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What's New Archive2016March

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March 31, 2016

New in the Kiosk: Implications of the Creation Myths in the Bible (2016) by Dor

Fundamentalists use the creation stories in the Bible to construct what they misname as "Creation Science" in opposition to Evolution and the known, long history of the universe. However, there are two creation stories in the Bible--and they differ in significant details. These differences in the two accounts have some important implications for the fundamentalist's belief in the literal truth of the Bible. In fact, these differences prove that belief to be wrong.

March 21, 2016

New in the Bookstore: God's Gravediggers: Why No Deity Exists (2016) by Raymond D. Bradley.

20 years after his retirement as a professor of philosophy, Bradley has produced his coup de grâce on religion, God’s Gravediggers. It begins as a narrative on his journey from winning souls for Christ in the 1940s to passionately arguing for atheism by the mid-1900s. It fast turns into the philosophical fruit of an entire career from one of the world’s most experienced, yet arguably lesser known, atheist thinkers.

March 11, 2016

New in the Kiosk: The Worst Teachings of Jesus (2016) by Stephen Van Eck

Jesus is presented by Christians as the greatest moral teacher, as "God made man," yet some of his alleged teachings are so highly objectionable that it would take a warped mind to consider them "good."

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