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Richard Carrier Foster0

Bad Science, Worse Philosophy: the Quackery and Logic-Chopping of David Foster’s The Philosophical Scientists (2000)

Richard Carrier


Originally published in 1998 and revised in 2000.

T A B L E of C O N T E N T S:

  1. Who is David Foster?
  2. Some of Foster’s Strange Notions
  3. Exercises in Self-Refutation
  4. Why Foster Needs to Take a Basic Biology Course
  5. Why Foster Needs to Take a Basic Statistics Course
  6. Why Foster Needs to Take a Basic Physics Course
  7. Why Foster Needs to Take a Basic Thermodynamics Course
  8. Misrepresenting Darwinism
  9. The Odds of Life Evolving by Chance
  10. Foster’s Bizarre Redux of Platonism
  11. Conclusion

A D D E N D A :

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