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Natural Atheism

Natural Atheism

From the Introduction

“I was born an Atheist. All humans are born Atheists. No baby born into the world arrives with specific religious beliefs or knowledge. Such beliefs and knowledge must be acquired, which means that they must first exist before and apart from the new life and that they must be presented to and impressed on the new suggestible mind–one that has no critical apparatus and no alternative views of its own.

Human infants are like sponges, soaking up (not completely uncritically, but eagerly and effectively) whatever is there to be soaked up from their social environment. Small children in particular instinctively imitate the models that they observe in their childhood, but I was not compelled to attend or practice any particular religion, and as I grew I never saw any reason to ‘convert’ to any particular religion. I have thus been an Atheist all my life. I am a natural Atheist.”


“The most important new title from American Atheist Press since the death of Madalyn Murray O’Hair” – Frank Zindler, American Atheist, Summer, 2004

I congratulate Dr. Eller for his exceptional volume, which will certainly become a popular seller when word of its publication becomes widely known. – David Mills, Author of Atheist Universe


INTRODUCTION: A Natural Atheist

What is Atheism?

A Note on Usage

PART 1 The Foundations

CHAPTER 1   Twelve Steps to Atheism

Step One: The Burden of Proof

Step Two: The Cosmological Argument

Step Three: The Ontological Argument

Step Four: The Teleological Argument

Step Five: The Argument from Scripture or Authority

Step Six: The Argument From Miracles

Step Seven: The Argument from Personal Experience

Step Eight: The Argument from Morality

Step Nine: The Argument from Benefit

Step Ten: The Incoherence of Contradiction of Religious Language

Step Eleven: The Problem of Evil

The Sociological or statistical Argument

Conclusion: Claiming Your Natural Atheism

CHAPTER 2   Thinking About Thinking–A Short Course on Reason

The Process of Reasoning

Premises and Truth

Logic and Validity


   Evidential Fallacies

   Logical Fallacies
