of the Random House book by the same name.

The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity

(1986-electronic edition 2000) Introduction: How Christianity Came Into Crisis Today at the dawn ofher third millennium, the Christian church is undergoing a theological crisis in what she thinks and believes about Jesus of Nazareth. The crisis grows out of a fact now freely admitted by both Protestant and Catholic theologians and exegetes: that as far […]

Thomas Sheehan Firstcoming Two

The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity (1986–electronic edition 2000) Thomas Sheehan II How Jesus Was Raised From the Dead Soon after Jesus died, something dramatic happened to his reputation: His followers came to believe that he had been raised from the dead and was alive with his heavenly Father. This enhancement […]

Thomas Sheehan Firstcoming One

The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity (1986–electronic edition 2000) Thomas Sheehan I How Jesus Lived and Died In popular Christian teaching, Jesus often comes across as a divine visitor to our planet, a supernatural being who dropped into history disguised as a Jewish carpenter, performed some miracles, died on a cross […]

Thomas Sheehan Firstcoming Three

The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity (1986–electronic edition 2000) Thomas Sheehan III How Jesus Became God The first mention of Jesus anywhere in literature was made twenty years after he died, and is found in a text that records the already developed status of his reputation. Writing around 50 C.E., Saint […]