Michael E. Buckner
Michael E. Buckner, is the co-editor of Quotations that Support the Separation of State and Church, with Edward M. Buckner, among other publications. He is the vice president of the Atlanta Freethought Society.
Published on the Secular Web
[ Modern Library | Kiosk Article ]
Modern Library
Quotations that Support the Separation of State and Church
This is a compendium of quotations supporting the separation of state and church compiled by Ed and Michael Buckner. All of these quotes have been throughly researched. None are "out of context" or otherwise misleading. For example, the bogus John Adams' quote, "...this would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it ..." is not included. This compendium is an excellent reference for debating zealots who claim that this is a "Christian Nation", all of Founding Fathers were twice borns, and other nonsense.
Kiosk Article
The Unchristian Roots of the Fourth of July
As we celebrate Independence Day across America it is worth publishing once again an accurate history of the philosophy of government that underlies the US Constitution. In The Unchristian Roots of the Fourth of July, Michael Buckner sets the record straight.
[ Modern Library | Kiosk Article ]